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八年級(jí)英語上冊(cè)Unit 8《Natural disasters》(3)

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Unit 8《Natural disasters》(3)
Grammar: when, while, as的用法
when, while, as都可以引導(dǎo)時(shí)間狀語從句,表示“在……的時(shí)候”、“在……期間”。
His parents died while he was at school.
I loved maths when I was at school.
Call me when you've finished.
As she grew older, she kept more to herself.
I was coming in as he was going out.
①Why do you want a new job when you've got such a good one already?(get為短暫性動(dòng)詞)你已經(jīng)找到如此好的工作,為何還想再找新的?
②Sorry, I was out when you called me.(call為短暫性動(dòng)詞)對(duì)不起,你打電話時(shí)我剛好外出了。
③Strike while the iron is hot.(is為延續(xù)性動(dòng)詞,表示一種持續(xù)的狀態(tài))趁熱打鐵。
④The students took notes as they listened.(listen為延續(xù)性動(dòng)詞)學(xué)生們邊聽課邊做筆記。
①When he had finished his homework, he took a short rest.(finish先發(fā)生)當(dāng)他完成作業(yè)后,他休息了一會(huì)兒。
②When I got to the airport, the guests had left.(got to后發(fā)生)當(dāng)我趕到飛機(jī)場(chǎng)時(shí),客人們已經(jīng)離開了。
①When/While/As we were dancing, a stranger came in.(dance為延續(xù)性動(dòng)詞)當(dāng)我們跳舞時(shí),以為陌生人走了進(jìn)來。
②When/While/As she was making a phonecall, I was writing a letter.(make為延續(xù)性動(dòng)詞)當(dāng)她在打電話時(shí),我正在寫信。
They were rowing boats while we were climbing the hill.
While he was waiting for the bus, he was reading a newspaper.
He was cleaning his car while I was cooking.
While we were swimming someone stole our clothes.
It began to rain heavily while we were having dinner.
I was walking in the street when he called me.
①As the time went on, the weather got worse.(as表示“隨著……”之意)②The atmosphere get thinner and thinner as the height increases. 隨著高度的增加,大氣越來越稀薄。
③As years go by, China is getting stronger and richer. 隨著時(shí)間一年一年過去,中國變得越來越富強(qiáng)了。
④The little girls sang as they went. 小姑娘們一邊走,一邊唱。
⑤The sad mother sat on the roadside, shouting as she was crying. 傷心的媽媽坐在路邊,邊哭邊叫。
Fill in the blank with "when, while, as"
1. ______ you meet a word you don't know, consult the dictionary.
2. The students took notes ______ they listened.
3. ______ the wind rose the noise increased.
4. She called ______ I was out.
5. We must strike ______ the iron is hot.
6. ______ you have finished your work, you may have a rest.
7. I was just reading a book ______ she came into my room.
A car crashed into another car.
Can you tell us some other accidents?
What will you do if you see or meet an accident?
Fill in the blanks with 110 120 119 114 122
1. A: "Look out, there is a fire!"
   B: "Don't worry about it. Let's call ______ hotline.
2. A: "That boy fell from a tree and hurt badly."
   B: "Don't move him. Let's call ______ hotline.
3. If crimes such as stealing, robbery, fighting or killing happen, we will call ______ hotline.
4. A: "I want to order a big room for the family dinner tonight, but I don't know the restaurant's number."
   B: "You can call ______ hotline to ask it."
5. If traffic accidents happen, you will call ______.
Complete the dialogue:
Annie: What did you learn from yesterday's talk, Simon?
Simon: We learnt a lot about keeping ourselves safe from fires, floods, earthquakes and (1)______.
Annie: Really? What should we do if our building is on fire?
Simon: We should try to (2)______ as soon as possible.
Annie: How can we protect ourselves from thick smoke?
Simon: We should use a (3)______ to cover our mouth and nose and never enter the building.
Annie: Well, what should we do when there's a flood?
Simon: We should get to (4)______. Remember that we shouldn't (5)______ through the flood water.
Annie: I see. What should we do when an earthquake happens?
Simon: Hide under a (6)______ desk or table. Stay away from a (7)______.
Annie: What shoutd we do to protect ourselves from traffic accidents?
Simon: We should always follow (8)______. Moreover, it's dangerous to sit, walk or ride a bicycle on (10)______.
Speak up: What should we do first?
Millie and Daniel are talking about first aid.
Millie: I burnt my hand when I was making pancakes at home. Do you know what to do first when we burn ourselves?
Daniel: Sure. First, you should keep your hand in cold water for about ten minutes.
Millie: I see. What should I do after that?
Daniel: Cover the burn with a clean towel.
Millie: Should I put any cream on it?
Daniel: No, you shouldn't. You should go and see the doctor.
Millie: All right. Thanks.
Study skills -- Compound words
air + port = airport 機(jī)場(chǎng)
basket + ball = basketball 籃球
class + room = classroom 教室
silk + worm = silkworm蠶
black + board = blackboard 黑板
brief + case = briefcase 公文包
green + house = green-house 溫室
short + hand = shorthand 縮寫、速寫
play + ground = playground 操場(chǎng)
spring + board = springboard 跳板、出發(fā)點(diǎn)
pick + pocket = pickpocket 扒手、小偷
break + water = break-water 防洪堤
sun + shine = sunshine 陽光
sun + set = sunset 日落 → sunrise 日出
reading-room 閱覽室
waiting-room 等候室
living-room 起居室、客廳
sleeping-pills 安眠藥
hand + writing = handwriting 筆跡、書寫體、書法  ~ on the wall 不詳之兆
sight + seeing = sightseeing 觀光、游覽
look + out = lookout 瞭望臺(tái)、瞭望元
set + up = setup 裝備
get-together 聚會(huì)
walk + out = walkout 罷工、中途離開
back + ground = background 背景、經(jīng)歷
down + town = downtown 市中心
           → uptown 住宅區(qū)
furthermore 而且、此外;however 然而、無論如何
somehow 以某種方式;anywhere 在任何地方
overhead 在頭頂/空中/高處;downstairs 在樓下
anyway 不管怎樣,無論如何;meanwhile 同時(shí),其間
good-looking 好看的,漂亮的;slow-moving 低速的;easy-going 隨和的
man-eating 食人的;peace-loving 愛好和平的
forthcoming 即將到來的;outstanding 優(yōu)秀的,突出的
air-conditioned 有空調(diào)裝置的:man-made 人造的,人為的
grey-haired 白發(fā)蒼蒼的;middle-aged 中年的
first-rate 一流的;second-hand 二手的,用過的;
bare-foot 光腳的;high-class 高級(jí)的
faraway 遠(yuǎn)方的
e.g. myself 我自己,yourself 你自己,ourselves 我們自己
Help yourself. 別客氣,請(qǐng)隨便用。
Enjoy yourself! 玩得開心!
by myself 單獨(dú)、獨(dú)自 → I would rather travel ~.
some, any, no, every + body/one/thing
e.g. someone 某人;anything 任何事情
     nobody 沒有人;everybody 每人、人人
Main task
Look at the pictures about Beijing snowstorm and say something about it.
A snowstorm hit Beijing on Friday, 5th January.
This is Sandy. She experienced(經(jīng)歷) the snowstorm.
Sandy was doing homework and Mr Wu told her to go home early.
What did Sandy do?
Sandy shared an umbrella with Millie. Because she forgot to bring her keys.
How was the snowstorm?
The snowstorm was terrible.
They could only hear the wind, snow continued to fall.
They lost their umbrella in the wind and Sandy nearly fell over.
What did they see?
They saw many people at the bus stop.
What did Sandy hear?
The next morning, Sandy heard the noise of the traffic, and she looked out of the window.
What were people doing after the snowstorm?
After the snowstorm, people were working hard to clear the snow.
Let's try our best to say something about it!
         Snowstorm hit Beijing
A snowstorm hit Beijing on Friday, (1)_______.
It got worst in the afternoon. I (2)____________ in the classroom when Mr Wu came in and told us (3)__________ early. My parents could not get home that night because of the heavy snow, so Millie asked me to go to her home.
I (4)__________ an umbrella with her while we were walking to the bus stop. The weather was really terrible. The (6)______ kept falling around us. We could only hear the (5)______ blowing.
Suddenly, a strong wind came from behind. I lost my (7)______ in the wind
and I nearly fell over. We had to (8)______ slowly in the deep storm. When we arrived the bus stop, we saw many people (9)______ there. At last, we got on a bus went to Millie's home.
I stayed at Millie's home that night. I heard the noise of (10)______ the next morning. People were trying to (11)______ the snow from the streets.
Let's know the structure!
introduction → When and where was the disaster?
during the disaster → Where was I?
                       What did I do?
                       What happened to me?
                       What did I hear?
                       What did I see?
after the disaster → Where was I?
                      What did I hear?
                      What did I see?
                      How did I feel?






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