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七年級(jí)英語(yǔ)下冊(cè)Unit 7《Abilities》Grammar

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Unit 7《Abilities》Grammar
Using can, could and may
  row a boat
I could not row a boat at five. Now I can.
  ride a bike
The girl could not ride a bike last month, but now she can.
  play badminton
The boy could not play badminton last year, but now he can.
He can go swimming.
He couldn't go swimming last year.
He can fly a kite.
He couldn't fly a kite last year.
It can ride a bike.
It couldn't ride a bike last year.
He can go skiing.
He couldn't go skiing last year.
A. Using "can" / "could" to talk about ability
we use "can" to say that we are able to do something now.
we use "could" to say that we were able to do something in the past.
e.g.: I can (cannot/can't/can not) swim.
      He could (couldn't/could not) dance in the past.
Ask and answer the questions
Can Sandy row a boat now? Yes, she can.
Could Sandy row a boat last year? No, she couldn't.
2. "can" "could" "may" to ask for permission. "Could" sounds more polite than "can". May is formal.
-- Can I borrow your bike, Millie?
-- Yes, you can. Here you are.
-- Could I smoke here?
-- Sorry, I'm afraid you can't.
-- May I use your mobile phone?
-- Of course you may.
Use "can" or "could" to fill in the blanks.
1. ______ you speak Japanese?
2. ______ you play the piano last year?
3. ______ you cook?
4. ______ you use a computer when you were 3?
5. ______ you ride a bicycle when you were very younger?
6. ______ you understand English TV programmes in 2000?
A trip to South Hill
Amy: ______ I take my cousin Shirley with us, Mr Wu?
Mr Wu: Yes, you ______. But we will get there by bike. ______ she ride a bike?
Amy: Yes, she ______. South Hill is a good place to have fun. ______ we go camping there?
Mr Wu: I am afraid you ______.
Amy: I see. ______ I make a call on your mobile? I left mine at home.
Mr Wu: Of course you ______. By the way, ______ you take your camera with you, Amy?
Amy: No problem.
We use What...! or How...! in a short phrase to express strong feelings about someone or something.
The flowers are beautiful.
The flowers are very beautiful.
How beautiful the flowers are!
The cat is lovely.
The cat is very lovely.
How lovely the cat is!
How pretty the little girl is!
How delicious the cakes are!
How strange the frog is!
How lovely the birds are!
How interesting the picture is!
A. How tall the man is!
B. What a tall man (he is)!
A. What a beautiful bird it is!
B. How beautiful this bird is!
A. What beautiful flowers they are!
B. How beautiful these flowers are!
A. How lovely these pandas are!
B. What lovely pandas (they are)!
A. Wow, what a big pumpkin!
B. How big this pumpkin is!
Work out the rules:
  How beautiful the frog is!
  How beautiful the frogs are!
  How salty the water is!
  What a beautiful frog!
  What beautiful frogs!
  What salty water!
Fill in the blanks with "What", "What a/an" or "How" to form an exclamation.
1. Many foreigners like Chinese food very much. They said, "______ delicious Beijing Duck is!"
2. ______ a beautiful girl! Look! ______ long her hair is!
3. Look! What's that in the bushes? Oh, it's a dangerous snake. ______ dangerous it is!
What can Superman do?
Help Millie complete the conversation with What and How.
Millie: What can Superman, Simon?
Simon: Superman can see through walls.
Millie: (1)______ amazing! His eyes are just like X-rays.
Simon: Yes. He can also burn things with his eyes.
Millie: (2)______ special eyes he has! How about his ears?
Simon: He can hear things far away.
Millie: (3)______ strange! What else can he do?
Simon: He can stop a train with his hands.
Millie: (4)______ strong he is! Can he fly?
Simon: Yes. He can fly as fast as light.
Millie: (5)______ a wonderful man!
1. What a pretty girl she is!
   _____ _____ the girl is!
2. How difficult the questions are!
   _____ _____ _____ they are.
3. How big the factory is!
   _____ _____ big factory _____ _____!
4. What a clever boy!
   _____ _____ the boy _____!
5. How tall the trees are!
   _____ tall trees _____ _____!
6. What interesting books they are!
   _____ _____ the books _____!
7. How funny the girl is!
   _____ a funny girl she is!
8. How old the man is!
   _____ _____ old man _____ _____!
9. What nice books they are!
   _____ _____ the books _____!
10. How amazing the building is!
    _____ _____ amazing building _____ _____!
1. The girl is very pretty.
2. This is an old watch.
3. The food is so nice.
4. These questions are very easy.
5. She has long hair.
Remember how to use the grammar and do more exercises about it.






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