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四年級英語上冊Module 1《Revision 1 and Project 1》

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《Revision 1 & Project 1》
Word list(by unit)

Unit 1
meet     相識;結識
new     新的
morning     早餐;上午
classmate     同班同學
her     她的
name     名字
sit     坐
afternoon     下午
his     他的
Unit 2
run     跑
fast     快地;快的;迅速地
fly     飛;放飛
Unit 3
happy     開心的
sad     難過的;悲哀的
tired     累的;疲憊的
hungry     饑餓的
full     飽的
thirsty     口渴的
bird     鳥
see     看見
bottle     瓶子
drink     喝
Unit 4
any     任何的
cousin     表兄弟;表姐妹;堂兄弟;堂姐妹
family     家庭
parent     父親;母親
grandparent     (外)祖父;(外)祖母
son     兒子

Listen and enjoy
My name's Joe.
What about you?
My name's Rose.
Nice to meet you,Joe.

I can sing
My name's ______.
What about you?
My name's ______.
Nice to meet you _____.

Let's revise(I)
My                 Alice
His     name's     Joe
Her                Kitty
Hello!My name's Alice.
Nice to meet you,Alice.
My name's __________.
His name's ______./His name is ______.
Her name's ______./Her name is _______.
My name's Alice.
His name's Joe.
Her name's Kitty.         name's=name is
What can you do?
I can swim.
What can he do?
He can draw.
What can she do?
She can write.

Greet your friend
S1:Good morning,_________.
S2:Good morning,_________.Nice to meet you!
S1:Nice to meet you too!

Ask and answer
Good morning.
Good afternoon.
Good evening.
Good night.
Nice to see/meet you.
How do you do?
How are you?

Look and read
Jane is hungry.
Jane likes cakes.
Jane makes cakes.
The cakes are on the plates.
The cakes are on the tables.

Pat is not sad.
Pat is my dad.
He likes jam.
He has a jar in his hand.
He's not sad.
The jam's not bad.

They are happy
He is Pete.She is Eve.
They like Chinese.
They study Chinese.
Pete and Eve study with me.

Talk about your feelings
happy←→sad     hungry←→full     thirsty←→tired
I'm ______ now.

Ask and answer
Are you sad/full? Yes,I am./No,I'm not.I'm happy./hungry
S1:Are you hungry/...?
S2:Yes,I am./No,I'm not.I'm...

Can you draw?Yes,I can.
Can he swim?No,he can't.
Can she write?No,she can't.     can't=cannot

Are you sad?
Yes,I am.
No,I'm not.I'm happy.
Are you full?
No,I'm not.I'm hungry.

Look and read
A mouse can run and it can swim.
A rabbit can hop and it can run.
A cat can run and it can climb.
A bird can hop and it can't swim.
A fish can run and it can't run.
A elephant can run and it can't fly.

Look and say
Look!I can dance well.
But I can't swim.
What can you do?

Ask,draw and say
S1:What can you do?
S2:I can jump and draw.
This is my friend/classmate.His/Her name is _______.What can he/she do?
He/She can draw and jump.

Let's revise(II)
Can you/he/she draw/swim/write? Yes I/he/she can./No,I/she/he not.
S1:Can Kitty dance?
S2:No,she can't.And she cannot swim.
S1:Can he/she...?
S2:Yes,he/she can.No,he/she can't.
S3:What can he/she do?
S4:He/She can...

Think and say
1.Can you swim? Yes,I can.
2.Can your brother draw? No,he can't.
3.Are you hungry? No,I'm not.I'm full.
4.Are you thirsty? Yes,I am.

Step 1:Write names.
Step 2:Ask and answer.
Step 3:Think and write.

My classmate
Do a survey
S1:What can you do?
S2:I can...
S1:Can you ...?
S2:Yes,I can./No,I can't.
S1:Are you hungry?
S2:Yes,I am.No,I'm not.I'm...

Talk about your classmates
Look!This is my calssmate.
His name is Joe.
He can ride a bike.
And he can draw very well.
But he can't skate.
He is happy.






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