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八年級(jí)英語(yǔ)上冊(cè)Module 8 Unit 1《While the lights were changing to red, a car suddenly appeared.》

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《While the lights were changing to red , a car suddenly appeared.》
New words
pale   adj. (膚色)蒼白的
appear v.   出現(xiàn);顯露
round  prep.在附近
corner n.   拐角;街角
hit    v.   (使)碰撞
glad   adj. 高興的;歡喜的
risk   n.   危險(xiǎn);風(fēng)險(xiǎn)

New words
in time          及時(shí)
fall off...      從......跌落
pay attention    注意;留心
side by side     并排地;肩并肩地
round the corner 拐角附近
Have you ever seen these accidents?
a car accident
on fire
fall into a river
fall down
fall off the stair
have a heart attack
1.Have you ever seen an accident?
  What happened?Did you help?
2.What should you do if you see an
accident happen?
Look at the picture and say what's happening.
Use the words from the box to help you.
  accident  driver
happen   mobile phone
  policewoman  road
Listen and choose the correct answer.
1.The driver was/was not going fast.
2.The driver was/was not looking.
3.The driver was/was not talking on his mobile phone.

Listen and answer
1.What are they talking about?
  The accident.
2.When did the accident happen?
  In the morning.
3.What was the boy doing when he was riding
the bike?
  He was listening to the music.
Read the decide the sentences true or false.
1.Ms James saw an accident when she was crossing the road. F
2.A car appeared around the corner while the lights were
changing to red. T
3.The car was going slowly around the corner but it didn't stop.T
4.The driver was talking on his mobile phone when he arrived at
the corner.T
5.The boy fell off his bike because the car hit him.F

Everyday English
Are you all right?
That's very dangerous.
That's too bad.
Anything else?
Language points
  accident n.交通事故,意外事故(主要表示意外事故)
  The accident happened at about 5.30.
  Poor Jim has just had an accident.
  The accident was due to carelessness.
   這起車禍?zhǔn)怯纱中脑斐傻摹?br>    accident有時(shí)也表示偶然發(fā)生的意外事件,不一定是“事故”。如:
   I'm sorry I broke the glass.It was an accident.
  by accident 偶然地,無(wú)意地
  traffic accident 交通事故,車禍
  It is no accident that... .....絕非偶然
  appear v.出現(xiàn),顯現(xiàn);好像
  A ship appeared on the horizon.
  A woman suddenly appeared in the doorway.
  You appear unhappy.
3.in time
  in time 及時(shí)
  We were just in time for(或to catch)the bus.
  The car stopped just in time to prevent an accident.
  Will I be in time for the train?
4.fall off
 (1)fall off 跌倒
  When you are learning to ride a bicycle,you often fall off.
  Be careful not to fall off the ladder.
 (2)fall off 數(shù)量下降;削減
   Its members fell off one by one.
   The orders for the beef are falling off.
   The number of passengers fell off slightly in January.
  (3)fall off 降低;衰退;質(zhì)量下降
   Their enthusiasm seems to be falling off a bit.
   His support has greatly fallen off.
   The quality of the products of this factory has fallen off.
   My readers will never fall off from me.

fall back   后退,后撤,撤退,退讓,食言
fall behind 落后
fall down  跌倒,掉下,倒塌,失敗
fall over   摔倒,倒在地上,被...絆倒
fall in love with  愛(ài)上,喜愛(ài)
fall into 陷入,變成,分成,養(yǎng)成
5.pay attention
  pay attention 注意;集中注意力
  Pay attention when I'm talking to you!
  Pay attention to中的to是介詞,所以若接動(dòng)詞,應(yīng)用動(dòng)名詞。如:
  They ceased to pay attention to him.
  You must pay close attention to his eyes.
   pay attention to 注意/留意...
   You must  pay attention to your study.
   I hope you will pay attention to this problem.
   You should pay attention to your spelling.
notice與attention to 的區(qū)別
attention to則是指有意識(shí)的去注意某事物,不強(qiáng)調(diào)結(jié)果。
 I didn't notice the man passing me.
 Have you noticed that she wore a beautiful skirt today?
6.side by side
  side by side肩并肩,挨著,一起
  The two children are walking side by side.
  We must stand side by side in this trouble and help
each other.
little by lettle  一點(diǎn)一點(diǎn)地,逐漸地
piece by piece 一部分一部分地,一件件地
one by one 一個(gè)一個(gè)
day by day  一天又一天
step by step  逐步地
3.Now complete the following advice.
When you're on your bike,think about the risk of an accident!
Pay attention and stop at the red lights.
Don't ride too fast.
Don't ride side by side with your friends.
Don't listen to music!
4.Complete the passage with the works in the box.
  appear  attention  glad  hit  side
  Accidents do not happen very often,I am glad to say.
However,when you are riding your bike,pay attention all
the time.Especially on the corner of the road and at traffic
lights.Do not ride side by side with your friends.Sometimes
cars appear round the corner and do not stop.They may hit you.

Listen and mark when the speaker pauses.
1.While the lights were changing to red,/a car suddenly appeared
/round the corner.
2.When I was waiting to cross the road,/the accident happend.

Work in groups of four.
Student A:You're a policeman at an accident scene in the street.
Ask people questions.Student B,C and D:You saw the accident.Answer
the policeman's questions.
A:What were you doing when the accident happened?
B:When the accident happened,I was walking along the street.
C:When the accident happened,...

Let's do it!
Work with a partner.Imagine you are a journalist and your partner
is a witness to an accident.Ask him or her questions beginning
with,who,what,when,where,which,and why.Report your discoveries
to the class.

一、While the lights were changing to red,a car suddenly appeared
round the corner.當(dāng)交通燈變紅時(shí),一輛汽車突然在拐角附近出現(xiàn)。
1.While Jim was mending his bike,Lin Tao came to see him.
2.You can't do your homework while your're watching TV.
二、When I was driving along the road,the accident happened.
1.I was just reading a book when she came into my room.
2.Were you writing a letter when the teacher came in?
1.While they were talking,the bell rang.
2.I was doing my homework when my mother came back home
yesterday evening.昨天晚上媽媽回家的時(shí)候,我正在做家庭作業(yè)。
1.When the teacher came in,the  students__.
  A.talk B.talked C.were talking
2.Be careful when you__the road.
 A.across B.cross C.are acrossing
3.Jim__his bike and hurt his leg.
 A.fell off B.fell down C.fall off
4.--What were you doing at eight last night?
 A.was watching TV B.was do homework C.were watching TV
5.I saw__accident yesterday.
 A.an B.a C./
6.Did the car__the boy?
 A.hit B.hits C.hitted
7.Don't ride__with your friends.
 A.sides to sides B.side by side C.side to side
8.Be careful not to__the ladder.
 A.fall down B.fall off C.fall from
9.You should__your handwriting.
 A.notice B.pay attention C.pay attention to
10.She was sleeping__I was watching TV.
 A.when B.while C.that

Write report about an accident which you saw.


























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