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七年級英語下冊Module 8 Story time Unit 1《Once upon a time...》

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七年級英語下冊Module 8 Unit 1《Once upon a time...》

Do you like fairy tales?
What fairy tales do you like best?
Listen and check the true sentences.
1.The story is Goldilocks and the Three Bears. (√)
2.The story begins:Once upon a time.....  (√)
3.Goldilocks was a girl with hair of gold. (√)
4.Goldilocks lived in the forest. (√)
5.She decided to go for a walk in the park with her besket.  (×)
Look at the pictures and answr the questions.
1.Who was Goldilocks?
Goldilocks was a little girl with gold hair.
2.Where was she?
She was in the forest.
3.What did Goldilocks notice?
I think She noticed a house.
Read and fill in the blanks.
1.This is called (Goldilocks and Three Bears.)
2.(Once upon a time)there was a little girl with golden hair.
3.She lived (near the forest.)
4.One day she decided to go for a (walk).
Read again and answer the questions.
1.Did she pick any flowers in the forest?
Yes,she did.
2.Did she notice a big tree in the forest?
No,she didn't.She noticed a little house.
3.Was the door open?
Yes,it was.
4.Was there food in the bowls?
Yes,there was.
5.Did she want to eat the food?
Yes,she did.
6.Did she like the big bowl?
No,she didn't.she liked the small bowl.
Language points
1.Once upon a time there was a little girl with golden hair.
once upon a time  意為“從前”,經(jīng)常用在故事的開頭,表示事前發(fā)生在很久以前。
Once upon a time,there lived an old lady there.
Once upon a time there lived a prince in faraway land.
2.She decided to go for a ride in the forest.
decide 是動詞,意為“決定,下決心",其主要用法如下:1)其后接名詞或代詞,表示”對....做出決定“。如:
He can't decide anything now.
2)其后接不定式,構(gòu)成decide to do sth.表示”決定做某事“。如:
They decided to build a new school.
Let's first decide where we should go.
4)其后接介詞短語,構(gòu)成decide on sth.表示”就某事做出決定".如:
Don't decide on important matters too quickly.
decide的名詞形式是decision,常用于短語make a decision,表示“做出決定”。
3.She looked around her.
look around 意為“向四周看”,其后通常接名詞或代詞作賓語。如:
Betty looked around but saw nothing.
look at  看....       look after   照顧     look into  向....里面看    look our of  向...外看     look back  向后看    look up  向上看     look down  向下看    look like  看起來像
4.She picked up the very big bowl but....
pick up  意為“撿起,拿起”,其后可直接接名詞或代詞,當(dāng)后面接代詞時通常放在pick 與up之間。如:
My cup is on the floor.Please pick it up for me.
pick up  還可以表示“(用車)接(某人)”如:
Please wait at the school gate.John will pick you up there.
Retell the story
You can begin the story like this:Once upon a time,there was a little girl called Goldilocks.She lived near a big forest.She had hair of gold....
Once upon a time,there  (was)a little girl called Goldilocks.She (lived)near a big forest.One day,she (decided)to go for a (ride)in the forest.She (was)lost when she (picked)flowers in the forest.She (noticed)a little house,but there was (no one)in it.
She looked (into)a small room.On the table she (counted)three bowls (with)rice in them.She (was)very hungry,so she (finished)all the fool in the (smallest)bowl because it was not cold(or)hot.
Choose the best answers.
1.We decided (A)the books again.
A to count   B count  C counted
2.She was (B)in the city.
A got lose   B lost   C loses
3.Listen!Someone (C)the door.
A knocks on   B is knocking    C is knocking on
4.The bear looked (B)the room,but there was no one in it.
A at  B into  C for
5.She was very (C),so she ate all the food.
A happy  B exciting  C hungry
Complete these sentences.
(Once upon a time),the people here were poor.
I (hurried to)the hospital yeterday.
He (picked up)a long ruler this morning.
Daming (knocked on)the door but nobody answered.
She (decided to)go shopping this morning.
Try the talk about the fairy story about Goldilocks.Pay attention to the past simple regular verbs.






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