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八年級英語上冊Module 8 Unit 2《I was trying to pick it up when it bit me again.》

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  《I was trying to pick it up when it bit me again.》

New words
bite    v.bit      咬
climb   v.         爬
hide    v.hid      躲藏
throw   v.threw    扔
fridge  n.         冰箱
pain    n.         疼
medicine   n.      藥,藥物
worse    adj./adv  更糟的,更嚴(yán)重
Talk about what you can use a mobile phone
to do
If dog bites you,what will you do?
wash the wound 
call for help
take medicine
see the doctor
canine madness 狂犬病
Look at the picture.Say what is happening.
A cook is taking a photo with his mobile phone.
Listen and read the passage quickly and answer
the questions.
1.Where was the snake from?
  It was from Asia.
2.What did the cook use to take a photo of the snake?
  He used his mobile phone.
3.At first,did the doctors know what kind of snake it
  No,they didn't know at first.
Read carefully and choose the best answer.
1.The snake bit Henry again when_b_.
a)he was throwing it across the kitchen
b)he was trying to pick it up
c)it was climbing out of a box
2.When Henry was trying to find the snake,_c_.
a)he could take a photo
b)the snake became cool
c)his hand began to hurt badly
3.Henry hurried to hospital because_a_.
a)his hand was hurting
b)he had a photo of the snake
c)the doctors called him on his mobile photo
4.The doctors gave Henry the right medicine after_b_.
a)they knew what kind of snake bit him
b)they saw the snake in the photo
c)he left hospital the next day
5.Complete the passage with the correct form of the
words in the box.
  climb hide hurt medicine pain throw
  A snake climbed out of a box of bananas and hid
somewhere.When Henry was working,the snake bit him.
He threw the snake on a table and took its photo.
When he was trying to find the snake,his hand began
to hurt badly.At he hospital the pain got worse.The
doctors sent the photo to a zoo.After they found out
what kind of snake bit him,they gave him the right
Language points
  bite v.咬;
Their dog bit a hole in my trousers.
  climb v.攀登;爬;上升
We go to climb mountains every Sunday.
He that would eat the fruit must climb the tree.
Prices have climbed by 21% since the beginning
of the year.
  hide v.把......藏起來;隱瞞(事實;觀點;原因);
I hid the broken plate behind the talble.
She tried to hide her feelings.
  throw v.扔;投;擲;拋
Pick out some good apples from the box,
and throw away the rest.
The trees threw long shadows across the lawn.
5.picked up
  pick up 撿起來;撿到;拿起
He picked up a dish from the table.
pick the snake up-pick up
(2010年河南?。﹌arin found some waste paper on the
floor.She__it__and threw it into the dustbin.
A.put;up B.picked;up C.turned;up D.looked;up
【2010四川-內(nèi)江】---Can you tell me the English meaning
of the word?
                ---Why don't you__in the dictionary?
A.look it up B.ring it up C.pick it up
My head hurt badly and I didn't sleep all night.
I fell off my bike,but I didn't hurt myself.
7.try to pick it up...
try to do sth.努力做某事
try doing sth.試著去做某事
Joe and I will try to do better.
Let's try to do this work well.Why not try doing it
some other way?
Read and complete the table.

 Time of the story(when)  a few days earlier
 Place of the story(where)  In the restaurant kitchen
 Characters of the story(who)  Henry Jackson(a cook)



 What happened at the beginning of the story?  A snake bit a cook.
 Why was there a snake?  It came form Asia with a box of bananas a few days earlier.
 What did the cook do with the snake?   He threw it across the kitchen and landed on the talble.
 What did the cook do after the PK?  He took the photo of the snake and went to the hospital.
 How did the cook save his life?  With the help of the photo,he got the right medicine and was saved.

Retell the story in English

One day,...
(1)If you are Henry,what will you do?
(2)If you are the doctor,what will you do?
(3)How do you protect yourself when you are bitten by bees?
(4)What advice will you give when your friends get hurt in
a PE class?
 Learning to learn
When you write,make sure you use the correct tense.Underline
the time and verb,and check if they agree.
For example:
I was having breakfast at seven o'clock yesterday
I took a photo in the park yesterday.

 Time of the story(when) one day on your way back home
 Place of the story(where) in the street
 Characters of the story(who) I,drivers(a motorbike,a car),police


 What happened at the beginning ? A car hit a motorbike and drove away.The woman on the motorbike was hurt.
 What happened then? I took a video of the number of the car with my mobile phone and called the police..
 What's the end of the story?  I sent the woman to hospital and the police caught the driver.

   One day,I saw an accident on my way home after school.
   I was walking down the street and taking videos of what
was happening in the street with my mobile phone.Suddenly,
I saw a car hit a motorbike.The driver of the car drove away
as quickly as possible.The woman on the motorbike was a young
foreign woman.She fell down and hurt her leg badly.
    I walked up to the woman and called the police at once.The
police arrived a few minutes later,and then I gave the video of
the accident to the police.Luckily,I took the number of the car
in my video.Then I helped them send the woman to the hospital.
    With the help of my video,the police caught the car driver
soon.I was very happy to do a good thing.

Write a short story about how a mobile phone saved someone's life.
If you're walking alone in the city,late at night,hold on to your
mobile phone.One day Tom was walking...

Translate the following phrases:
1.一箱香蕉    a box of bananas
2.盡力做某事  try to do sth
3.拾起        pick up
4.照相        take photos
5.一...就     as soon as
6.第二天      the next day
7.拿出        take out
8.什么種類    what kind of

I 用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。
1.A dog bit(bite)Jill yesterday and now she's in hospital.
2.When Wang Fei appeared(appear)at the concert,everyone was
3.Mary is ill.Has she taken any medicine(medicine)?
4.He has hidden(hide)the book in a box.
1.The dog bit the boy on the nose(咬了男孩的鼻子).
The doctors couldn't say what was wrong with him.
3.Doctors didn't know what kind of snake it was(哪種).
4.Last night his chest began to hurt(他的胸開始疼).
He picked up a dish from the table.
6.醫(yī)生給了他恰當(dāng)?shù)乃帯?br> The doctor gave him the right medicine.

1.You can take a photo__your mobile phone.
  A.for B.in C.with D.by
2.This is the suprising__of a British cook.
  A.a advice B.an advice C.advice D.advices
3.The snake bit him__the hand.
  A.by B.on C.in D.from
4.She asked me__we should have a party there.
  A.if B.that C.where D./
5.My book fell on the ground,could you please__?
  A.pick up it B.pick it up C.put it on D.put on it
6.She began__English at the age of eighteen.
  A.knew B.know C.known D.to know
7.I threw it__the kitchen,and it landed__a table.
  A.out,in B.across,on C.cross,on D.with,in
8.--What__you__at six yesterday morning?
  --I was doing morning exercises.
  A.was,do B.were,doing C.was,doing D.were,do
9.He__to Shanghai the next day.
  A.went B.wants C.goes D.was going
10.She__in the park yesterday.
  A.takes photos B.took photo C.took photos D.was taking photos
Write a short story about an accident.








































































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