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八年級英語上冊Unit 4《Do it yourself》(1)

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Unit 4《Do it yourself》(1)
DIY是“Do It Yourself”的英文縮寫。興起于近幾年,逐漸成為一種流行。簡單來說,DIY就是自己動手,沒有性別、年齡的區(qū)別,每個人都可以自己做,利用DIY做出來的物品自有一份自在與舒適。
tools  工具
brush  刷子
glue  膠水
rope  繩子
scissors  剪刀
a pair of scissors
tape  膠帶
My car has to be repaired.
We'll just have to do without a car until they fix it.
The doctor's instructions must be fulfilled strictly.
Read the instructions on the pocket.
decorate  裝飾,裝潢
We decorated the house for the holidays.
terrible adj. 可怕的;很糟的;令人討厭的
  very bad
She admits her French is terrible. 她承認自己的法語很糟糕。
stand for 表示,意味;代表,象征
The olive branch stands for peace.
enjoy doing 樂于做,喜歡做……
He enjoys swimming.
be crazy about -- like something very much 熱衷,著迷;狂熱的
She's crazy about dancing.
mistake  n.(c)
make a mistake / make mistakes  犯錯誤
When you make a mistake, learn the lesson in that mistake. 當你犯錯誤時,應當從錯誤中總結經(jīng)驗。
mistake A for B  誤將A當B
The students mistook me for their teacher.
by mistake  錯誤地
I brought other baggage by mistake.
power cut
Just as I was going to start writing my homework, we had a power cut.
fill sth with sth  充/填/裝…滿
be filled with  被…充/填/裝…滿
be full of  被…充/填/裝…滿
e.g. 她在房間里擺滿了鮮花。
     She fills her room with beautiful flowers.
     Her room is filled with flowers.
     Her room is full of flowers.
be filled with = be full of  被充滿;鼓脹
Her eyes were filled with tears. = Her eyes were full of tears. 她熱淚盈眶。
I advise you to be cautious.
I would strongly advise against it. 我會強烈建議不要這樣做。
instead  代替;反而
He didn't give John the money, but he gave it to me instead. 他沒把錢給約翰,卻給了我。
instead of  代替,而不是
Why don't you play football instead of just looking on?
Thousands of people attended the wedding.
They attended college together at Henan University.
Checking the new words:
1. repair  修理
2. decorate  裝飾
3. ceiling  天花板
4. Shelf  架子,擱板
5. however  無論如何
6. Attend  出席,參加
7. You'd better do ...  你最好做…
not only...but also...的用法
She not only plays well, but also writes music.
Not only men but also women were chosen.
He works not only on weekdays but on Sundays as well.
Not only the students but also their teacher is enjoying the film.
Not only you but also he has to leave. 不知是你,他也得離開。
若連接兩個句子,not only后面的句子要用倒裝,如:
Not only did he speak more correctly, but he spoke more easily.
Do it yourself
Eddie: That's your new house, Hobo.
Hobo: Great. What should we do?
Eddie: Here are clear instructions. Read them first.
Hobo: All right. What's next?
Eddie: You'd better get some tools.
Hobo: No problem!
Hobo: Shall we start?
Eddie: No. I can't help you. It says, "Do it yourself."
Ask and answer:
1. What happenes to Hobo?
2. Did Eddie help Hobo? Why?
Suzy's cousin Andrew is crazy about DIY. Read Suzy's article about him.
My cousin Andrew is crazy about DIY. He loves to repair things and decorate his house. But when he finishes, the house always looks terrible!
He once tried to put in a brighter light in his bedroom, but he made a mistake. Then his whole house had a power cut. Another time, he wanted to put up a picture on his bedroom wall, but he hit a pipe and filled the room with water.
Last month, he thought the living room in his house was boring, so he painted it blue. His mum said, "Stop it." But he kept on painting. Now the living room not only has blue walls but also a blue ceiling and floor. Even his cat is blue now!
When I wanted a shelf above my bed, he said, "No problem!" He then spent five hours putting up the shelf on the wall. Then I put my book on the shelf. Whoops! They couldn't stay there because one end of the shelf was much higher than the other!
I bought some books about DIY for him and I also advised him to take a course in DIY. But this just made him angry - he says he already knows everything about it. So instead, I am reading all the books myself and attending lessons every Saturdoy. Now I know much more about DIY than my cousin!
Skimming the text and answer the following questions.
(1) Who loves DIY in Suzy's family?
(2) Do you think Suzy's cousin is good at DIY?
(3) How does the house look after Suzy's cousin finishes?
(4) Why was Suzy's bedroom filled with water?
(5) How long did it take her cousin to put up a shelf?
put up a shelf  做一個書架
put up a picture  掛一幅畫
put on your coat  穿上你的外套
put them away  把它們收起來
put off the meeting  推遲會議
put up  舉起,抬起;掛起;搭建,建造
put on  穿上,戴上
put down  放下,記下
put away  收起來,放好;儲存(錢)…備用
put off  延期:推遲
Suzy's cousin is not very good at DIY. Match the jobs he did with the problems he caused.
1. Putting in a brighter light
2. Putting up a picture
3. Painting the living room
4. Putting up a shelf
a. No books could stay on it.
b. He hit a pipe and filled the room with water.
c. The whole house had a power cut.
d. The cat is blue now.
Which are true or false?
1. Suzy's cousin loves doing DIY.
2. Suzy's cousin failed to put in a new light in his bedroom.
3. Suzy's cousin put a picture on a pipe.
4. Suzy's cousin thought the cat was boring, so he painted it blue.
5. It took Suzy's cousin only a few minutes to put up the shelf on the wall.
6. Suzy's cousin wants to get better at DIY.
Suzy is talking with Kitty about her cousin and his DIY. Complete their conversation with the information from the article.
Suzy: My cousin Andrew is (1)______ about DIY. He love to (2)______ things and decorate his house.
Kitty: What kind of things does he do?
Suzy: He once tried to put in a brighter light in his bedroom, but he made a (3)______, and his house had a (4)______.
Kitty: Oh dear!
Suzy: And last month, he thought the living room was (5)______, so he painted the walls (6)______. But he also painted the ceiling, the floor and even the cat!
Kitty: Oh no!
Suzy: He once spent five hours putting up a (7)______ on the wall for me, but my books couldn't stay there because one end of the shelf was much (8)______ than the other.
Kitty: He should take a (9)______ in DIY.
Suzy: But he says he already knows (10)______ about it!





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