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八年級英語上冊Module 8 Unit 3《Language in use》

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《Language in use》
What were they doing when it began to rain?
 They were playing computer games when it
began to rain.
 They were playing chess when it began to
 They were playing football when it began
to rain.
While Jake was sleeping,what did his brother
 He played basketball.
 While Jake was sleeping,his brother palyed
 While they were dancing,what happened?
 While they were dancing,the telephone rang.
 When the telephone rang,they were dancing.
 He was singing when the baby started to cry.
 While he was singing,the baby started to cry.
 While he was walking,a taxi came.
 He was  walking when a taxi came.
I was just reading a book when she came into my room.
Were you writing when the teacher came in?
When he was a child,he was always trying out new ideas.
While Jim was mending his bike,Lin Tao came to see him.
You can't do your homework while you're watching TV.
While they were talking,the bell rang.
I was doing my homework when my mother came back home
yesterday evening.

1.Complete the sentences with when\while.
(1)He was listening to music while he was riding his bike.
(2)I was waiting at the lights when I saw the boy fall off
his bike.
(3)I was walking in the street when I saw the accident happen.
(4)The driver was talking on his mobile phone while he was

2.Look at what Tony did last Saturday.
Write down the sentences
Look at the example:
   Last Saturday while Tony was playing in the park,I was visiting
my grandparents.While he was playing football,I was watching TV.
While he was doing homework,I was reading a book.

3 Complete the conversation with the correct form of the words
in the box.
appear  bite  show  throw
Doctor:When did the snake bite you?
Henry:Earlier this morning.It suddenly appeared in front of me
and bit my hand.
Doctor:Can you show me a photo of it?
Henry:Yes,here it is.
Doctor:Oh,the snake was on a table.
Henry:Yes,I threw it on the table after it bit me.

4 Complete the passage with the correct form of the expressions
from the box.
fall off    just in time    pay attention    side by side
When the girl was riding her bike side by side with a friend,she
had the accident.They were talking and they weren't paying attention.
A car came round the corner but stopped just in time.The car didn't
hit her,but she fell off her bike.

5 Complete the news report with the correct form of the words in brackets.
Two planes were flying(fly)around the airport for a long time because an
airport worker was asleep!
  The planes called(call)the airport for half an hour.“We were calling and
asking(ask)what to do but no one answered.”In the end,they found that the
airport worker was asleep.
  One plane was coming(come)from London and the other was coming from
New York.“We couldn't land without reporting to the airport,because we
didn't know what the other planes were doing(do).

6 Listen and complete the accident report.
       Accident report
The accident happened to a cat called“Pete”at about four o'clock
yesterday afternoon.When the accident happened,Alice was reading
in the sitting room.She heard a strange sound from the next room.
Pete was sitting next to the fish bowl.He was looking into the
water and trying to get a fish from the bowl.The bowl fell on Pete.
Alice picked him up and took him to the bathroom and dried him.

7 Read the passage and check the true sentences.
1.A car almost hit Jack last week.
2.Jack was talking on his mobile phone when the car hit him.√
3.Jack fell down a hole on his way to the park.
4.A friend took Jack to hospital.
5.Jack did not break his arm.√
6.The writer wants Jack to be more careful.√

 Listen again and choose the correct answer.
(C)1.What is the best word to describe Jack in the past?
   A.Careful B.Caring C.Careless
(B)2.How many accidents did Jack have in the passage?
   A.One B.Two C.Three
(A)3.How careful is Jack now?
   A.He is always careful.
   B.He is careful sometimes.
   C.He is still careless.

Around the world
  An emergency landing
           US Airways Flight 1549
     Plane crash into Hudson River

  US Airways Flight 1549 took off as usual from an airport in
New York.But after only three minutes,the plane was hit by a
large number of birds.The pilot,Chesley Sullenberger,had to make
a quick decision to aviod a terrible disaster.He and the crew kept
calm and he carefully made an emergency landing on the Hudson River.
All the passagers left the plane safely.When reporters interviewed
him,he said,“I was just doing my job.”

Module task
    Write a news report about an accident
Think about a recent accident you know.
  Write notes.
1.When and where did it happen?
2.Why did it happen?
3.How did it happen?
4.What happened after the accident?
Use your notes and write sentences for your news report
about the accident.
1.A terrible accident happened at...
3.He/She was not...
4.(The accident)happened because...
5.After the accident...

Bicycles are popular with people.Most people think bicycles
are much safer than any other vehicle.But sometimes bicycle
accidents also happen.They can bring us sadness and death as
well.At about 4:15 yesterday afternoon in Caishikou Street,
a young man was riding very fast,listening to an MP3.Meters
away there was a sharp down to the left,but the young man didn't
slow down.Suddenly a car came from the opposite side.To avoid hitting
the car,the young man ran into the wall and his arm was badly hurt.
The car driver rushed to him,called the 122 hotline and sent him
to hospital.
1.I was watching(watch)TV when she called(call).
2.When the phone rang(ring),she was writing(write)a letter.
3.While we were having(have)a picnic,it started(start)to
4.While John was sleeping(sleep)last night,someone stole(steal)
his car.
5.While we were waiting(wait)for the bus,a girl was running(run)
up to us.
6.I was phoning(phone)a friend when Bob came(come)in.
7.Jim was jumping(jump)on the bus as it was moving(move)
8.We were testing(test)the new machine when the eletricity
9.While mother was making(make)the bed,the door bell rang
10.As I was walking(walk)in the park,it began(begin)to rain.
11.It was quite late at night.George was reading(read)and
Amy was playing(play)her needle when they heard(hear)a knock
at the door.
1.My brother came back home while I__homework.(2010四川省內(nèi)江市)
  A.am doing B.were doing C.was doing
2.I__the charity show on TV when the telephone rang.(2010江蘇省宿遷市)
  A.watch B.watched C.am watching D.was watching
3.It__heavily when I left the cinema.
  A.rains B.will rain C.is raining D.was raining
4.When I came back yesterday evening,my brother__his homework.
  A.is doing B.has done C.was doing
5.I was very angry with John-he just__when I spoke to him.
  A.isn't listening B.hasn't listened
  C.didn't listen   D.wasn't listening
6.I met a good friend of mine while I__on the street.(2011梧州)
  A.walk B.walk C.was walking D.am walking
7.Mrs White__dinner when her son came home.(2011浙江衢州)
  A.is cooking B.was cooking C.are cooking D.were cooking
8.I__when the UFO landed.(2011四川宜賓)
  A.am watching TV  B.was watching TV
  C.have watched TV D.watched TV
9.Jenny__in the kitchen when you called her at 5 o'clock
this afternoon.(2012廣東)
  A.is cooking B.was cooking
  C.cooks      D.Cooked
10.---Mr.Li__to Mary carefully when I entered the classroom
this morning.
   ---He is very patient__he is young.(2013廣東梅州)
   A.talking;but  B.was talking;though
   C.talks;though D.talked;however
11.Millie__a picture when Mr Green came in.(2013江蘇徐州)
   A.draw B.will draw C.drew D.was drawing
12.What__you__when the captain came in?(2013黑龍江齊齊哈爾)
   A.are;doing B.did;do C.were;doing

Think about a recent bike accident you know,then write it down.

















































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