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七年級英語下冊Unit 7《Abilities》Reading

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Unit 7《Abilities》Reading
If there is a fire, what should we do?
  Call 119 for help.
  Run out of the fire as quickly as you can. Just rush!
  Pour water over the door.
  Go out of the fire with a blanket, better with a wet one.
Words and expressions
brave  adj.  勇敢的
save  v.  救助
save...from...  從…中救出…
smoke  n.  煙霧
next door  adv.  在隔壁
badly  adv.  嚴(yán)重地
hurt  adj.  受傷的
could  modal.  能,會
protect  v.  保護(hù)
rush  v.  沖
wet  adj.  濕的
blanket  n.  毯子
fireman  n.  消防員
put out  撲滅
burn  v.  燒
in hospital  住院
moment  n.  時(shí)刻
nod  v.  點(diǎn)頭
careful  adj.  仔細(xì)的,小心的
hurt  v.  傷害,疼
reporter  n.  記者
news  n.  新聞,消息
newspaper  n.  報(bào)紙
match  n.  火柴
rubbish  n.  垃圾
bin  n.  垃圾箱
pour  vt.  傾倒
A brave young man
Listen and answer
1. Who's the brave young man?
2. Did the fire burn the young man?
3. How long did he stay in hospital after the fire?
Scan the story, try to tell T/F.
1. Lin Tao stayed at home with Mrs Sun on 10th May.
2. Mrs Sun was in her bedroom when the fire started.
3. Lin Tao put out the fire with a blanket.
4. Lin Tao was in hospital because the fire burned his legs.
5. Many people visited Lin Tao and gave him money.
Scan again, try to answer these questions.
1. When did the fire happen?
2. How old was Mrs Sun?
3. Why couldn't Mrs Sun run out by herself?
4. How long was the young man in hospital?
5. What do you think about the young man?
Language points
1. Lin Tao was at home alone.
alone 獨(dú)自
lonely 孤獨(dú);偏僻
Eg: I stay at home alone, and I feel quite lonely.
There is a lonely village far way from the city.
2. He heard someone shouting.
hear sb doing sth  聽見某人正在做某事
hear sb do sth  經(jīng)常聽見某人做某事
Eg: I often hear her sing in her bedroom.
    I heard her singing a song when I walked past her window yesterday morning.
3. ..., the 79-year-old Mrs Sun, in the kitchen.
the 79-year-old Mrs Sun  79歲的…
a 300-word letter  —封300字的信
a 3-month-old baby  一個(gè)3個(gè)月大的嬰兒
a 5000-metre-long river  一條5000米長的河流
Eg: He is an 8-year-old boy.
    The boy is 8 years old.
    It is a 5000-metre-long river.
    The river is 5000 metres long.
4. The fireman came and put out the fire.
put out 熄滅、撲滅,動(dòng)副詞組
如:put out the fire
    put the fire out
    put it out
5. He was in hospital for two weeks.
   be in hospital  生病住院
   be in the hospital  在醫(yī)院里(工作)
6. Her left leg was badly hurt.
be badly hurt  傷得很嚴(yán)重
Eg: He fell off the bike and was badly hurt.
7. He poured water over his clothes ....
pour...over...  把…倒在…
Eg: The boy poured the milk over the desk
Put them into the right order.
a. hear someone shouting 'Fire! Fire!'
b. run to Mrs Sun's bathroom
c. help her out of the fire
d. rush into the kitchen
e. see a lot of smoke from next door
f. be in hospital for two weeks
g. be at home alone
h. pour water over his clothes
i. put a wet blanket over Mrs Sun
B1: Try to guess the following words:
1. not afraid: brave
2. without any other people: alone
3. run quickly: rush
4. stop sth. from burning: put out
5. hurt someone with fire: burn
6. just then: at the moment
B2: Complete the conversation.
Reporter: Your are a brave young man, Lin Tao. How old are you?
Lin Tao: I am twenty.
Reporter: Can you tell us about the fire?
Lin Tao: Sure. First, I heard someone calling for help, and then I saw lot of ______ from next door.
Reporter: How did you save your ______ Mrs Sun?
Lin Tao: I rushed into Mrs Sun's kitchen, put a ______ over her and helped her out.
Reporter: That sounds dangerous. Did you do anything to ______ yourself?
Lin Tao: Yes, I did. I poured water over my clothes.
Reporter: Were you ______ at that moment?
Lin Tao: Yes, a little.
Reporter: How long did you stay in ______ after the fire?
Lin Tao: For two weeks.
B3: Underline the mistakes and correct them.
Simon: Did you hear the news about Lin Tao? Yes. I read about it in the newspaper.
Daniel: He saved an old lady from a fire.
Simon: What did he do?
Daniel: First, he found out that his neighbour's bathroom was on fire. Then he poured water over his trousers and helped her out.
Simon: How clever!
Daniel: But the fire burnt his legs, neck and face. He was in hospital for two months.
Simon: How brave he is! Is he getting better now?
Daniel: Yes. Many visitors gave him flowers and cards.
Simon: That's nice.
Daniel: I'm very happy that he's well now.
Simon: Me too.
If there is a fire, what should we do?
1. Calm(鎮(zhèn)定) down when you meet fire. √
2. Call 119 and 110 for help. √
3. Close the door and open the window when there is lots of smoke outside. √
4. Rush out and take a lift(電梯) to go down. ×
5. We can pour water over the clothes when we meet the hot fire. √
6. Don't jump out of the window but slip(滑) down with a rope(繩子). ×
7. Cover your nose with towels(毛巾) or wet cloth then leaving. √
How to be careful with fire
1. You can throw a cigarette end(煙蒂) on the grass. ×
2. Do not leave the stove on. √
3. Do not put anything hot into the rubbish bin. √
4. Do not play with matches. √
5. Keep your long hair away from the fire. √
6. No smoking in the forest(森林). √
7. Be careful with fireworks. √
Have a talk
What can we learn from Lin Tao?
When you find your classmate ill at school...
When you see someone hurt in the street...
When you see a little child lose his way...
Useful expressions
1. brave enough
2. be at home alone
3. hear sb doing sth
4. run outside
5. see a lot of smoke
6. the 79-year-old Mrs Sun
7. next door
8. be badly hurt
9. run to Mrs Sun's bathroom
10. pour water over his clothes
11. protect oneself
12. rush into the kitchen
13. put a wet blanket over Mrs Sun
14. help sb out
15. put out the fire
16. be in hospital
17. How brave you are!
18. on fire
19. at that moment
20. be careful with
21. paly with matches
22. put something hot into the rubbish bin
23. keep your hair away from fire
How can we keep away from danger?
1. Cross the street at the zebra crossing. T
2. It's right to use too old electric(帶電的) machines. F
3. Don't run on the stairs. T
4. It's better not to smoke in bed. T
5. Don't let children play with matches. T
6. Don't leave the stove(爐子) on. T
7. Go swimming alone in the river. F
8. Don't put anything hot into the rubbish bin(垃圾箱). T
Learn more about fire safety.
Be careful with matches.
Do not leave the stove on.
Do not put anything hot into the rubbish bin.
Keep long hair away from fire.
Don't play with fire.
Don't smoke on the bus./in bed, etc.
1. He was brave e______ to save his neighbour from a fire.
2. He saw a lot of s______ from the door.
3. I was badly h______.
4. He p______ water over his clothes to protect himself.
5. Some f______ came and put out the fire.
6. How b______ you are!
7. He was ill in h______ last week.
1. How old are you?
   A. I am thirteenth.
   B. I am threeteen.
   C. I am thirteen.
2. She is an _____ girl.
   A. eight years old
   B. eight-year-old
   C. eight-years-old
3. I _____ afraid at that moment.
   A. am   B. was   C. were
4. She found her room was _____.
   A. on fire   B. in fire   C. at fire
5. He was ill _____ for two weeks.
   A. in hospital
   B. in the hospital
   C. in a hospital
6. I found her house was on fire, I called 119 and helped to _____.
   A. put it out
   B. put out it
   C. put off it
7. She was _____ to save others from a fire.
   A. enough brave
   B. brave enough
   C. bravely enough
8. A lot of _____ came and put out the fire.
   A. firemans   B. firemen   C. firemen's
9. I saw a lot of _____ from the kitchen.
   A. smokes   B. smoke   C. smoking
10. You must _____ your hair _____ from fire.
   A. keep, away   B. keep, out   C. keep, in
To help others is to help ourselves!
So, to be a human being, we must be strong, responsible, friendlily and brave.
Retell the story and write it on the exercise book.






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