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七年級英語下冊Module 7 My past life Unit 3《Language in use》

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七年級英語下冊Module 7 Unit 3《Language in use》

Let's talk.
1.Where were you born?
2.When were you born?
3.What was your first school?
4.What was the name of your first teacher?
5.What was he/she like?
6.Who were your first friends?
7.Were they naughty?
時間狀語有:yesterday,last week,an hour ago,the other day,in 1982等。
Where did you go just now?
When I was a child,I often played football in the street.
原形     am  is  are
過去式  was  was  were
He was in a bank a moment ago.
They were at home last night.
2)否定句:在was/were 后直接加not即可變?yōu)榉穸ň洌矗褐髡Z+was/were+not+表語+其他。如:
Tom and Lily were not in the classroom just now.
注意:was not=wasn't
were not=weren't
3)一般疑問句:把was,were提到句首,句末用問號即可變?yōu)橐话阋蓡柧?。即?br> Was/Were+主語+表語+其他?
-Was she late this morning?
-Yes,she was./No,she wasn't.
-Were they at your party last night?
-Yes,they were./No,they weren't.
Fill in the blanks.
1.I (was)born in a small village.
2.Tony (wasn't)born in China.
3.Who (were)your first friends?
4.She (was)strict.
5.(Were)they naughty?
6.Yes,they (were)./No,they (weren't).
-Where was she born?
-She was born in Tianjin.
1.what/primary school?
-What was her primary school?
-It was Qiuzhen Primary School.
2.Who/first teacher?
-Who was her first teacher?
-Ms Guo.
3.Who/first friends?
-Who were her first friends?
-Feifei and Lulu.
3.Complete the sentences with the correct form of be.
1.Lingling (wasn't)(not)here last weekend.
She (was)in Xucun.
2.-(Was)Tony born in Cambridge?
-Yes,he (was).
3.-(Was)Daming born in Beijing?
-Yes,he (was).
4.-(Were)they at school on Monday?
-No,they (weren't).
5.-(Were)they at home this morning?
-No,they (weren't).
6.-(Was)your first teacher strict?
-Yes,she (was).
7.-(Were)your firends at your first school difficult?
-No,they (weren't).
8.-(Were)you happy at your first school?
-Yes,I (was).
4.Complete the sentences with the correct form of the world and expressions from the box.
be bored   be born     lots of    on the east coast of
  primary school   town
1.I was a good pupil in (primary school).
2.-Where (were)you (born)?
In Newton,a small (town)in America.
3.-Can I play a computer game,Mum?
I (am bored).
You can read your book.
4.Qingdao is in Shandong Province and it is (on the east coast of)China.
5.There was a new film on yesterday and there were (lots of)people at the cinema.
Around the world
Read and answer
1.Where was he born?
He was born in a small village in the Transkei region of South Africa.
2.When was he born?
He was born on 18th July,1918.
Beyond was a famous rock band in Hong Kong that was founded in 1983.In 1990,they released one of the band's signature songs called Glorious Years.The song was about racism and the struggle of Nelson Mandela in South Africa.It expresses respect to Nelson Mandela.
Work in pairs.
Talk about your partner's past life.
-When were you born?
-I was born in...
Fill in the blanks.
1.His mother (was)(be)ill in hospital a few days ago.
2.What's the name of (his)(him)first school?
3.There are many (posters)(poster)of my favourite actors.
4.Lily looked forward to (coming)(come)to Beijing when she was eight.
5.My parents (were)(be)not at home when I got home.
6.She was the (second)(two)to arrive this morning.
7.John is (unfriendly)(friendly).He doesn't like talking to others.
8.How many (bedrooms)(bedroom)are there in your house?
Rewrite these sentences.
1.There was a pond behind the house.(改為一般疑問句并作肯定回答)
(Was there a pond behind the house?
Yes,there was.)
2.Our school was (big and beautiful).(就括號部分提問)
(What was your school like?)
3.Mandela was born (on 18th July,1918).(就括號內(nèi)提問)
(When was Mandela born?)
4.I am a doctor now.(用in the past代替now 改寫句子)
(I was a doctor in the past.)
5.at,was,time,I natughty,not,that (連詞成句)
(I was not naughty at that time.)
Complete sentences.
(What are/were)her parents (like)?
(When was)the last time (they were)in America?
There (was)a garden here(with)lots of flowers ten years ago.
They are (looking forward to visiting )China.
I will (go back)to my hometown(one day).
Fill in the blanks in the correct form of the words.
Tom is my friend.He (was)(be)born in England.Now he (lives)(live)in China with his father and mother.He is in No.5 Middle School.He (gets up)(get up)early every day.So he (isn't)(be not)late for school.Tom often helps us with our English,and we often (help)(help)him with his Chinese.
He is nice and we all like him.He(has)(have)many friends here.After class he likes doing sports.Look!Tom(is playing)(play)football with his friends on the playground.Tomorrwo is Sturday and we (will have)(have)a picnic in the park.I think we'll have a good time.
Write about your partner's past life.
I have a good friend.His name is Li Ming.He was born in Liuzhou.He was born in February 1995.His first school was Yuying Primare School.His first teacher was Ms Guo.She was strict but friendly to the students.His first friend was Jiang Bin.He was naughty but worked hard at his school work.He was good at Chinese.
Finish the passage about your partner's past life.






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