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八年級英語上冊Module 6 Unit 1《It allows people to get closer to them.》

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《It allows people to get closer to them.》
These animals are in danger;people want to kill them,
so what can we do for the animals?
 Protect them!
Humans(人類)and animals are friends.We should live in peace.
      Words and expressions
snake               n.  蛇
thin                adj.薄的;細(xì)長的
danger              n.  危險;危害
in danger               處于危險中
at last                 終于;最后
interested          adj.關(guān)心的;感興趣的
be interested in        對......感興趣
                    v.  允許;準(zhǔn)許
allow               adj.野生的
wild                n.  野生環(huán)境
think of                想到;想出
protect             v.  保護(hù);保衛(wèi)
grow                v. (逐漸)變得;生長(grew)
take away               奪去;拿走
enough              adj.足夠的;充分的
dirty               adj.骯臟的;不干凈的
peace               n.  和平;太平
in peace                和平地;平靜地
in order to             為了
look after              照顧;照管
raise               v.  籌集(錢款);撫養(yǎng);養(yǎng)育

Look at the pictures and complete the quiz with the words in the box.
bear  elephant  giraffe  lion  snake
1.I am tall and I have a long neck.b
2.I am the tiger's cousin.e
3.I am long and thin.c
4.I am big and I have a very long nose.d
5.I am brown and I live in the forest.a

What do giant pandas live on?
live on bamboo
one of the best-known animals
Wolong Panda Reserve
nature reserve
live in peace
have enough places to live in and
enough food to eat

the symbol for the World Wild Fund
for Nature

Listen and answer the question.
1.What's this week's Animal World about?
  They're talking about pandas,tigers,lions,
elephants and bears.
2.Which animals are in danger?
  All of these animals are in danger.
Why are some animals in danger?
make the water too dirty to drink
Why are some animals in danger?
take away the lands and forests
Why are some animals in danger?
the area of bamboo is becoming smaller.
Why are some animals in danger?
make money
Why are some animals in danger?
make medicine
Listen to the conversation and answer the question.
1.What are they talking about?
  They are talking about animals in danger and how
to protect the animals.
2.Why is Betty more interested in the Wolong Panda
  Because it allows people to get closer to the pandas.
Read and answer the question.
1.When do you think this conversation happens?
  Just after they have visited the zoo.
2.Has Sally ever seen the pandas before?
  No,she hasn't.
3.What happens when the villages and farms grow bigger?
  Many animals have no place to live in.
4.Who has made the  water to dirty to drink?
   Everyday English
...at last!最后.......!
Help!      救命!
What can we do?
Complete the table.

 Why many animals are in danger What we can do to help

1.Many animals don't have a safe place to live.Because villages and farms are growing bigger and are taking away their land and forests.

2.Often there isn't enough clean water.

1.Raise some money at school.

2.Find out what else we can do to save as many animals as possible.

Work in pairs.Discuss and add more information to the
 Why many animals are in danger What we can do to help 

1.People kill them for sport or for food.

2.They don't have enough food to eat.

1.Support a charity for animals.

2.Don't buy products made with anyting from an animal in danger.

Language points
1.be interested in
  interested  adj.“關(guān)心的,感興趣的”,其主語一般指人。
be inerested in 對......感興趣。如:
He is interested in that movie.
I am interested in science.
interested主語通常是人,常見的詞組be interested in sth.(對
There is an interesting program on television tonight.
This book is interesting.
The little girl is interested in basketball.
詞組:take/show an interest in sth.(對......感興趣)。
  此外,interest還可作動詞,常見的詞組:interest oneself/sb.
(in sth.)(使自己或某人感興趣)。
He showed a great interest in music at the age of five.
Your story interests me.

1.The party is interesting.I have a lot of fun.
2.Tom is interested in English.He studies English
every day.
3.David is a very interesting person.He can tell
lots of different stories.
4.Are you interested in playing computer games?
5.It's interesting to play with children.
6.I found Jason's talk very interesting.He always
tells jokes.
2.in danger
  in danger處于危險中,在危險之中
  Man should protect animal in danger by law.
  His life was in danger.
out of danger 脫離危險
 danger n.危險
In war,life is full of danger for everyone.
dangerous adj.危險的;
safety n.安全  safe adj.安全的
1)Be careful;it's too dangerous.
2)He always helps people in danger.
The facts allow no other explanation.
We don't allow eating in the classrooms.
(2)allow sb to do sth允許某人做某事。如:
My parents don't allow me to go out at night.
Her boss doesn't allow her to use the telephone.
Passengers are not allowed to smoke.
(3)allow sb sth給予某人某物(尤指錢或時間);讓某人
He allows his son too much money.
We'll allow you time to answer.
We allow passengers one item of hand luggage each.
  protect vt.保護(hù)
I wear sunglasses to protect my eyes from the sunlight.
He raised his arm to protect his face.
5.take away
  take away意為“把(東西)拿走;把(某人)帶走”,可分開用。
take off  脫掉(衣服);(飛機(jī))起飛
take on    承擔(dān)(工作,責(zé)任)
take out   拿出;除去
take care  小心
take  care of   照料
My book was on the desk just now.Who has taken it away?
__away this dirty shirt and bring me a clean one.
A.Pick B.Bring C.Carry D.Take
  enough  adj.足夠的
I haven't enough time for reading.
He runs fast enough.
(2011哈爾濱市)The youny man is__carry that heavy bag.
A.strong enough to B.enough strong to
C.not strong enough D.strong enough
【2013廣東梅州】40.The dining hall is__to hold 300 people.
A.enough big B.enough well C.small enough D.big enough
7.in order to
in order to為了......,表示目的,可以用于句首、句中,其否定式為:in
order not to.
He got up very early in order to catch the first bus.
=In order to catch the first bus,he got up very early.
Turn the volume down in order not to wake the child.
   in order to 在句中表示目的時,??梢赞D(zhuǎn)化成in order that或so that
We should work hard in order to pass the exam.
We should work hard in order that/so that we can pass
the exam.
8.look after
  look after照料
My friend looked after my cat while I was on holiday.
Robert's old enough to look after himself.
Complete the passage with the words and expressions in the box.
allows   danger   enough    in peace  protect   raise
  Many wild animals such as pandas,are in danger.We need to protect
them!Often there is not enough land or forests,so the animals do not
have a safe to live.
  The Wolong Panda Reserve allows people to closer to pandas.And the
pandas live in peace there.We can help raise money to protect pandas
and other wild animals.
Listen and mark when the speaker pauses.
1.It allows people /to get closer to the pandas.
2.We want to save animals in danger,/and we need your help.
3.We can't give money /to help protect the animals.
 Work in pairs,ask and answer the questions.
1.Why do you visit the zoo?
2.Do you think animals are happy in the zoo?
3.Where do most animals live?
4.What can we do to help the animals?
--Why do you visit the zoo?
--Because I want to see the pandas.
--Do you think animals are happy in the zoo?
--No,I don't think so.
--Where do most animals live?
--In the wild.
--What can we do to help the animals?
--Establish a nature reserve and raise money to
protect the animals.
  Let's help the animals!
Discuss in group of four and try to find out ways to protect animals!
1.--To protect....we should...
  --We need to...to protect...
2.Don't make the water dirty.
3.Make some posters to protect animals.
Tony took away my dictionary just now.
2. 我有許多家務(wù)活要做。
I have got lots of housework to do.
The old man has no place to live in.
The teacher has found out the reasons.
1.My father's job is__animals.
A.feed B.to feed C.fed
2.He hurried to school without__breakfast.
A.having B.have C.to have
3__is difficult for him__the book.
A.That;read B.It;to read C.This;read
4.I'm__in the__story.
5.I'm tired.Let's stop__.
A.walking B.to walk C.walk
6.Let's discuss how__the animals.
A.protect B.to protecting

Love animals.
Love the environment.
Love the world.
1.Role-play the dialogue with your partner.
2.Make a report to introduce the ways of protecting animals.














































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