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八年級英語上冊Module 6 Unit 3《Language in use》

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《Language in use》
Do you know these animals?
Animals are our friends.
We should protect them!
To help anmals is to help ourselves.
Language practice
It allows people to get closer to them.
We all need to help animals live in peace.
Let's find out what else we can do to save
as many animals as possible.
In order to protect pandas in the wild,the
government is setting up nature parks.
 Module grammar
同學(xué)們自然會想到want to do sth,need to do sht.和
decide to do sth.等表達(dá)方式。
It is good to help others.
It is exciting to surf the Internet.
Many people decide not to think about it.
I want to go to the library.
I have a lot of homework to do.
I'm hungry.Give me something to eat,please.
I came to Beijing to see my grandpa.
I'm glad to meet you!很高興見到你!
I'm too tired to walk.我太累了,走不動了。
She told me to buy a ticket.
Our duty today is to clean the floor.
1.Would you please tell me__next?
A.how do B.what to do C.what do I do D.how I should do
2.The girl wasn't__to lift that bookcase.
A.too strong B.enough strong C.strong enough D.so strong
3.For a time his grandmother found__accept his new idea.
A.hard B.it hard C.it hard to D.hard to
4.As she has never been there before,I'll have someone__her
the way.
A.show B.to show C.showing D.showed
5.You__drive slowly.The roads are wet.
A.had rather B.would rather C.had better D.would better
6.What the scientist said greatly encouraged us__the experiment
again,but his secretary's words discouraged us__the experiment
any more.
A.to try;to do B.to try;from doing C.for trying;from doing D.trying;
to do
7.In the old days it was difficult for the poor__a job.
A.find B.to find C.look D.to look for
8.When learning a foreign language,try your best__the spirit of it.
A.master B.hold C.take hold of D.to master
9.It was foolish__his car unlocked.
A.for him to leave B.of him to leave
C.for him leave D.him to leave
10.Remember__the newspaper when you have finished it.
A.putting back B.put back C.to put back D.will put back
11.Your flat needs__.Do you want me__it for you?
A.to clean;to do B.cleaning;doing
C.cleaning;to do D.to be cleaned;doing
12.Because of air pollution being greatly reduced,this city is
A.a good place which to be lived in
B.a good place to live in
C.a good place to live from
D.a good place to live for
Exercises on the book
1.Match the two parts of the sentences.
1.They let the elephants...            a)...to help.
2.We want the animals...               b)...to become dangerous.
3.We should not allow the situation... c)...plant more bamboo.
4.Help us...                           d)...live in the nature park.
5.They came here...                    e)...to be safe

2.Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the
develop    feed   save  tell
1.The government is trying to develop plans to protect animals in danger.
2.He sent an email to tell people what was happening.
3.In order to save pandas,people will grow more bamboo in the mountains.
4.The zoo asks us not to feed the animals.
3.Compete the sentences.How many different sentences can you make?
1.I went to the nature park to.see pandas
2.They asked the children.to play outside
3.Let's help them to plant trees
4.We want to go to the park.

Tony:Hi,Tony speaking.
Daming:Hi,Tony.It's Daming.Do you want d this evening?
Tony:Oh,it's very nice of you b.What's the film about?
Daming:It's about animals in danger.And what the government
is doing c.
Tony:Oh,I'd like to see it.I'm doing my homework about that.
What time e.
Daming:At eight o'clock.
Tony:So what time a?
Daming:At half past seven,outside the school gate.
Tony:OK.See you then.
Daming:See you.
5.Work in pairs and act out the conversation.
6.Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box.
believe make protect stop think
Tigers are beautiful animals,but they are in danger.It is
hard to believe that there are only about one hundred South
China tigers left on earth-and few live in the wild,why is the
situation so serious?What should we do to protect the tigers?
People need to think about these questions carefully.

To make it easier for the tigers to live,we should protect their
home in the wild.We should work hard to stop people killing tigers.
If we can do these things well,there will be more tigers on earth.
7.Complete the senctences with the expressions in the box.
in danger   in order to   in peace   in the wild
1.Animals in many places around the world are in danger.
2.We can help animals live safely in the wild.
3.Let's leave the animals in nature parks in peace.
4.We should try hard in order to save animals.
Listen and complete the poster.
Wildlife Club
1.We started this club because we want to help animals in danger.
2.We started this club in order to get more ideas.
3.We would like more students to come to our meetings.
4.We want to decide which kind of animal to help.
5.We need to tell people about animals in danger.

9.Read the email and choose the correct answer.
(b)1.Sally is writing to her__.
a)aunt b)teacher c)friend
(a)2.Marwell Wildlife helps__/
a)animals in danger b)scientists c)visitors
(c)3.Scientists do research about__.
a)feeding animals b)working with animals c)protecting animals

         Around the world
         Animals in danger
    Many animals around the world are in danger.Here are two examples.
    The blue whale lives in oceans around the world.It is the largest
animals in the world,but it feeds on one of the    animals.Some people kill
the     .There may be only about 3,000 blue whales left.

the wild Bactrian camel
The wild Bactrian camel lives in Mongolia and the northwest of China.
It is a large camel,and the only kind of camel in the world with two
humps.There are only about 1,000 Bactrian camels left in the wild.
1.What is the largest animal in the world?
  The blue whale
2.Ho many are there Bactrian camels left in the wild?
  There are only about 1,000.

      Module task
Make a plan to set up a wildlife club.
What animals your're going to help
When you're going to meet
What you're going to do
Where you're going to meet

             Make a poster about your
              wildlife club.

1.It is very interesting to read(read)the story.
2.Now you need to have(have)a good rest at home.
3.My father doesn't want me to play(play)with the
naughty boy.
4.My sister works hard to pay(pay)for my education.
5.Stop to have(have)supper.Supper is ready.
6.The boss makes the workers work(work)hard every day.
7.My English teacher tries to help(help)me improve
my English.
8.You'd better get(get)up early to catch the first bus.
1.I told Bob__the TV since it was too late.(2001陜西)
A.turen off B.turns off C.turning off D.to turn off
2.My parents asked me__home earlier yesterday.(2000北京朝陽區(qū))
A.get B.getting C.to get D.got
3.The greedy inn-keeper once made the poor heroin__twice a day.(2001上海)
A.dance B.dances C.danced D.to dance
4.---Is Wei Fang good at singing?
  ---Yes,she is.We often hear her__in the next room.(2001蘇州)
A.to sing B.sings C.sing D.singing
5.---What did your teacher say this morning?
  ---She told us__make faces in class.(2013湖北隨州)
A.to not B.not to C.do not D.didn't
6.Jessica's parents always encourage her__out her opinions.(2013遼寧鞍山)
A.speak B.speaking C.to speak D.will speak
7.Drivers shouldn't be allowed__after drinking,or they will break the law.
A.drive B.driving C.to drive D.to be driven
8.The teacher told the students__any food into the computer room.(2010廣東廣州)
A.not to bring B.not bring C.don't bring D.bring not
9.As teenagers,we're old enough__with housework.We can help set the
talbe,wash the dishes and clean our own rooms.(2010黑龍江哈爾濱)
A.to help B.helping C.helped
10.Danny did all kinds of things to make the baby__.(2010甘肅蘭州)
A.to stop crying B.stop crying C.to stop to cry D.stop to cry
11.__out your love.The world will become a nicer place to live in.(2012河南)
A.Speak B.To speak C.Spoke D.Speaking
12.Father often tells me__too much time on computer games.(2010河南)
A.don't spend B.not spend C.not to spend D.not spending
13.__English well,he practice speaking English every day.(2010黑龍江)
A.Learn B.Learning C.To learn
14.If prices rise too high,the government has to do something__it.(2011山東臨沂)
A.stop B.stopped C.stopping D.to stop
15.What time do you expect her__?(2011山東威海)
A.arrive B.is arriving C.arriving D.to arrive
16.Teacher often tell us__in the river after school.(2011四川內(nèi)江)
A.don't swim B.not swim C.not to swim
17.Drivers shouldn't be allowed__after drinking,or they will break the law.(2011山西)
A.drive B.driving C.to drive
18.When I was walking past the window,I noticed Wang Fei__my homework.
I really got__.(2011山東煙臺)
A.copying,annoyed B.copying,annoying C.copy,annoyed D.copied,annoyed
19.Jack's teacher asked him__off the lights after class.(2013四川南充)
A.turning B.turned C.to turn
20.At times,parents find it difficult__with their teenage children.(2013江蘇淮安)
A.talk B.talked C.talking D.to talk

Please write a short passage
about animals































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