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八年級(jí)英語(yǔ)上冊(cè)Unit 8《Natural disasters》(2)

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Unit 8《Natural disasters》(2)
Learning aims:
1. To learn about The Taiwan earthquake.
2. To learn to protect ourselves when we are in danger.
3. To Iearn the grammar: Past Continuous Tense
        The Taiwan earthquake
There was an earthquake in Taiwan in 1999. Many people lost their lives in the earthquake, but a boy called Timmy survived.
Free talk
How much do you know about Timmy's story?
  The earthquake happened on 21st September, 1999.
  The earthquake happened in the centre of Taipei.  true or false
  Timmy is a _______.
    A. victim 受害者    B. survivor 幸存者    C. victim and survivor
What else do you know about the earthquake?

Earthquake magnitude 7.6
The number of death 1,700
The number of injury


The number of the destroyed buildings 12,000
The number of the homeless 100,000
shake  vi. & vt.  shook  搖動(dòng)
e.g. When the real noise came, the earth started to shake.
shaking  n.  搖動(dòng)
e.g. I felt a slight shaking through my body.
frightened  adj.  受驚嚇
e.g. Some people screamed, because they were frightened.
afraid  adj.  害怕的
e.g. The noise stopped and I was afraid.
fear  n.  恐懼、害怕
e.g. People in the shopping centre looked at each other in fear.
shout  vi. & n.  呼喊,喊叫
e.g. I shouted for help.
scream  vi.  尖叫,驚呼
e.g. Some people screamed because they were very frightened.
alive  adj.  活著的
e.g. I told myself I must stay alive.
living  adj.  活著的
e.g. Zhalong is an important living area for the rare red-crowned cranes.
direction  方向    wildly  失去控制的
They ran wildly in all directions.
calm   calm down
alive  adj.  活著的
I told myself to calm down since I was still alive.
be trapped  陷入困境
Many people were trapped in the building.
        The Taiwan earthquake
Paragraph 1:
It was about two o'clock in the early morning. I was sleeping when the earthquake started. At first, I felt a slight shake. Then I heard a loud noise like thunder.
Para 2:
Soon the real noise came, like bombs under the ground. The earth started to shake. People screamed in fear. Some ran out of the building. I tried my best to run out too, but I could not. Outside, people were running in all directions while pieces of glass and bricks were falling down. Then the walls began to come down too!
Para 3:
Finally, the noise and shake ended. It was dark and silent around me. I could not see anything at all, and I did not know if anyone else was near me. I felt nervous and my heart was beating fast. "I'm trapped," I said to myself. A moment of fear went through my mind, but I told myself to calm down since I was still alive.
Para 4:
I shouted for help, but no one came. I started to pull myself slowly through the dark. Luckily, there was just enough space for me to move.
Para 5:
Hours later, as I was trying to find my way out, I suddenly heard some noise above me. I screamed, "Help! Please help! I'm here!" Then I heard shouts from excited people. They quickly moved away the bricks. At last, I saw the bright daylight. I was safe.
Para. 1:
  What did Timmy feel at first?
Para. 2:
1. What happened to the buildings?
2. What did people do when the earth started to shake?
Para. 3 & Para. 4:
1. Where was Timmy when the shaking stopped?
2. How did Timmy feel when he found he was trapped?
3. Did anyone hear Timmy's shout at first?
4. What did Timmy do while he was waiting for help?
Para 5:
1. When did Timmy begin to scream again?
2. What did people do when they heard Timmy's scream?
Task: See how much you know about Taiwan earthquake
1. Timmy was walking in the street when the earthquake started.  ___
2. Timmy heard a loud noise like thunder at first.  ___
3. Animals ran wildly everywhere.  ___
4. Timmy was trapped in a dark place after the earthquake stopped.  ___
5. There was not enough space for Timmy to move.  ___
6. People found Timmy soon after he was trapped.  ___
1. The earth started to shake.
2. Some people ran out of the building.
3. The walls came down.
4. I was trapped.
5. I screamed for help.
6. I saw the bright daylight.
What happened to Timmy in the earthquake?
Timmy is a teenager. He lives in Taiwan. He (1)______ the earthquake in 1999. He first heard a big noise when he was sleeping. It was like the noise of (2)______. Then the noise became really loud. It sounded like (3)______ under the ground. After that, pieces of glass and (4)______ fell down. When the noise ended, he was (5)______ and could not get out. A moment of (6)______ went through his mind. Then he tried to (7)______ down and (8)______ for help. Finally, people moved away the bricks and stones and saved him. Timmy was (9)______ at last.
Grammar: Past continuous tense 過(guò)去進(jìn)行時(shí)
I was sleeping when it started to rain yesterday.
I was doing some shopping when the earthquake started.
People were running wildly while pieces of glass and bricks were falling down.
I was trying to find my way out when I suddenly heard some noise above me.
I was doing some washing at 8 o'clock yesterday morning.
Past continuous tense: be(was/were)+doing
昨天早上7點(diǎn)  at 7 a.m. yesterday
昨天下午3點(diǎn)到5點(diǎn)  from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. yesterday
那時(shí)  at that time/moment
昨天這時(shí)  at this time/moment yesterday
昨天整天  all day yesterday
昨天整個(gè)早上/下午  the whole morning/afternoon yesterday
                  =all the morning/afternoon yesterday
What were you doing ...?
I was ....
Positive & negative forms:
was/were(+not) V-ing
I was (not) running.
You/We/They were (not)
He/She/It was (not)
Question forms
Was I running?
Were you/we/they
Was he/she/it
The answers to the questions
Yes/No, I was/was not(wasn't).
you/we/they were/were not(weren't).
he/she/it was/was not(wasn't).
At that time, we were talking happily.
否定句:At that time, we weren't talking happily.
一般疑:Were you talking happily at that time?
特殊疑問(wèn)句:What were you doing at that time?
He was reading a newspaper in the room.
否定句:He wasn't reading a newspaper in the room.
一般疑:Was he reading a newspaper in the room?
特殊疑問(wèn)句:What was he reading in the room?
1. I ______ my homework when Mike ______ last night.
2. While Ann ______ TV, her father ______ home.
3. What were you doing when I ______ at the door?
4. She ______ the room when I ______ to see her.
5. I ______ my vocation in England this time last summer.
at this time yesterday, at that time, at nine yesterday morning, the whole atternoon, from 6:00 to 8:00 yesterday morning
1. What ______ your brother ______(do) at nine o'clock last night?
2. They ______(listen) to music at that time.
3. When I saw him, he ______(search) the Internet.
4. They ______(discuss) a problem in the meeting room at this time yesterday.
5. ______ Amy ______(visit) the Science Museum from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. yesterday?






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