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七年級英語下冊Unit 8《Pets》Study skills, Task

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Unit 8《Pets》Study skills, Task
Study skills
Finding information on the Internet
What is the Internet?
The Internet is an international computer network. It connects computer networks all over the world. People can get different kinds of information from it. There are millions of websites on the Internet. There is a lot of useful information on the websites. You can use search engines(檢索引擎) to find the information you need.
How do we use search engines?
Search engines help us find information quickly and easily. Tape in a keyword or some keywords and the search engine will give you a list of relevant websites to look at.
Millie and her friends are using search engines to find information. Look at what they want to find. Help them choose the best keywords. Circle the correct letters.
1. Millie wants to find information about pets.
   a. animals   Search
   b. birds   Search
   c. pets   Search
2. Simon wants to find information about how to look after a pet ...
   a. pet care   Search
   b. pet   Search
   c. pet problems   Search
3. Kitty wants to find information about keeping an e-pet.
   a. different pets   Search
   b. e-pet   Search
   c. what to have a pet   Search
My favourite pet
______ is shy(害羞的).
______ is noisy(嘈雜的).
______ likes sleeping in a basket(籃子) and playing with pieces of string(繩子).
Amy's favourite pet
  Poppy the cat
Listen and answer:
1. How old is Poppy?
2. What's her favorite food?
3. Where does she like to sleep?
4. What will she do when she is hungry?
Read and fill in the blanks
What does it look like?
Think of words to describe its appearance.
Size ____________
Eyes ____________
Colour ____________
Weigh ____________
Read Part B and think about:
Its personality ____________
    (clever  friendly  happy  kind  lazy  quiet  shy ...)
Its food ____________
Its home ____________
What does it like?
Fill in the blanks
Poppy the cat
1. She's a cat.
2. She has long, grey fur and white paws. Her eyes are green. She is small and weighs only 2 Kilograms.
3. She is friendly and quiet.
4. She eats cat food, but she likes fish best. She drinks milk. She sleeps in a basket and plays with balls.
5. Amy feeds her every day, gives her clean water, and brushes her fur sometimes.
6. She is a good friend and she never worries.
Group work
                             Poppy                  My pet

 Kind(種類)  She's a cat.  
 Appearance(外表)  She has long, grey fur and white paws. Her eyes are green. She is small and weighs only 2 Kilograms.  
 Personality  She is friendly and quiet.  
 Lifestyle(生活方式)  She eats cat food, but she likes fish best. She drinks milk. She sleeps in a basket and plays with balls.  
 How to look after it?  Amy feeds her every day, gives her clean water, and brushes her fur sometimes.  
 Why is it special?  She is a good friend and she never worries.  
Make a composition/Poster
Some useful expressions
I love/like my ... very much.
Its name is ....
He/She is always very friendly.
Usually she/he eats ....
He/She usually sits/lies on the bed/floor.
He/She likes/does not like ....
He/She lives in a cage/basket box.
He/She needs ....
We usually/sometimes ....
            My pet
   I love my pet dog very much. Its name is Heihei. She has short black fur and black paws. Her eyes are yellow, she is not very big. She likes to eat dog food and bones, she doesn't like to eat bread. She is very clever. She can do tricks. I feed her three times a day and brush her fur every day. She enjoys walking in the park very much.
   Heihei is my best friend, she is quiet and she is kind to everybody.
1. My f______ pet is a cat.
2. She has l______ grey fur and white p______.
3. She w______ about two kilograms.
4. She likes w______ milk best.
5. She is very f______ and q______.
6. She likes sleeping in a b______.
7. When she is h______, she will miaow.
8. I like to b______ her fur and she enjoys it very much.
9. She never w______ because we take good ______ of her.
Write your script for your presentation on your favourite pet. Use the information on the fact sheet in Part B.






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