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八年級英語上冊Unit 5《Wild Animals》(1)

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Unit 5《Wild Animals》(1)
dog   cat   parrot  →  pets
camel   elephant   zebra  →  Wild animals
wild animals live in the forest
Part 1: Go into the forest and visit them!
Activity 1: visit our old friends
  monkey   elephant   zebra
  giraffe   camel   tiger
  lion    tortoise
  fox     wolf
Activity 2: visit new friends
  bear     dolphin      giant panda
  squirrel     kangaroo
1. They are "ships of the desert". They can carry people or things. They can walk for a long way without drinking water.
2. It's a horse-like wild animal with dark stripes on its body.
Play a guessing game.
I'm very big and strong with black or grey fur. I like eating fish.
I live in Australia. I'm tall and strong, good at jumping and carry my babies in my pocket.
I am small but lovely, I have a very big tail. I can climb trees. I like eating nuts(堅果).
I am very cute(逗人喜愛) and I live in China. I hope that one day I can take a colour picture.
I'm the King of our forest. I'm dangerous. Don't attack(攻擊) me!
I'm lovely, friendly and clever. I like playing balls and dancing in the sea.
What's your favourite animal?
  bear: strong, lazy
  dolphin: friendly, clever
  panda: cute, lovely
  squirrel: lovely, hard-working
  monkey: clever and funny
  tiger: dangerous
What animal do you like best?
What's your favourite animal?
Discuss with your partners:
A: Which animal do you like best? Why?
B: ....
Useful words

animal character
monkey clever
squirrel hardworking
dolphin friendly, lovely
dog friendly
lion dangerous
bear lazy
kangaroo lovely
giant panda lovely
Millie and her classmates are talking about their favourite wild animals. Work in groups and talk about the wild animals you like best. Use the conversation below as a model.
Millie: What wild animal do you like best, Kitty?
Kitty: I like monkeys best. They're so clever and funny. What about you, Simon?
Simon: I like lions best. They're strong and they can run very fast.
Millie: They're the kings of the animal world.
Simon: Yes, they are. What wild animal do you like best, Peter?
Peter: I like pandas best. They look so cute.
Millie: Pandas are my favourite animals too.
Make another dialogue:
A: What wild animal do you like best?
B: I like ... best.
A: Why?
B: Because they are ....
A: What animal do you like least?
B: I like ... least.
A: Why?
B: Because they are ....
Fill in the blanks
1. We know that ______(袋鼠) are good at jumping.
2. Look! There is a big ______(熊) over there.
3. The number of the ______(野生的) animals is getting smaller.
4. ______(熊貓) live in Sicuan Province.
5. My mother can cook ______(美味的) food.
Choose the best word:
  (tigers, dolphins, elephants, monkeys, giant, pandas, camels)
1. ______ are called the ship of the desert(沙漠).
2. -- Can ______ carry things for people?
   -- Yes, they can.
3. -- Do the ______ live on land or in the sea?
   -- In the sea.
4. -- Which animals eat bamboo shoots and leave?
   -- ______, I think.
5. -- Do ______ eat meat and can live in the forest?
   -- Yes, they do.
Activity 3: Animals tell us a sad story.
What will happen?
They will kill them for money!
When the buying stops, the killing stops too.
Suppose(假設(shè)) we are the poor animals, what will we say to people?
   We are friends!
   Don't kill us!
   Don't eat us!
   Don't cut down trees!
   Give us a comfortable home!
Protecting(保護) animals is protecting ourselves!
Part 2: Pet's life
delicious dish
live free and happy = live a free and happy life
No Way!  絕對不行
Comic strip
Hobo: Would you like to live in the wild, Eddie?
Eddie: No.
Hobo: Why not? Wild animals are free and happy.
Eddie: I don't think so. They may become dishes on the table any time.
Hobo: So could you please not eat them?
Eddie: No way!
Hobo: Please have pity on them, Eddie.
Eddie: I may die without them. In fact, these are not wild animals, Hobo.
Listen and answer:
1. What does Hobo want to do?
2. Will Eddie accept his advice?
Using may for possibility
We use may to say that something is possible.
Mother pandas often leave their babies for two days on their own. This may cause trouble for them.
People are cutting down bamboo forests to build roads and houses. As a result, pandas may not have a place to live.
If we do nothing, soon there may be none left.
否定式:may not / mayn't
一般(現(xiàn)在)式可以表示現(xiàn)在或?qū)淼目赡苄裕?br>   He may tell his wife.
  He may emigrate.
  Ann may know Tom's address.
  He may be waiting at the station.
  He may be waiting at the station when we arrive.
In the zoo
Millie is in the zoo. She is telling Sandy on the phone about what happens. Complete what Millie says using may with the words in brackets.
The elephant is going towards the water.
It (1)___________(need) a bath.
A little boy is crying when he sees the tigers.
He (2)___________(be) afraid of them.
I cannot go near the lions and tigers.
They (3)___________(hurt) me.
The baby panda is staying near its mother.
It (4)___________(be drinking) milk.
The monkeys are jumping around.
They (5)___________(be playing) with each other.
The horse is standing with its eyes closed.
It (6)___________(be sleeping).
Read in roles(角色) loudly.
Part 3: 能力提升
Suppose(假設(shè)) you are the master of Hobo and Eddie. Today you visited many wild animals in the forest. You are telling them your feelings(感受).
   Dear Eddie and Hobo, today I went to the forest and visited many w______ animals. I know t______ are the kings of the forest. K______ are good mothers because they carry babies in pockets. S______ are very hard-working and b______ are good at catching fish. My f______ animal is g______ p______ because he is lovely. I didn't see a d______. Why? Oh, they live in the sea!
   You have d______ food every day. But hunters kill them every day. You are lucky! We should give wild animal a comfortable home at once!
1. Recite the comic strips.
2. Find more information about wild animals.





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