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八年級英語上冊Module 7 Unit 2《She was thinking about her cat.》

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《She was thinking about her cat.》
New words
twice           adv.   兩次、兩倍
once or twice          偶爾、一兩次
suddenly        adv.   突然地
pink            adj./n 粉紅色的、粉紅色
pocket          n.     衣袋
field           n.     牧場、田地
think about            考慮
deep           adj.    深的
while          conj.   當(dāng)...的時(shí)候
land           v.      降落到地面
dry            adj.    干的、干燥的
Revision   Retell the story.
Alice----(sit) by th river with a book---a white
rabbit---(run) past---a tea party---run after---
suddenly---(fall) down---go into a strange world.
This is Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.
  Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
One day Alice was sitting by the river with a book,
but she wasn't reading it.
A white rabbit ran past her.
It was looking at its watch.
It was going to a tea party.
So Alice ran after it.
Suddenly she fell down a rabbit hole,and went into
their strange world.

  Look and say what is strange.Why?
1.It is standing up on its back legs.
  Rabbits can only walk on four legs.
2.It wears clothes.
  Rabbits don't wear clothes.
3.It is carrying  a stick.
  Rabbits can't carry sticks.
4.It is looking at a pocket watch.
  Rabbits don't carry watches and can't
tell the time.
Listen and number the events in the order they
a)Alice landed on some dry leaves.(5)
b)Alice was sitting by the river with her sister.(1)
c)Alice fell down a hole.(4)
d)A rabbit ran by.(2)
e)Alice ran across the field after the rabbit.(3)
 Read and do true or false.
1.Alice was reading a book.                           F
2.The book had a lot of pictures in it.               F
3.A white rabbit ran past Alice and her sister.       F
5.The rabbit was looking at a watch.                  T
6.The rabbit went down a rabbit hole under a big tree.F
7.Alice entered the hole after the rabbit.            T
Read carefully and answer the questions.
1.Was Alice interested in her sister's book?
  How do you know?
  No,she wasn't.She wasn't interested in her sister's
book because in the story Alice thought“...what is a
book for without pictures or conversations?”
2.What colour were the rabbit's eyes?
  The rabbit's eyes are pink.
3.Where was the rabbit's watch before he took it out?
  It was in his pocket.
4.What did Alice run across after the rabbit?
  She run across a field.
5.What did she fall into?
  She fell down a very deep hole.
6.What did she land?
  She landed on some dry leaves.
   Fill in the blanks.
Alice and her sister were sitting 1)by the river.
Her sister was 2)reading but Alice had 3)nothing to
do.Suddenly a white rabbit 4)with pink eyes 5)ran
past her.Alice felt very 6)strange when she saw the
rabbit 7)take out a watch from its pocket.Alice ran
8)across the field 9)after the rabbit.The rabbit went
into a rabbit 10)hole and Alice followed.

Important and difficult points
What is it for?
What did you say that for?
What do you need so much money for?
2.take...out of 從......拿出
Jane took some money out of her pocket.
You can't take the books out of the library.
take out 取出,拿出
Don't forget to take out the garbage.
Please take out your pencil-box.
1.---The plane will_B_soon.Would you please drive more quickly?
  A.take away B.take off C.take down D.take out
2.---Look at the sun!It is too hot today.
  ---Yes.Why not_A_your coat?
  A.take off B.take up  C.take away  D.take out
3.---Lisa,we need to clean the kitchen.
     Could you_D_the trash?
    A.take after B.take off C.take place D.take out
take off 脫下;(飛機(jī))起飛
take back收回;撤銷
take away拿走
take down記錄

The Great Green Wall is across the northwest of China.
Go across the road and you will find the post office
on your left.
 run across偶然遇見(不期而遇)
 I ran across an old friend the other day.
 He happened to fall across Helen that day in the street.
Go across the bridge,and you'll find the park.
The little girl ran across the road.
The old man is crossing the road.
Be careful when you cross the street.
The river runs through the city.
Can you see it through this hole?
He jumped over the wall.
The horse jumped over the fence.
Fill in the blanks using across,cross,through and over.
1.We must cross the road very carefully.
2.Before going across the road,you should look left first
and then right.
3.Look!The man is swimming across the lake.
4.He climbed over the wall.
5.Cross the street and you can get to the hotel.
6.He crosses the road and then comes to the post office.
7.Go across the bridge and you will see the station.
8.We walked through the forest.
9.Can the table to through the door?
10.He drove over/across the bridge.
(2010江蘇省連云港市)Liu Xiang came third__the 110-meter-hurdle race last
month in Shanghai.
  A.in B.from C.across D.through
(2011山東德州)We can get fresh water form rain,from rivers,or from__the ground.
  A.across B.under C.over D.off
(2011山東煙臺)---Can a plane fly__the Atlantic Ocean?
  ---Yes,but it needs to go__the clouds for hours.
4.Once or twice...
once or twice意思是“幾次,一兩次”。如:
How often do they bake bread?Once or twice per day?
Once or twice each year,snow and sand storm move into the area.
  While I was watching TV,the bell rang.
  Tom watched TV while she ate her supper.
  We must strike while the iron is hot.
  It was snowing when we arrived at the station.
  When he came in,we all stood up,smiling.
  I was very fat when/while I was a child.
  When/While she was typing,someone knocked at the door.
  When/While(I was)walking along the street,I heard my name called.
  When/While(you're)in trouble,turn to me for help.
1.When we left the house,he was still sitting in the garden.
2.I had my finger cut when/while cooking in the kitchen yesterday.
3.We were boating on the lake when suddenly someone cried for help.
4.While she was listening to the radio,she fell asleep.

           Learning to learn
You may find books like Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
and Harry Potter very interesting but too difficult.Try
to read simplified versions of the books you like.
Match the answers with the questions.
1.What did Alice find on a table?
  Alice found a small key on a table.
2.What did Alice do with the key?
  She opened a small door with the key and saw a beautiful
3.What did Alice find next?
  She found a bottle with the words“DRINK ME”on it.
4.What happened to Alice when she drank from the bottle?
  She became very small.
Let's go on Lewis' story.
In the hole,Alice saw many strange things.
First,she saw some strange animals.
They were singing and dancing noisily.
Then,she met the Cheshire Cat.
It was sitting in the tree and smiling at

Next,she met the Mad Hatter and the March hare.
They were having a tea party.
Finally,Alice met the Red King and the Red Queen.
They were having a trial(審判).
At the end,Alice woke up.Luckily,it was just a dream.

   Complete the sentences.
  We should think of/about our future before we decide to leave school.
  The monkey took an apple out of the bag and began to eat.
  The boy got up quickly and went on running.
  Susan ran across the finish line first.
  I saw Mr Huang leave his home.
Fill in the blanks.
1.What were you doing(do)at 9 yesterday?
2.I was watching(watch)TV when my mother came(come)in.
3.He was doing(do)his lessons at half past ten yesterday morning.
4.The children were playing(play)football at four yesterday afternoon.
5.The baby was sleeping(sleep)when the mother came back.
6.He was drawing(draw)at eight yesterday evening.
7.The girl was shopping(shop)when she saw(see)her friend.
8.When he was cooking(cook)dinner,his friend got(get) out of the shower.
9.He was walking(walk)home when it began to rain.
10.---What were you doing(do)at ten o'clock yesterday?
  ---I was studying(study)in the class.
11.When Harry was having(have)breakfast,Lily telephoned(telephone) him.
12.When I was going(go)to school this morning,I saw(see)a car running into
a bus.
Write what happened to Alice next.

































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