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八年級英語上冊Unit 1《Friends》(2)

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Unit 1《Friends》(2)
Studying Aims 學(xué)習(xí)目標
1. To grasp some new words and some phrases.
2. To be able to grasp the main ideas of the text.
3. To be able to describe your best friends.
more  adj.  更多的
many/much的比較級  many/much——more——most
He has more apples than I do.
越來越多  more and more
更多一些事物  some more food
越來越美麗  more and more beautiful
越來越胖  fatter and fatter
越來越…  比較級+and+比較級
fat-fatter   fatter and fatter
beautiful-more beautiful   more and more beautiful
nothing  pron. 沒有東西;沒有事情(不定代詞)
注意:不定代詞都看作三單?。。?br>       修飾不定代詞的詞都應(yīng)后置?。?!
e.g. There is nothing wrong with my watch.
     Is anybody at home now?
     Would you like something to eat?
honest  adj.  誠實的,正直的
一個誠實的男孩  an honest boy (h不發(fā)音)  an hour
說謊  tell a lie/tell lies
e.g. He is an honest boy and he never tells lies.
secret  n.  秘密 & adj.  秘密的  作名詞是可數(shù)名詞
保守秘密  keep a secret/keep secrets
e.g. Don't tell it to others. It's a secret between you and me.
joy  n.  歡樂,高興;興趣(不可數(shù)名詞)
分享某人的快樂  share one's joy
分享我的快樂悲傷  share my joy and sadness
sad  adj.  難過的;令人難過的
感到難過,感到傷心  feel sad
believe  vt.  相信
相信某人  believe sb.
相信我的話  believe my words
            believe what I say
            believe the words I say
否定前移 I believe he is at home.
改否定句:I don't believe he is at home.
slim  adj.  苗條的(一般修飾女性)
Sandy is the slimmest girl in our class.
of表示同一類事物如of all the girls,in表示一個范圍如in China。
generous  adj.  慷慨的,大方的;寬厚的
對…大方  be generous to sb.
willing  adj.  樂意的,愿意的
be willing to do sth.  樂意做某事
Are you willing to help me carry the heavy box?
We should be willing to help the people in need.
Are you willing to stay with me this afternoon?
ready  adj.  樂意的,愿意的
be ready to do sth. = be willing to do sth.  樂意做某事
她樂于助人。 She is ready to help others.
be ready to do sth. 還可表示“準備好做某事”,相當(dāng)于be ready for (doing) sth.
get ready to do sth. /get ready for (doing) sth.  get強調(diào)動作,be強調(diào)狀態(tài)。
請準備好上課。 Please get ready for class.
我們準備出發(fā)了。 We are ready to go.
你準備好回答問題了嗎? Are you ready to answer the question?
humour  n.  幽默(不可數(shù)名詞)
很有幽默感  have a good sense of humour = be humorous
Our monitor has a good sense Of humour.
你真幽默。You really have a good sense of humour.
bored  adj.  無聊的,主語是人
boring  adj.  “枯燥的,令人厭煩的”,一般修飾物,或由物作主語
感到無聊  feel bored
一部無聊的影片  a boring film
The film was so boring that felt bored.
The boring meeting made everyone feel very bored.
joke  n.  玩笑(可數(shù)名詞)
  講滑稽的笑話  tell funny jokes
  開某人的玩笑  play jokes on sb.
off  prep.  離開,脫離=down from
  fall off the bike = fall down from the bike
  & adv.  下班,休息  have two days off  休息兩天
advertisement  n.  廣告(可數(shù)名詞)
看一則廣告  read an advertisement
everyone  pron.  每個人(不定代詞看作三單)
 = everybody
大家都在嗎? Is everyone here? = Are we all here?
true  adj.  忠實的;真的;真實的
  一個真朋友  a true friend
  名詞:truth (事實,真相)  tell the truth (說出真相)
vote  vi.  選舉;投票  vote for sb.  投票選舉某人
thin  adj.  瘦的;薄的   反義詞:fat(胖的)  thick(厚的)
square  adj.  正方形的;平方的 & n.  正方形;廣場
一張方臉:a square face
天安門廣場:Tian'anmen Square
handsome  adj.  英俊的  a handsome young man
printer  n.  打印機(動詞:print)
famous  adj.  著名的  a famous singer
  以…著名 be famous for
  中國以長城著名。 China is famous for the Great Wall.
agree  vi.  同意,贊同
  agree with sb.  同意某人的觀點= agree with what one says
  I don't agree with you. I quite agree with him.
runner  n.  奔跑的人(動詞run)
uncomfortable  adj.  不舒服的,不舒適的
  feel uncomfortable
advice  n.  建議;忠告;勸告(不可數(shù)名詞)
  給我提一些建議 give me some advice
  向某人征求建議 ask sb. for advice
smiling  adj.  微笑的,帶著笑容的  smiling eyes
dark  adj.  深色的  dark red/dark brown/dark green
fat  adj.  肥胖的   反義詞thin
  fatter and fatter 越來越胖
  much fatter than before 比以前胖得多
pleasant  adj.  令人愉快的;舒適的  a pleasant trip
wear  vt.  面露,面帶
  面帶微笑 wear a smile on one's/the face
climbing  n.  攀登,攀爬   go climbing
  I think climbing is as dangerous as diving.
  I don't think climbing is as dangerous as diving.
exciting  adj.  令人興奮的,使人激動的(修飾物)
as exciting as
1、苗條的 _________   2、慷慨的 _________
3、樂意的 _________   4、歌手 _________
5、幾乎 _________     6、視力 _________
7、圓形的 _________   8、聰明的 _________
9、觀念 _________     10、幽默 _________
11、無聊的 _________  12、玩笑 _________
13、可容納 _________  14、脫離 _________
15、選舉 _________    16、廣告 _________
17、齊肩的 _________  18、每個人 _________
19、真實的 _________
Best friends:
·Teenagers magazine is inviting teenagers to write about their best friends for the writing competition.
·Read the following Entries.
Betty is one of my best friends. She is slim and has short hair.
Betty is generous. She is willing to share things with her friends.
She is also very helpful and ready to help people any time. She helps me with my homework and she always gives her seat on the bus to someone in need.
Betty has a good voice. She wants to be a singer when she grows up.
My best friend is Max. He is the tallest boy in our class - almost 1.75 metres. He wears small, round glasses. They make him look smart.
Max has a good sense of humour. He tells funny jokes and always makes me laugh. I never feel bored with him.
Max's legs are very long. They do not fit well under his desk. When he walks past our desks, he often knocks our books and pens onto the floor.
Max is so interesting!
May is my best friend. She is shorter than I am. She has big, bright eyes and long, straight hair. Everyone thinks she is pretty.
May is sweet. She smiles often and never says a bad word about anyone.
May is a true friend. When something worries me, I can always go to her. I can tell her anything because she can keep a secret.
Language points
Betty is generous!
Betty is a generous girl!
She is willing to share things with her friends.
be willing to do sth
be ready to do sth
too much food
too many QQs
much too tried
He wears small, round glasses.
make him look smart
  make sb do sth
  make sb adj.
Everyone thinks she is pretty.
Everyone is here.
When he walks past the desks, he often knocks our books and pens off the desk.
knock on the door
knock over:撞翻
knock down:撞倒
Fast reading:
1. How many persons are there in the articles? And who are they?
2. Who's a boy and who's a girl?
1. Who has short hair?
2. Is Betty willing to share things with her friends?
3. What does Betty want to be when she grows up?
4. Is Max very tall? How tall is he?
5. Is Max so funny?
6. Who has straight, shoulder-length hair?
7. Why can I tell May anything?
8. Does May never say a bad word about anyone?
Further reading:
1. What does he/she look like? (appearance)
2. What kind of person is he/she? (personality)
3. What does he/she want to do in the future? (future plan)






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