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六年級英語上冊Module 2 Unit 4《What would you like to be? (3)》(舊版)

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《What would you like to be? (3)》
Writing:What would you like to be?
What's your name?
My name is James Li.
How old are you?
I'm forty-three years old.
What's your job?
I'm a minibus driver.
Do you like your job?
Yes,I like my job.
I like my job because I like to drive.
When do you usually start work?
I start work at half six in the morning.
When do you usually finish work?
I finish work at five o'clock in the afternoon.

Look and say
·Look at the two cards below and act out the interview.
Name:Mary Lin
Job:A secretary
Like her job:yes
Why/Why not:like to take notes and answer phones
Start work at:9 a.m.
Finishes work at:5 p.m.

Name:Judy Zhao
Job:A shop assistant
Like her job:no
Why/Why not:doesn't like to work too many hours
Start work at:10 a.m.
Finishes work at:10.30 p.m.
A:Hello,What's your name?
B:My name is Judy Zhao.
A:How old are you?
B:I'm twenty-four.
A:What's your job?
B:I'm a shop assistant.
A:Do you like your job?
B:No,I don't.
B:Because I don't like to work too many hours.
A:When do you usually start work?
B:I usually start work at ten in the morning.
A:When do you usually finish work?
B:I usually finish work at half past ten in the evening.

A:Hello,What's your name?
B:My name is Mary Lin.
A:How old are you?
B:I'm thirty-two.
A:What''s your job?
B:I'm a secretary.
A:Do you like your job?
B:Yes,I do.
B:Because I like to take notes and answer phones.
A:When do you usually start work?
B:I usually start work at nine in the morning.
A:When do you usually finish work?
B:I usually finish work at five in the afternoon.

Read and write
Lily Zhang             Secretary
Lily Zhang is thirsty-seven years old.She is a secretary.
She likes her job because she wants to meet people.
She starts work at nine o'clock in the morning.
She finishes work at seven o'clock in the evening.
Name:Lily Zhang
Jobs:a secretary
Like the job?yes
Why/Why not?She wants to meet people.
Starts at:9.00 pm
Finishes at:7.00 pm

Read a poem
What would you like to be?
What would you like to be?
What would you like to be?
I would like to be a pilot.
That's what I would like to be.
What would Kitty like to be?
What would Kitty like to be?
She would like to be a nurse.
That's what she would like to be.

I would like to be a/an...
That's what I would like to be.
She would like to be a/an...
That's what she would like to be.
Alice  would like to be...
That's what he/she would like to be.
Peter would like to be a pilot.
That's what he would like to be.

Write a poem
Can you write a poem for Joe and Alice?
What would Alice like to be?
What would Alice like to be?
She would like to be a teacher.
That's what She would like to be.
What would Joe like to be?
What would Joe like to be?
He would like to be a fireman.
That's what he would like to be.

About you
·Write a poem about what you would like to be,and draw a picture.
What would you like to be?
What would you like to be?
What would you...?
I would like to be...
That's what...
What would you like to be?
Kitty would like to be a nurse.
Alice would like to be a teacher.
Joe would like to be a fireman.
Peter would like to be a pilot.
1.Do you want to be a secretary?(保持原句意思不變)
______ you _______ be a secretary?
2.I'd like to be a fireman.(就劃線部分提問)
_______ _____ you like to _____?
3.Mary would like to be a singer.(改為否定句)
Mary _____ like to be a singer.
4.My mother is 42 years olf.(就劃線部分提問)
_____ ______ is _____ mother?
5.Alice would like to be a nurse because she likes to help make sick   people better.(就劃線部分提問)
________ Alice like to be a nurse?
6.I wouldn't like to be a driver because I don't like to sit in a car   for too many hours.(就劃線部分提問)
______ _____ you like to be a driver?
7.He starts his work at eight in the morning.(就劃線部分提問)
______ he __ his work?

Listen and write
·What jobs would the children like to do?Listen and write the name   next to each picture.
Paul:May,did you like our English lesson today?
May:Yes,it was very interesting.I like learning about jobs.
Paul:What would like to be,May?
May:I'd like to be a ...I want to fly big planes and travel to many      places.
Paul:You always run around the school like an aeroplane!

 Paul:What job do you want to do,Sally?
Sally:I don't know.
Paul:Would you like to be a teacher?
Sally:No,I wouldn't.Teachers stand all day in the classroom.
I don't want to do that.
Paul:Do you want to be a ...?Then you can sit all day at the desk.
Sally:And I can also talk on the telephone!That's a good job for me!

Andy:What about you,Anna?What do you want to be?
Anna:I don't know.My mum wants me to be a dentist,but I wouldn't like      to do that.I don't want to put my hands in other people's      mouths.Yuk!
Andy:I agree!I want to work in a place with clean air.
Anna:Would you like to be a fireman,Andy?
Andy:No,I wouldn't.I don't like the sea.I want to work in a place      with a lot of plants and animals.
Anna:You can be a...
Andy:Would you like to be a bank clerk,Anna?You're very good at      Maths.
Anna:No,I wouldn't.I want to do something wo help people.
Andy:OK.Then you can be a ...You can make sick people better.
Anna:That's a good idea!
Andy:Here comes my bus,Bye,everybody,Bye,Anna!

Read and write
What's your name?
How old are you?
What's your job?
Do you like you job?
When do you usually start work?
When do you usually finish work?

Read and write
Jill is interviewing Mr Zhou.Read the dialouge and help Jill write her notes.
Jill:Hello.What's your name?
Mr.Zhou:My name's David Zhou.
Jill:How old are you?
Mr.Zhou:I'm forty years old.
Jill:What's your job,Mr.Zhou?
Mr.Zhou:I'm a cook.
Jill:Do you like your job?
Mr.Zhou:Yes,I do.
Mr.Zhou:Because I like to cook food for people.
Jill:When do you usually start work?
Mr.Zhou:I usually start work at ten o'clock in the morning.
Jill:When do you usually finish work?
Mr.Zhou:I usually finish work at nine o'clock in the evening.
Like his/her job?_______
Start work at:________
Finishes work at:______

Think and write
Make a list of the jobs you would like to do.Then make a list of the jobs you would not like to do.
Write about the jobs your would like to do and the jobs your would not like todo.Give reasons.
Find out and write
Interview an adult about his/her job.Make notes.

Homework time
2.請同學(xué)們?nèi)鎻?fù)習(xí)Module 2 Unit 4的單詞和對話。





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