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七年級(jí)英語下冊(cè)Unit 7《Abilities》Integrated skills

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Unit 7《Abilities》Integrated skills
·To identify and note specific details and guess meaning from general context
·To identify specific information presented in written and spoken form and make notes
·To learn to talk about what you can and cannot do
New words and expressions
term  n.  學(xué)期
hard  adv.  努力地;費(fèi)力地
article  n.  文章
careless  adj.  粗心的
do/try one's best  盡某人最大努力
piano  n.  鋼琴
do well in...  …做得好
better  adv.  (well的比較級(jí))較好,更好
violin  n.  小提琴
at the age of  在…歲時(shí)
show  vt.  救;演示;展示
Parents' meeting
Listen to the report on Suzy and match the subjects with the information on the report card.
Suzy's report card
Listen and write the correct letters.
□Chinese     A. Good this term, but she needs to read more and speak more.
□Maths       B. Suzy loves it and works hard on the subject. She knows a lot about it.
□English     C. Good work. Suzy writes good articles.
□History     D. She does not do her best this term.
□Geography   E. Good, but sometimes she is careless.
Language points
1. work hard 努力學(xué)習(xí)/工作
Eg: She works hard every day.
2. do one's best = try one's best 盡力
do one's best to do sth. 盡力做某事。
He tried his best to finish homework quickly.
She often tries her best to help others.
True or False
1. Suzy is good at geography.  (    )
2. Suzy is careful at Maths.  (    )
3. Suzy is good at writing articles.  (    )
4. She needn't read and speak English more.  (    )
5. She works hard on history.  (    )
6. She knows a lot about history.  (    )
7. She is a very clever student.  (    )
8. Suzy always does her best to learn geography.  (    )
Listen to Mr Wu's description about Suzy. Complete the rest of his notes.
Complete Mr Wu's notes
Study: good at ______, Maths, ______ and ______.
       not so good at ______.
Music: ______ of the Music Club;
       plays the piano at school ______.
Sports: practices ______ every Monday and ______.
Others: nice and ______.
Complete Mr Wu's report
Name: Suzy
Class: 1    Grade: 7
Class teacher: Wu Bing
Suzy is good at Maths. She does well in ______, ______ and ______ too, but she needs to do better in ______.
Suzy likes music, and she is a ______ of the Music Club. She often plays the piano at ______. She also like sports, and she plays ______ well. She practices hard on ______ and ______ after school. I think she will get into the school team next term.
Suzy is nice and ______. All her teachers and her classmates like her very much.
Language points
1. be good at = do well in  擅長(zhǎng)、做得好
比較級(jí):be better at = do better in  其后常跟名詞(n.)或動(dòng)名詞(v+ing)
Eg: I am good at English.
    I do well in English.
    They are better at playing basketball.
2. play the piano  彈鋼琴
   play volleyball  打排球
play the guitar
play basketball
play chess
Speak up: Can you play the violin?
Sandy and Daniel are talking about what they can or can't do. Listen to the conversation and act it answer the questions.
Speak up
1. What can Daniel do?
2. When did he start to do it?
3. What can Sandy do?
4. When did she start to play the piano?
-- Daniel, can you ____________?
-- Yes, I can. I started to play the violin ____________.
-- Can you show me ______ to play it?
-- Sure. Listen to this.
-- ______ nice music!
-- Thanks. I know you can ____________ well.
-- Yes, I love music. I started to play the piano when I was ______.
-- That's ______.
Language points
I start to play the violin at the age of six.
start to do stn  開始做某事
at the age of...  在…歲時(shí)
He started to play the guitar at the age of four.
He started to play the guitar when he was four years old.
Work in pairs and talk about your abilities.
1. I love English and I am g______ at it.
2. Suzy writes good a______.
3. She works hard but sometimes she is c______.
4. I can play the p______.
5. He often p______ volleyball.
6. She is nice and f______.
7. All her teachers and c______ like her very much.
1. I tried _____ best to help her solve the problems yesterday.
   A. her   B. one's   C. my
2. He is good at _____.
   A. dancing   B. dance   C. danceing
3. She does _____ in English than before.
   A. better   B. well   C. good
4. He can _____.
   A. play the piano
   B. play piano
   C. play a piano
5. --Can you _____ well?
   --No, I can't.
   A. play basketball
   B. play the basketball
   C. play a basketball
6. She is good _____ math.
   A. to   B. at   C. in
7. She needs _____ more.
   A. to speak   B. speaking   C. speak
8. She doesn't _____ to study.
   A. do her best
   B. her best
   C. do one's best
9. We often go to school _____ Monday _____ Friday.
   A. from, to   B. at, in   C. on, on
10. He started to draw _____.
   A. at the age four
   B. at the age of fourth
   C. at the age of four
Write your own report card. You can use Suzy's as a model.






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