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六年級英語上冊Module 1 Unit 1《Family and relatives (2)》(舊版)

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《Family and relatives (2)》
Let's review

grandfather     grandmother
mother   father   uncle   aunt   uncle
Alice   brother   cousin   cousin
I'm their ______.
I'm their ______.
We're their _________.

New lesson
Listen and say
Are they your family and relatives,Alice?
Yes,they are.
This is my grandfather.這是我的爺爺。
This is my grandmother.這是我的奶奶。
These are my uncles and this is my aunt.這是我的叔叔們和這是我的阿姨。
These are my cousins.
I have two uncles.How many uncles do you have?
I have one uncle.
I only have one aunt.How many aunts do you have?
I have one aut,too.
How many...do you have?
How many brothers do you have?
I have +number.
Family member/relative         number
brother                        2
How many brothers do you have?
I have _______.
Family member/relative         number
sister                         3
How many sisters do you have?
I have _______.
Family member/relative         number
uncle                          2
How many uncles do you have?
I have _______.
Family member/relative         number
aunt                           4
How many aunts do you have?
I have _______.
Family member/relative         number
grandfather                    1
How many grandfathers do you have?
I have one_______.
Family member/relative         number
grandmother                    1
How many grandmothers do you have?
I have one_______.
Family member/relative         number
cousin                         4
How many cousins do you have?
I have _______.

Ask and answer
In pairs,talk about each other family members/relatives and complete the table.

 Family member/relative  Me  My classmates
 brother  2  1
 sister  1  2
 uncle  3   2
 aunt  3  3
S1:This is ______ my brother(s).
These are ______my sister(s).
S2:How many brothers do you have?
S1:I only have one ______.
I have (number) ______.
S1:These are my btothers.
S2:How many brothers do you have?
S1:I have two brothers.
How many brothers do you have?
S2:I have only one.

S1:This is my sister.
S2:How many sisters do you have?
S1:I have only one.
How many sisters do you have?
S2:I have two.

S1:These are my uncles.
S2:How many uncles do you have?
S1:I have two three.
How many uncles do you have?
S2:I have two.

S1:These are my aunts.
S2:How many aunts do you have?
S1:I have three.
How many aunts do you have?
S2:I have three too.

Read and answer
Question number 1:He is my father's brother.Who's he?
He's your uncle.
Question number 2:She's my father's niece.Who's she?
She's your cousin.
Question number 3:He is my mother's father.Who's he?
He's your grandfather.
Question number 4:She is my daughter's daughter.Who's she?
She's your granddaughter.
Question number 5:He is my sister's son.Who's he?
He's your nephew.
Question number 6:She's my aunt's sister.He daughter is my sister.Who's she?
She's your mother.
Question number 7:He is my father's son.But he's not my brother.Who's he?
It's you.

Look and write
I have a/one grandfather.
three cousins.
1.Sam:I have a grandfather and a grandmother.
I have three cousins.
2.Ann:I have one son and two daughters.
3.Tom:I have one son and one daughter.
I have two granddaughters and one grandson.
4.Jack:I have two grandfathers and two grandmothers.I have one cousin.
1.Peter,do you have any aunts?
Yes,I have two aunts.How many aunts do you have,Jill?
I have one aunt.Do you have any uncles?Yes,I have two uncles.
2.Joe,do you have any brothers?
Yes,I have four brothers.How many brothers do you have,Jill?
I don't have any brothers.Do you have any cousins?
Yes,I have three cousins.
A survey

 Name   aunt(s)   uncle(s)    brother(s)  cousin(s)
 Peter  ______   ______  1  2
 Joe  2  1  _______  ______
 Jill   _______  1  _______   1 

Write about yourself.
I have two grandfathers and grandmothers.
I have a brother and a sister-in-low.
I have a niece.

1.Try to write something about yourself.
2.Try to make a birthday card for your family members.





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