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八年級英語上冊Unit 4《Do it yourself》(2)

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Unit 4《Do it yourself》(2)
Grammar - imperative sentence (祈使句)
Do the action
Guessing Game
Turn left!
Turn right!
Walk on the zebra crossing!
Don't smoke!
No smoking!
Don't play football!
Don't park your car!
Don't eat!
Don't pick the flowers!
Go upstairs!
Go downstairs!
Read and observe(觀察)
Turn left!                     Don't smoke!
Turn right!                    Don't play football!
Please go upstairs!            Don't park your car!
Go downstairs!                 Please don't eat!
Walk on the zebra crossing!    Don't pick the flowers!
Draw the conclusion(得出結(jié)論)
肯定:(Please) + do sth.
否定:(Please) + Don't do sth.
Let's do exercise.
1. Jim, _____ me a hand.
   A. gives   B. is giving   C. will give   D. give
2. _____ careful, Jenny! There is a tree in front of you.
   A. Am   B. /   C. Be   D. Was
3. Let's _____ our time.
   A. not waste   B. no wasting   C. not to waste   D. no waste
4. -- _____ higher, and you will see the house.
   -- OK.
   A. If you stand      B. To stand
   C. When you stand    D. Stand
5. Please _____ do it.
   A. he   B. let him   C. let he   D. him
6. _____ let anyone open the door.
   A. Don't   B. Will   C. Not   D. No
7. -- Don't be late again.
   -- Sorry, _____.
   A. I may   B. I must   C. I will   D. I won't
8. -- Call me when you get home.
   A. I must   B. I can   C. I will   D. I may
肯定  Be quiet.  →  1. 動詞+…
      Please have a seat.  →  2. Please+動詞…
      David, pay attention.  →  3. 人名+動詞…
否定  Don't be afraid.             \
      Please do not make a noise. — 在動詞前面加don't否定
      Alan, don't be late.         /
Giving orders/instructions
1. Let's + (not)動詞原形…
   Eg. Let's go home together. / Let's not talk in the class.
2. let's ..., shall we?   \
3. Let sb ..., will you? — 反義疑問句
4. 祈使句, will you?      /
·No talking!是警示,祈使句用法要牢記。
Complete the dialogues with Imperatives.
1. -- It's her birthday next week.
   -- Then _________ her about the surprise birthday.
2. -- How can I get to People's Hospital?
   -- _________ along the street and _________ left at the lights.
3. -- We have to finish the work in two hours.
   -- Then let's _________ any time.
4. -- _________ so much noise, please.
   -- Ok.
5. -- _________ out! There's a car coming.
   -- Thanks.
Let's do more exercises.
Choose the correct answer.
1. -- Call me when you get home.
   -- OK, _____.
   A. I must   B. I can   C. I win   D. I may
2. Jim, _____ me a hand.
   A. gives   B. is giving   C. give   D. will give
3. Let me _____ on duty today.
   A. am   B. /   C. be   D. do
4. Let's _____ our time.
   A. not waste      B. no wasting
   C. not to waste   D. no waste
5. -- _____ higher, and you will see the house.
   -- OK.
   A. If you stand      B. To stand
   C. When you stand    D. Stand
6. _____ forget to write to me when you _____ get there next Tuesday.
   A. Don't; will    B. Please; will
   C. Please; /      D. Don't; /
7. Please _____ do it.
   A. he   B. he let   C. let him   D. him
8. _____ come in, please.
   A. Will   B. Do   C. Won't   D. Did
9. _____ careful!
   A. Be do   B. Do be   C. Not   D. Not do
10. _____ let anyone open the door.
   A. Don't   B. Will   C. Not   D. No
11. Let John finish the work all by himself, _____?
   A. shall we   B. will you   C. do you   D. do we
12. -- Let's go home, shall we? -- _____.
   A. That's right        B. That's all
   C. That's all right    D. All right
13. Please turn on the light, _____?
   A. are you   B. shall we   C. shall I   D. will you
14. Don't tell him the fact now, _____?
   A. shall we   B. shall you   C. will you   D. do you
15. Let the children not make so much noise, _____?
   A. shall we   B. will you   C. shall I   D. do you
16. _____ 6 and 4, and you will get ten.
   A. Added   B. Adding   C. To add   D. Add
17. _____ late again, or I'll report it to your father.
   A. Don't be   B. You aren't
   C. Can't be   D. Aren't
18. Don't interrupt her when she is speaking, _____?
   A. won't you    B. will you
   C. shall we     D. shan't we
19. _____ get off the lorry until it stops.
   A. Do   B. Can't   C. /   D. Don't
20. Let's not begin our supper until father comes back, _____?
   A. will you    B. won't you
   C. shall we    D. shan't we
in class
1. Be quiet.           
2. Take notes.     
3. Listen to the teacher carefully.
4. Don't eat in class.
in the restaurant
1. Line up.
2. Don't push.
3. Don't make noise.
4. Don't waste food.
on the road
1. Walk on the zebra crossing.
2. Be careful.
3. Don't play football.
4. Don't run fast.
肯定:(Please) + do sth.
否定:(Please) + Don't do sth.
如:Do come in, please!
    Do listen to me, please!
    Do open the door, please!
should and had better
We use should and had better when giving advice and telling people what we think is the best or right thing to do.
1、had better是固定詞組,意思是“應(yīng)該;最好”,后接不帶to的不定式,其用法相當于情態(tài)動詞,動詞had沒有人稱或數(shù)的變化。had better常用來提出建議,語氣較強,往往含有強迫或命令的口氣,故常用于長輩對晚輩、上級對下級或平輩之間。該短語指的是現(xiàn)在或?qū)淼那闆r,而不是指過去。
had better的簡略式為:'d better。如:
(1) You'd better go there by bus.
(2) We had better start at once.
2、had better的否定是had better not;疑問式是將had放在主語之前。如:
(1) We'd better not tell him the news.
(2) Hadn't we better go to the station to meet him?
3、在反意疑問句中,疑問部分一般用“had+主語?”,但有時也可用“Will you?”,表示一種請求或建議。如:
(1) You'd better not go out today, had you?
(2) I must stay at home this afternoon. You had better come to my house, will you?
4、對長輩或上級說話時,應(yīng)避免使用had better。比較禮貌的說法是It may/might be better tor you to do sth.。如:
   It might be better for you to take a taxi.
had better后面必須跟動詞原形。
You'd better go to hospital at once.
Tom, you'd better go there today.
主語不論是第幾人稱,句子不論是什么時態(tài),都要用had better的形式。如:
Now you(he,we) had better listen to the teacher.
We had better be starting back now.
1、情態(tài)動詞should常用來表示勸告、建議或義務(wù),意思是“應(yīng)該”,可用于各種人稱,其語氣比had better委婉,后接不帶to的動詞不定式。此外,should還可表示合理的推論,意思是“應(yīng)該;理應(yīng);一定…吧”。例如:
(1) You shouldn't come to such a decision hastily.
(2) The party should be great fun.
   (1) You are right. I should have thought of that.
   (2) They should not have left so soon.
   (1) The train should have already left.
   (2) They should have known the news.
   I was really anxious about you. You shouldn't have left home without a word.
  Should you do like this?
  You should study hard, shouldn't you?
1. You'd better _____ late next time.
   A. don't   B. not be   C. not being   D. won't be
2. -- Can I leave this door open at night?
   -- You _____ better not.
   A. should   B. would   C. could   D. had
3. -- Let's go to the cinema, shall we?
   -- _____.
   A. Yes, I shall        B. No, I can't
   C. Yes, thank you      D. No, we'd better not
4. -- You'd better go there with me, hadn't you ?
   -- _____.
   A. Yes, I had to       B. Yes, I had better
   C. No, I hadn't        D. No, I hadn't better
5. -- I'm afraid I've got a bad cold.
   -- _____.
   A. Keep away from         B. Never mind
   C. You need medicine      D. Better go and see a doctor
6. We had better wait for your girlfriend Juliet, _____?
   A. hadn't we   B. don't we   C. didn't we   D. shan't we
7. This ddictionary belongs to Rita. You _____ it home without letting her know.
    A. had better not to take   B. shouldn't have taken
    C. oughtn't take            D. shouldn't be taking
8. -- Mary looks sad. Did you tell her about the accident?
   -- Yes, but I _____ her later.
   A. should have told     B. shouldn't have told
   C. must have told       D. ought not to have told
9. -- I didn't see her yesterday.
   -- Oh, but you _____.
   A. should have      B. should
   C. must have        D. cannot have
10. -- I feel rather tired today.
    -- You _____ to sleep too late last night.
   A. should go      B. couldn't have gone
   C. might go       D. shouldn't have gone
Practice grammar in you exercise book.





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