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七年級英語下冊Module 8 Story time Unit 3《Language in use》

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七年級英語下冊Module 8 Unit 3《Language in use》

Fill in the blanks.
Goldilocks (was)a little tired,she wanted to sit down.First she (wanted)to sit on the smallest chair because the two big (ones)were (uncomfortable.)The small chair was in (piece)it because she was too (heavy).Then she (walked)into the bedroom and was (asleep)in the smallest bed.
When the bears (returned),they were(unhappy)with the empty bowl and the broken chair.Next,the Baby Bear (pointed)at the girl in his bed,and (cried),"Look!There the (bad)girl!"
When the three Bears were all around her,Goldilocks (opened)her eyes.She (jumped)out of bed and (hurried)out of the house (without)her basket.She didn't (return)to the foreset again.
變化規(guī)則                   動詞原形                   過去形式
一般動詞詞尾加-ed          walk,listen,look,finish   walked,listened,looked,finished
以字母e結尾的動詞后加-d    live,notice,decide        lived,noticed,decided
以輔音祖母加-y結尾的動詞, hurry,carry               hurried,carried
以元音字母加輔音字母結尾的    stop,step              stopped,stepped
規(guī)則                  動詞原形              過去式
以輕輔音結尾的動詞    knock  pick  push     knocked  picked pushed
加-ed后,ed讀作/t/    like  stop            liked  stopped 
以濁輔音和元音結尾的  answer  enter  hurry   answered   entered  hurried   lived
動詞加-ed后,ed讀作/d/  live
以字母t,d結尾的動詞加  count  decide         counted  decided
Baby Bear didn't look into the bedroom.
I didn't finish my homework yesterday.
He didn't play football yesterday.
如:put-put  let-let  cut-cut  beat-beat
如:build-built  lend-lent  send-sent  spend--spent
3.以n 結尾的詞,在詞后加t
如:mean-meant   burn-burnt  learn-learnt
如:blow-blew  draw-drew know--knew  grow--grew
如:keep-kept  sleep-slept  feel-felt smell-smelt
如:sing-sang  give-gave  sit--sat  drink--drank
Did you listen to the news in the morning?
Did you watch TV yesterday evening?
肯定句:He moved to London at 28.
否定句:He didn't move to London at 28.
一般疑問句:Did he move to London at 28?
回答:Yes,he did. No,he didn't.
肯定句:We played computer games yesterday.
否定句:We didn't play computer games yesterday.
一般疑問句:Did we play computer games yesterday?
回答:Yes,we did.No,we didn't.
肯定句:They did some sport after school.
否定句:They didn't do any sport after school.
一般疑問句:Did they do any start after school?
回答:Yes,they did.No,they didn't.
肯定句:My sister started school at six.
否定句:My sister didn't start school at six.
一般疑問句:Did my sister start school at six?
回答:Yes,she did.No,she didn't.
1)表示在過去某個時間發(fā)生的動作。常和表示過去的時間狀語連用。如:once,once upon a time,last week,in 1990等。如:
They played football last Saturday.
The writer started to write in 1998.
He often visited his uncle when he was young.
His father often returned home late last month.
Have a try!
Fill in the blanks.
1.I (walked)(walk)to school yesterday.
2.Lily (entered)(enter)the house and saw four girls.
3.I decide (to see)(see)a movie this Saturday.
4.David's granfather (died)(die)three years ago.
5.My friend Helen (arrived)(arrive)in Beijing last month.
6.The weather (was)(be)bad yesterday,but is(is)(be)fine today.
Complete the sentences.
How can a girl (change into)a bird?
He (pointed at)the flowers in the garden.
Xiaoming (jumped out of)the bed because there was a snake.
A student (picked up)the bag for me.
We (looked around)but didn't see anything.
Rewrite the sentences.
1.The teacher rushed into our classroom.(改為否定句)
(The teacher didn't rush into our classroom.
2.Lily hurried to school this morning.(改為同義句)
Lily walked to school (in a hurry)this morning.
3.returned,the,evening,she ,in,to,the forest(連詞成句)
(She returned to the forest in the evening.)
4.He walked to the playground.He played football.(合并句子)
(He walked to the playground and played football.)
5.Tom is listening to a story about animals now.(用last night代替now改寫句子)
(Tom listened to a story about animals last night.)
6.The children were all at home.(改為同義句)
(All)the children (were)at home.
7.Jim wanted to go to bed (because he was tired.)(對括號提問)
(Why did)Jim (want) to go to bed?
8.Jack wants to visit his aunt.(用yesterday改寫句子)
Jack(wanted to visit)hia aunt yesterday.
9.She went to school.She didn't have breakfast in the morning.(合并一句)
She went to school(without having)breakfast in the morning.
10.Goldilocks counted (three)bowls on the table.(對括號內提問 )
(How many) bowls (did) Goldilocks (count)on the table?
Fill in the blanks.
Mr.Black and his wife went to a big store in the morning.They (wanted)(want)to buy a nice present for their daughter.Because her birthday(is coming)(come)next week.There were so many thing in the store,but they (didn't know)(not know)what to buy.The assitant(營業(yè)員)(asked)(ask),"What does your daughter like?""She likes music,sports and taking photos,"Mrs.Black answered.
The assistant then (showed)(show) some CDs,sports clothes,and a camera to them.The Blacks(were) (be)very happy."Our daughter will like them very much,"they said.Then they (decide)(decide) to buy all of them.But when Mr.Black wanted to pay,he was sad.He (didn't take)(not take)any money!
Follow the sentences as examples and rewrite the sentence.
e.g We arrived in Shanghai last month.
We didn't arrive in Shanghai last month.
Did you arrive in Shanghai last month?
Yes,we did./No,we didn't.
1.He returned home from Beijing last Wednesday.
He didn't return home from Beijing last Wednesday.
Did he return home from Bejing last Wednesday?
Yes,he did./No,he didn't.
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box.
answer  enter  hurry  jump  like  notice  point  return  try  walk
1.Baby Bear (pointed)at the girl in his bed.
2.She (entered)the house.
3.Goldilocks (jumped)out of bed.
4.She (hurried)to the little house.
5.The three Bears didn't (answer)the door because they were out in the forest.
6.The Three Bear didn't (notice)Goldilocks in bed at first.
7.Goldilocks didn't (return)to that part of the forest again.
8.-Did she (try)the small chair first?
-No,she did't.She tried the big chair first.
9.-Did she (like)the small bed?
-Yes,she did.
Put the sentences together to make a story.Use words like and,so,but,because,first,next,then,and finally.
1.Finish writing the story.
2.Do some exercises on Workbook.






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