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七年級英語下冊Unit 5《Amazing things》Study skills, Task

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Unit 5《Amazing things》Study skills, Task
Study skills
Pronouncing the '-ed' ending
Many verbs in the simple past tense end in the letters '-ed'. There are three different ways of pronouncing this ending: /t/, /d/, or /Id/.
Do you remember the simple past tense of these verbs?
walk-walked      cry-cried        plan-planned     cost-cost
borrow-borrowed  carry-carried    stop-stopped     put-put
cook-cooked      worry-worried    shop-shopped     read-read
call-called      study-studied                     write-wrote
help-helped      stay-stayed                       ride-rode
live-lived                                         spend-spent
notice-noticed                                     make-made
I found:
   finished   helped   passed   cooked
   borrowed   enjoyed
   called     moved
   wanted   shouted
   needed   counted
A: Pronouncing the -ed ending.
    /t/        /d/         /Id/
   danced     played      hated
   helped     lived       needed
   talked     answered    visited
   shopped    carried     shouted
B: How to pronounce -ed ending
1. listened ______  5. started ______     9. stopped ______
2. liked ______     6. chatted  ______    10. raised ______
3. wanted ______    7. finished ______    11. walked ______
4. hoped ______     8. passed ______      12. turned ______
C: Listen and learn.
Millie: Sandy, you're late. The museum closed just a minute ago.
Sandy: Sorry. My grandma visited us this afternoon, so I stayed at home and talked to her.
Kitty: That's OK.
Sandy: I hope you enjoyed your day. What did you do?
Millie: We watched a short film. It showed a lot of amazing things in the world.
Kitty: Then we played some amazing games. It was fun! We're going to come here again next weekend.
Sandy: Let me come with you then!
Read the following sentences:
1. They stopped to have a rest.
2. He liked his dog very much.
3. They chatted on line just now.
4. We watched TV for a short while.
5. I enjoyed myself last night.
6. She stayed at home.
Do you know them?
goldfish      snake
giraffe       tortoise
camel         ant
Isn't that interesting? What is the monkey doing?
Isn't that amazing? What is the elephant doing?
A tortoise can live up to 150 years.
Each eye of a camel has 3 eyelids.
A goldfish can only remember things for 3 seconds.
Ants can smell things as well as dogs can.
A giraffe has only 7 bones in its long neck.
Snakes smell things with their tongues(舌頭).
Read Simon's notes about 'Amazing things' and answer the following questions.
The casual meal we call a sandwich takes its name from Englishman John Montagu (1718-1792), the Fourth Earl of Sandwich.
我們稱作三明治的便餐得名于英格蘭人約翰·蒙塔古(John Montagu)(1718-1792),他是第四代桑威奇伯爵(Earl of Sandwich)。
1. What was the man's name?
2. What did he love doing?
3. Did he want to stop to have dinner?
4. What did he do then?
5. Did people love sandwiches very much?
   We live in a wonderful world with a lot of amazing things.
   Most people like eating sandwiches, but do you know anything about this kind of food?
   Sandwich got its name from a ______ called John Montagu. He loved __________ with his friends very much. He didn't want ________ for meals, so he put ____________. Soon others wanted ____________, so they ask for a "sandwich".
   Later the food became popular all over the world. Isn't that amazing?
Read the notes about the TV and answer the questions.
1. When did the first TV show in the UK?
2. How many TV sets were there in 1935?
3. How many TVs do most of the families have?
4. How large are TVs now?
Simon's article about sandwiches.
We live in a wonderful world with a lot of amazing things. Many people like sandwiches, but do you know anything about this kind of food? Sandwich got its name from a man called John Montagu, the Fourth Earl of Sandwich. The man loved playing cards with his friends very much. He did not want to stop for meals, so he put meat between two pieces of bread. Soon others wanted to eat the same food, so they asked for a "sandwich". Later the food became popular all over the world. Isn't that amazing?
  Do you know anything about ...?/Do you know that ...? (問題)
  Most people like ..., but ....  (總述)
explanation(說明)——facts should be amazing(用because,so,after,but等連詞增強文章的連貫性)
ending(結(jié)尾)——conclution or stress(結(jié)論或強調(diào))
1. Many people in the West like to eat s______ for lunch every day.
2. Shall we need another three p______ of paper?
3. You should remember to write down your n______ on the paper.
4. Do you know who i______ the TV?
5. Can you tell me how mamy s______ are on the flag?
6. H______ is an interesting subject.
   died on    two pieces of bread    stop to play
     learnt to make    keeps on singing
1. Millie is a hard-working student, she doesn't want to ________.
2. His grandfather ________ September 9th, 1996.
3. Daniel came to China a year ago. He ________ dumplins by himself.
4. What did you have for breakfast yesterday morning? ________.
5. Kate wants to be a singer one day, so she ________ every day.
1. He _____ around the world last year.
   A. travels   B. travelled   C. traveled
2. He _____ late for class yesterday.
   A. is   B. was   C. were
3. He _____ a book the other day.
   A. read   B. reads   C. readed
4. I know a man _____ John.
   A. call   B. calls   C. called
5. Later the food _____ very popular all over the world.
   A. become   B. became   C. becomes
6. Just now she _____ a hamburger.
   A. orders   B. orderd   C. ordered
7. They put meat _____ two pieces of bread.
   A. at   B. of   C. between
8. She is as _____ as me.
   A. tall   B. taller   C. tallest
9. There are many TVs _____ China.
   A. in   B. at   C. on
10. Now TVs can be as _____ as 152 inches.
   A. big   B. large   C. small
Write an article about amazing things.






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