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七年級英語下冊Unit 8《Pets》Grammar

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Unit 8《Pets》Grammar
Learning aims:
To learn to use adjectives to describe people or things
To learn to use indefinite pronouns
To tell the differences among different indefinite pronouns
Words & phrase review
anywhere  adv.  任何地方
repeat  vt.&vi.  重復
all the time  一直,總是
agree  vi.&vt.  同意;應允
keep  vt.  養(yǎng),飼養(yǎng)
Using adjectives
Have A Look
Look at the followiog sentences.
1. She is tall and slim.
2. Li Hua is my favourite football star.
3. The classrooms are clean and bright.
4. We always have a good time at school.
5. It is wonderful.
6. Sometimes, I feel hungry between meals, so I eat an apple or a pear.
7. Yes, they're very pretty.
8. He looks smart.
9. They are kind and helpful.
10. The air is fresh here.
Sentences from this unit:
1. I want a new pet!
2. How rude you are!
3. ... it's very small and soft ...
4. I like her long ears.
5. My goldfish is a wonderful pet.
6. She doesn't need a gentle touch.
e.g. This is an old house.
e.g. He is very clever.
something interesting
如:The price sounds reasonable.
Have a try
1. She is ______(高的) and ______(苗條的).
2. Li Hua is my ______(特別喜愛的) football star.
3. The classrooms are ______(干凈的) and ______(明亮的).
4. We always have a ______(愉快的) time at school.
5. It is ______(極好的).
6. Sometimes, I feel ______(餓的) between meals, so I eat an apple or a pear.
7. Yes, they're very ______(漂亮的).
8. He looks ______(精干的).
9.They are ______(和藹的) and ______(愿意幫忙的).
10. The air is ______(新鮮的) here.
11. I want a ______(新的) pet!
12. How ______(粗魯的) you are!
13. ... it's very ______(小的) and ______(柔軟的) ...
14. I like her ______(長的) ears.
15. My goldfish is a ______(極好的) pet.
16. She doesn't need a ______(溫柔的) touch.
1. My dog is gentle and never bites. So you needn't be _____.
   A. excited        B. frightened
   C. satisfied      D. interested
2. -- Andy, you were the only person that was late for the meeting, why?
   -- Sorry, sir. But I really had a _____ time finding the meeting hall.
   A. enjoyable      B. funny
   C. difficult      D. pleasant
A1: Daniel is making some notes about pets. Help him make sentences with the words below.
·1. Birds make nice sounds.
·2. Dogs are clever and friendly.
·3. Goldfish are quiet and easy to look after.
A2: Daniel found two passages about pets on the website. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
I have a ______ cat. She likes to run after balls. When she gets ______. She sleeps anywhere. She Miaows when she is ______.
My parrot is a ______ friend of mine. He is very ______ and he can repeat my words. He says "Hello!" when I come back home. He is ______ all the time.
Indefinite pronouns
everyone     no one
everybody    nobody
everything   nothing
anyone       someone
anybody      somebody
anything     something
Have A Look
Look at the followiog sentences.
1. Hello, everyone!
2. I can tell something about Millie and her classmates.
3. ... she's going to ask someone to fix it.
4. Can you find anyone to help you with your homework?
5. There's something wrong with my computer.
6. Is there anything wrong with your fridge?
7. Hi, everybody!
8. They turned around but saw nothing. "Is anybody there?" Millie asked. Nobody replied.
9. Then she told Andy everthing.
Sentences from this unit:
Please bring me something to eat.
somebody、someone  某人
anybody、anyone  某人
everybody、everyone  每個人
nobody、no one  沒有人
something  某物
anything  某物
everything  每件事,一切
nothing  沒事
如:Hey, Lily. There is someone outside the door. 嗨,麗麗,門外有人。
如:Did you meet anyone when you came to school last Sunday?
no one,nobody,nothing
no-有否定含義,no one表示“沒有人”,nobody=not anyone,nothing=not anything
如:He has nothing much to do today.
如:Everybody likes swimming.
Is there anything important in today's newspaper?
Everything is ready. 一切都準備好了。
Everybody likes to join in this activity.
1. Hello, e______!
2. I can tell s______ about Millie and her classmates.
3. ... she's going to ask s______ to fix it.
4. Can you find a______ to help you with your homework?
5. There's s______ wrong with my computer.
6. Is there a______ wrong with your fridge?
7. Hi, e______!
8. They turned around but saw n______. "Is a______ there?" Millie asked. N______ replied.
9. Then she told Andy e______.
10. Please bring me s______ to eat.
1. -- Who helped you clean the classroom yesterday?
   -- _____. I cleaned it all by myself.
   A. Somebody      B. Nobody
   C. Everybody
2. -- Can I have some more ice cream, Mum?
   -- Sorry. There is _____ left in the fridge.
   A. none          B. nothing
   C. no one        D. anything
Mr Wu is asking the students about their pets. Complete their conversation with the correct indefinite pronouns.
Mr Wu: Millie, I know you have a dog. What do you feed him?
Millie: We usually feed him dog food.
Mr Wu: Do you feed him ______ else?
Millie: Yes. Sometimes we give him some meat. He likes it.
Mr Wu: I see. Does ______ have a cat?
Millie: Yes, I have a cat. She's nice to ______.
Mr Wu: Good. I know ______ has goldfish, right?
Millie: Yes, I do. Goldfish are easy to look after.
Mr Wu: That's true. Does ______ have a snake?
Millie: No, ______ wants a snake, I think.
Mr Wu: I don't agree. There's ______ wrong with keeping a snake if you like it.
We use adjectives to describe people or things. We can put an adjective before a noun or after a linking verb.
We use indefinite pronouns to refer to people or things when we do not know or do not need to mention who or what we are talking about.
1. -- Why not ask Bob to join us in the school trip?
   -- I can't tell if he's able to. He's always _____ with his work.
   A. careful      B. familiar
   C. casual       D. busy
2. -- Why are you so _____, Amy?
   -- I thought I lost my purse, but I didn't. I found it in my study!
   A. angry        B. happy
   C. sad          D. nervous
3. The new Apple's product(產品) "iPhone 4S" is _____ among the young people.
   A. meaningful   B. traditional
   C. popular      D. special
4. -- Your room is very dirty. You should keep it _____.
   -- OK. I'll sweep it right away.
   A. clean    B. dry    C. quiet    D. warm
5. -- What kind of books do you like?
   -- I like funny storybooks. They're very _____.
   A. boring       B. lazy
   C. quiet        D. interesting
6. All the students are talking and laughing in the classroom and it's _____.
   A. noisy        B. lonely
   C. quiet        D. strict
7. Tom is very _____. He never cleans his room.
   A. lazy         B. active
   C. smart        D. healthy
8. Mrs Brown is nice. Every day she tried to cook _____ for me during my stay in Canada.
   A. something different
   B. anything different
   C. nothing different
9. -- Have you bought _____ for Linda's birthday?
   -- Not exactly. Just some flowers.
   A. something unusual
   B. anything unusual
   C. unusual something
   D. unusual anything
10. -- How is Helen in the new school?
    -- She is doing very well. There is _____ to worry about.
    A. something    B. anything
    C. nothing      D. everything
11. When the Greens moved into the house last week, _____ was at sixes and sevens (亂七八糟), so they did a big cleaning.
    A. something    B. everything
    C. anything     D. nothing
12. I think _____ can make Andy change his mind. He is such a person who never gives up easily.
    A. something    B. anything
    C. nothing      D. everything
13. _____ went hiking(徒步旅行) last weekend because of the bad weather.
    A. Someone      B. No one
    C. Everyone     D. Nothing
14. Lincoln came from nothing, yet he did _____ that changed the world.
    A something     B. nothing
    C. everything   D. anything
15. -- What else do you need for your trip?
    -- _____ else. I've packed everything.
    A. Something    B. Everything
    C. Nothing
1. Preview Integrated skills.
2. Talk about how to look after your pets.






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