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七年級英語下冊Unit 6《Outdoor fun》Grammar

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Unit 6《Outdoor fun》Grammar
Simple past tense
Alice was outside one sunny day.
She wasn't at home one sunny day.
  wasn't=was not
They were in the field.
They weren't on the playground.
  weren't=were not
否定句:主語+was/were not+其他.
1. Mary ______(be) at home yesterday. She ______(be not) at school.
2. The boy ______(be) in the library now. But he ______(be) in the classroom just now, because he had an Chinese lesson.
3. We ______(be not) in Beijing last week. We ______(be) at home.
4. Kitty and I ______(be not) happy because of the bad weather this morning.
5. I ______(be) at home last Sunday.
6. She ______(be) late for again yesterday.
7. They ______(be not) glad to see their friends three days ago.
8. She ______(be) ten last year, this year she will be eleven.
The rabbit took a watch out of its pocket.
The rabbit didn't take a carrot out of its pocket.
Alice jumped down a hole after the rabbit.
Alice didn't jump down a river after the rabbit.
1. We always ______(go) to Shanghai when I was a child.
2. They ______(not go) to school last Wednesday, they ______(have) a match.
3. Mike ______(drive) to Nanjing three days ago, he ______(not, take) a train there.
4. She seldom ______(arrive) home late after work, but she ______(come) back at 10 p.m. yesterday.
5. She ______(get) up late this morning, so she ______(not have) breakfast.
6. I ______(find) a key on the floor just now.
7. They ______(see) a boy crying in the room.
8. Tom and Linda ______(not watch) TV last night.
9. My father ______(go) to the park this morning.
10. He ______(hear) a whisper, but he found nothing in the bushes.
Was Alice angry at the rabbit?
Yes, she was.
No, she wasn't.
Did Alice go through the small door?
Yes, she did.
No, she didn't.
  Yes, 主語+was/were.
  No, 主語+wasn't/weren't.
  Yes, 主語+did.
  No, 主語+didn't.
1. The girl was at home last night. (改成一般疑問句,并作肯定回答)
2. They played football on the playground ten minutes ago. (改成一般疑問句,并作否定回答)
3. She got up at six this morning. (改成一般疑問句,并作肯定回答)
4. They were at school library just now. (改成一般疑問句,并作否定回答)
5. I went to the park yesterday morning.
6. She was at the cinema a moment ago.
7. They saw a monkey just now.
8. We bought a big tree yesterday.
9. He went fishing ten days ago.
10. She did her homework last night.
11. They got up late this morning.
12. I were at school just now.
Weekend activities
     do   go   have   play   practice   read   stay   visit
Yesterday was Sunday. I ______ the park and ______ a good time. Simon did not ______ football. He ______ playing volleyball with his friend. Kitty likes shopping. She ______ some shopping with her mum yesterday afternoon. Daniel did not ______ out yesterday. He ______ at home and ______ some books.
Sandy is asking Simon about his camping trip with his family. Complete the conversation.
Sandy: (1)______ you and your family ______(go) camping last week?
Simon: No, we (2)______. We (3)______(go) camping last month.
Sandy: (4)______(be) it interesting?
Simon: Yes, it (5)______.
Sandy: What (6)______ you ______(do) there?
Simon: We (7)______(put) up our tent near a lake. My cousin Annie and I (8)______(be) very happy. We also (9)______(row) a boat on the lake.
Sandy: (10)______ you ______(stay) outside all night?
Simon: Yes, we (11)______. The camping trip (12)______(be) really wonderful.
1. This morning we ______(have) noodles for breakfast.
2. They ______(visit) the park last Sunday.
3. -- What ______ he ______(buy) for his mother yesterday?
   -- He ______(buy) a scarf for his mother.
4. She ______(be) in her office a moment ago.
5. Listen! They ______(sing) over there.
6. The boy often ______(ride) the bike to school, but this morning he ______(not, ride) to school.
7. In 2000, he ______(come) to our city.
1. They had a good time in the park last weekend. (改成否定句)
2. They were on the playground just now. (改成一般疑問句)
3. We met at the school gate yesterday. (對劃線部分提問)
4. The boy is crying in the bedroom. (用a moment ago改寫)
1. She _____ to school yesterday.
   A. didn't go   B. didn't goes   C. wasn't go
2. They _____ a film last night.
   A. watch   B. watched   C. watchd
3. _____ you _____ yesterday?
   A. Did, do   B. Did, swimming   C. Did, swim
4. -- What _____ she _____ just now?
   -- She had an apple.
   A. did, do   B. does, do   C. does, does
5. He _____ at school yesterday.
   A. was not   B. weren't   C. isn't
6. He _____ a noise in the classroom just now.
   A. didn't hear   B. didn't heard   C. didn't heared
7. They _____ half an hour ago.
   A. did homeworks   B. did homework   C. did my homework
8. I _____ a new pen yesterday.
   A. buy   B. bought   C.buyed
9. He _____ a little dog just now.
   A. didn't see   B. didn't saw   C. didn't seed
10. Did Tom _____ better then?
   A. feel   B. feeled   C. felt
Use the simple past tense to make up some sentences.






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