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七年級英語下冊Module 12 Western music Unit 2《Vienna is the centre of European classical music!》

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七年級英語下冊Module 12 Unit 2《Vienna is the centre of European classical music!》

Some instruments (樂器)
violoncello   大提琴
piano   鋼琴
organ   管風琴
saxophone   薩克斯
drum  鼓
violin  小提琴
trument   喇叭;小號
guitar   吉他
Listen and check the true sentences.
1.Many musicians came to study and work in Vienna. (√)
2.Strauss the younger played the piano,the violin and the drums at the age of six.  (×)
3.Mozart's family took him around Europe.  (√)
4.The father,Johann Strauss,died in 1791. (×)
5.Mozart wrote The Blue Danube. (×)
Read and answer the questions.
1.Where is Vienna?
It's in Austria.It is the centre of Europe.
2.What music did Johann Strauss the elder write?
He wrote music for traditional dances,called the waltz.
3.How many waltzes did Johann Strauss the younger wirte?
He wrote over 150 waltzes.
4.When was Mozart born?
He was born in 1756.
5.How old was Mozart when he died?
He was 35.
Paragraph 1
Is Vienna the capital city of Australia of Austria?
It is the capital city of Austria and the centre of European classical music.
Oral practice:Retell Paragraph 1.
Key words:
Vienna beautiful,old,on the River Danube,in the centre of...
the capital city of,the centre of European classical music
in the eighteenth century,came to study and work
True of false
1.Strauss the elder wrote and played the waltz and made him famous all over Europe.   (T)
2.Strauss the younger wrote over 150 waltzes.  (T)
3.Strauss the elder wrote The Blue Danube in 1687.  (F)
Paragraph 3
1.What did Mozart play when he was six years old?
He played the violin and piano.
2.Whose music do some people think is perfect?
Language points
1.His waltzes made him famous all over Europe.
(1)make sb.do sth. 使某人做某事
make sb not do sth.  使某人不做某事
Parents always make their children learn many things.
(2)make sb./sth.+adj. 使某人/物...
The bad news made him very sad.
all over  遍及
all over the world  全世界
all over the country  全國
all over China  全中國
We have friends all over the world.
2.Before he was...not only the piano,but also the violin.
not only...but also  意思是“不但...而且...”如:
He can not only speak Chinese but also speak English.
He is not only my teacher,but also my good friend.
當not only...but also  連接兩個主語的時候,謂語動詞與最近的那一個主語在人稱和數上保持一致。如:
Not only he but also his mother likes swimming.
3.But he became very poor and died in 1791 when he was only thirty-five.
die 作動詞,意為“死,去世”,表示生命的結束,是不及物動詞,強調的是瞬間動作,不能與表示一段時間的狀語連用。die可以用于進行時態(tài),by dying 意為“奄奄一息的;瀕死的”。如:
My grandfather died at the age of 86.
Flowers soon die if they are left without wather.
Those trees are dying.
She is dying of cancer.
die of/from  意為“死于...”,前者一般指由于疾病、情感、衰老等自身原因引起的死亡;后者一般指環(huán)境(主要指事故等方面的外部原因)造成的死亡。如:
The man died of cancer.
The Polish president died from air crash.
die out 意為“滅絕”。如:
Many kind of animals have died out.
I was surprised by his death.
The flower has been dead for two days.
1.His grandfather has been (dead)(die)for 10 years.
2.The (death)(die)of the dog made the boy very sad.
3.The old man (died) (die)three years ago.
Use the notes to write a passage about the Chinese composer Xian Xinghai.
You can begin like this:
Xian Xinghai is one of the great composers of classical and traditional music.He was born in....
Xian Xinghai
Xian Xinghai is one of the great composers of classical and tranditional music.He was born in Macao,China in 1905 and stuied in Paris.He was famous for his song The Yellow River.He wrote is in 1939.He used traditional music,and the music describes China to the rest of the world.
Unfortunately,Xian Xinghai died young,in 1945.But he is called the People's Musician and his songs are still popular today.







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