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八年級英語上冊Unit 1《Friends》(3)

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Unit 1《Friends》(3)
Grammar A: Describing things or people with adjective
Describing people's appearance
  thin   strong   fat
A: What is he/she like?
B: He/She is ....
Work in pairs
  small eyes   big eyes
A: She has small eyes.
B: Her eyes are small.
A: She has big eyes.
B: Her eyes are big.
  round face   square face
A: He has a square face.
B: His face is square.
A: He has a round face.
B: His face is round.
Choose right adjectives to describe the girl's appearance.
  tall   big   lovely   round   long
Nancy is a very ______ girl. She is not very ______. Her hair is ______. She has a ______ face and ______ eyes.
The use of adjectives
Do you know how to describe someone or something with adjectives?
We use adjectives to describe sb/sth. We can put an adjective before a noun(名詞前) or after a linking verb(系動詞后).
She has long hair.(名詞前)
Her hair is long.(系動詞后)
The cat is lazy.
This is a lazy cat.
1. The girl is lovely.
   She is a ______ ______.
2. She has yellow hair.
   Her hair ______ ______.
3. A lazy cat is sleeping on the sofa.
   The cat ______ ______.
She is a lovely girl.
She has short hair.
A lazy cat is sleeping on the sofa.
The girl is lovely.
Her hair is short.
The cat is lazy.
Do you know any more linking verbs?
  be      become   feel
  get     grow     keep
  look    seem     smell
  sound   taste    turn
We can also use adjectives after these linking verbs.
Can you make sentences using these linking verbs with adjectives?
  Linking verbs         Adjectives
   be     become         nice     great
   feel   get            tired    green
   grow   keep           healthy  sad
   look   seem           happy    strong
   smell  sound          angry    ...
   taste  turn
e.g. I feel tired today.
     It sounds great.
Rewrite the following sentences
1. He is a strong man.
  =The man is strong.
2. Tom's hair is long.
  =Tom has long hair.
3. He has small eyes.
  =His eyes are small.
4. This book is interesting.
  =This is an interesting book.
Help Daniel complete sentences.
1. short/Millie/hair/has
2. wears/Sandy/glasses/round
3. is/funny/Amy/and cheerful
4. like/Millie/not/hair/does/long
5. is/Sandy/hair/tall/long/and has
6. never/or unhappy/feels/Amy/bored
7. happy/looks/today/Millie/very
8. boy/an/Daniel/interesting/is
Grammar B: Comparatives and superlatives
Yao Ming is taller than Liu Xiang is.
Liu Xiang is taller than Mike is.
Mike is the shortest of all.
Yao Ming is the tallest of all.
Lily's cake is big.
Han Mei's cake is bigger than Lily's.
Jim's cake is the biggest of all.
Li Lei's box is heavy.
Han Mei's box is heavier than Li Lei's.
Jim's box is the heaviest of all.
Mike is very young.
Jim is younger than Mike.
Tom is the youngest of the three.
This plane is high in the sky.
This plane is higher.
This plane is the highest of all.
Jack is fast.
David is faster than Jack.
Tim is the fastest of all.
Amy is very beautiful.
Linda is more beautiful than Amy.
Helen is the most beautiful of all.
Practice in pairs or groups
Talk about yourself
A: I am ....
B: I am ... than you.
C: I am the ... of all.
Talk about your classmates, your teachers or your class
A: Sb is ....
B: ... is ... than him/her.
C: ... is the ... of all.
1. We use comparatives to compare two people or things.
2. We use superlatives to compare three or more people or things.
3. We add 'the' before the superlatives.

    構(gòu)成方法       原級       比較級       最高級
 一般在詞尾加-er或-est  fast
 以字母e結(jié)尾的形容詞,加-r或-st  nice
 雙寫輔音字母,在加-er或-est  big
 以輔音字母+y結(jié)尾的雙音節(jié)詞,先改y為i,再加-er或-est  easy
 其他雙音節(jié)詞和多音節(jié)詞在前面加more或most  beautiful
 more beautiful
 more important
 more dangerous
 more frightened
 most beautiful
 most important
 most dangerous
 most frightened
 不規(guī)則變法  good/well
Complete the table below.
adjective comparative superlative
Fill in the blanks.
1. Simon is ________(tall) Kitty.
2. Peter is ________(tall) student of the six students.
3. Sandy is ________(heavy) Millie.
4. Peter is ________(heavy) student of the six students.
5. Millie is ________(slow) swimmer of the six students.
6. Amy is ________(fast) swimmer of the six students.
7. Millie's drawing is ________(beautiful) Simon's.
8. Sandy's drawing is ________(beautiful) in the drawing competition.
9. Millie's Engjish is ________(good) Amy's. Millie's English is ________(good).
10. Simon is ________(short) Peter.
11. Amy and Kitty are ________(light) students among the six students.
12. Peter's English is ________(bad) among the six students.
Fill in the blanks
   Mr Green is ______ and ______ one ______ the four.
   Small bananas are often ______ ______ big ones.
   My pencil is ______ yours.
   Which river is ______ in China?
   His idea is ______ than ______.






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