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七年級英語下冊Module 8 Story time Unit 2《Goldilocks hurried out of the house.》

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七年級英語下冊Module 8 Unit 2《Goldilocks hurried out of the house.》

Fill in the blanks.
One day,Goldilocks picked flowers in the forest.Soon she got (lost).There was a little house in the forest.Goldilocks (knocked)on the door,but nobody answered.She (pushed)the door,and entered the house.On the table there were (three)bowls with some food.
Goldilocks was very (hungry),so she picked up the biggest bowl.The food in it was very (hot).Then she tired the food in the bigger one,and it was too cold.She didn't (like)both of them.The food in the (smallest/third)bowl was very good.She was happy and finished all the food.
Work in pairs.Look and discuss.
1.How many people do you think lived in the house?Why do you think so?
2.If you were Goldilocks,what would you do after you finished the food?
Work in pairs.Guess what happened later.
-I think Goldilocks decided to go home.
-Maybe she stayed in the house.
-Somebody walked into the house.
-She looked into the other rooms.
Read and check the true sentences.
1.Goldilocks like the big chair.  (×)
2.Goldilocks liked the small bed.  (√)
3.Baby Bear looked in the bedroom.  (×)
4.The Three Bears were happy to see Goldilocks.(×)
5.Goldilocks didn't like to Three Bears.  (×)
Read again and answer the quuestions.
1.How many chairs were there?
There were three chairs.
2.What did she think about the big chairs?
They were umcomfortable.
3.What happened to the samllest chair?
The Chair was destoryed.It was in pieces.
4.Which bed did she like?
She liked the smallest bed.
5.Was she very tired?How do you know?
Yes.Because soon she was asleep in bed.
Language points
1.First,she tired the big chair.
I'm not good at singing,but I'll try.
try 還常用于以下結(jié)構(gòu)中:try to do sth.“努力做某事”。如:
They tried to do it wee.
try doing sth.“嘗試做某事”。如:
Tom tried riding the horse.
[拓展]try 常用短語
try on  試穿
try one's best  盡某人最大的努力
Lily tried on a pair of black shoes.
You should try your best to pass the exam.
另外,try 還可用作名詞,常用于短語have a try at...中,表示“嘗試....”。如:
Let's have a try at the job.
You can have a try at a Chinese restaurant next time.
2.The three bears returned.
return 是動(dòng)詞,意為“返回”相當(dāng)于come/go back.當(dāng)表達(dá)“返回到某地”時(shí),通常與介詞to連用,構(gòu)成return to someplace.如:
My father will return soon.
They returned to the village at last.
return 還可意為“歸還”,相當(dāng)于give back.如:
Jim returned the book to the library last week.
3.Very soon she was asleep in it.
asleep 是形容詞,一般作表語,表示”睡著了“,強(qiáng)調(diào)狀態(tài)。
go to bed  是動(dòng)詞短語,表示”上床睡覺“,但不一定睡著了,只是強(qiáng)調(diào)“去睡覺”這個(gè)動(dòng)作.
When he returned home,he found her asleep.
He waits until the children are asleep.
When do you go to bed every night?
Try to retell the text.
First,Goldilocks...because she was tired.The two big chairs were....She didn't like them,so she tired...chair.It was nice,but Goldilocks was...
She was unhappy and tired.She....bedroom.There were three beds.She didn't like the....The smallest bed was...
The tree Bears returned.They looked at...chairs.Baby Bear cried."There's nothing in my bowl and my chair is in pieces!"...
Next,the Bears...their bedroom.They didn't...
Then Baby Bear...the little girl in his bed,and cried,....
Finally,Goldilocks...eyes.The three Bear....her,so Goldilocks...bed and ...the house without her basket.She...to the forest again.
How to write a good story?
What words does it often use?
What six elements does a story have?
Number these sentences in the correct order.
③She knocked on the door.
④She entered the house.
①She looked around her.
②She noticed a little house.
Use words like first,next,then and finally.
First she looked around her.Next she noticed a little house.Then she knocked on the door.Finally she entered the house.
Look at the sentences.Then,write some new sentences using first,next/then and finally.
(1)First,she tried the big chair.
(2)Then she tried the middle chair.
(3)Finally,she tried the small chair.
1.pick up/very big bowl/didn't like/too hot
First,she picked up the very big bowl but she didn't like it--it was too hot.
Have a try!
1.The boy was angry.He (rushed)out of the room without saying anything.
2.Don't speak,please!The baby is (asleep).
3.Hearing that bad news,he felt (unhappy).
4.Who (destroyed)the window of our classroom?The window was broken.
5.I was watching TV when my mother (returned)home yesterday.
6.She walked in the forest and (picked)some flowers.
Bill (decided to take)a train to Shanghai yesterday.
She (destoryed)the chair and it was (in pieces).
He (hurried out of)the house and didn't (return)again.
Jenny often (points at)the words (with)her pen.
She (looked around)the room and didn't (notice)me.
Read the story again.Imagine what will happen next.Write at least three sentences.






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