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七年級英語下冊Module 3 Unit 6 Electricity(Grammar, Speakingup,Writing,Culture corner)

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《Natural elements》 Electricity(Grammar, Speakingup,Writing,Culture corner)
1.Grammar:Modal verbs

A can and cannot
I can spell all the words we have learnt.Can you do that?
Yes,I can.       No,I cannot/can't.
Game time
What can you do?Tell the student behind you and ask if he/she can do it.The next student should repeat this with another student.
I can swim.Can you swim?
No,I can't.I can sing.Can you sing?
Yes,I can.I can ...Can you ...?
We should the model verbs can and cannot(can't)to say we are able or unablw to do something.
We can use electricity to do many things.
We cannot/can't see electricity.
Can you think of an example?
Yes,I can./No,I cannot/can't.

2.Grammar exercise
Hi and Lo are talking about themselves.What are they saying?Read thrie conversation and them complete the statements below woth can or cannot.
I can swim,dance,play football and speak two languages.I can't cook,play the guitar or ride a bicycle.
I can fly,dance,play chess and speak ten languages.I can't paint or drive a car.
1 Hi _______ play football.
2 Lo _______ paint.
3 Hi _______ speak as many languages as Lo.
4 Both Hi and Lo ______ dance.
5 Lo _____ drive a car,but he ______ play chess.
6 Hi _____ swim,but he ______ play the guitar.

You will be given several situations.After reading the descriptions and looking at the pictures,decide what you would say in these sitations.
a.A man is going to see his boss.He is stand at the doorway.
May I come in?
b.A student is going to ask the teacher a question.
May I ask you a question?
c.A boy is thirsty.He is asking his mother for something.
May I have some water?
d.A shop assistant is serving a customer.
May I help you?
B may and may not
We use may and may not to ask for and give permission.In less formal situations,some people like to use can and cannot (can't) for the same purpose.
"May" can be interchanged with "can",but it's a little more polite to use "may".
Read the following sentences.
May/Can I use your mobile phone?
Yes,you may/can/
No,you may not/can't.
You may/can turn on the TV.
You may not/cannot play in the kitchen.

4.Grammar exercise
Daisy is not feeling well today.Benny is at home with her.Readf their conversation below.Fill in the blanks with may or can.
Benny:How are you feeling,Daisy?
Daisy:Not very well.
Benny:_______ I get you a chair?
Benny:I'm going out.________ I borrow your bicycle,Daisy?
Daisy:Yes,you may.Before you go to meet your friends,can you come and see the       soctor with me?
Benny:Yes,I _______.______ I carry your bag for you?
Daisy:Yes,that's very kind of you,Benny.I'm ready to go._____ you open the door       me?
Benny:Yes,I can.
What do these signs mean?
You musn't smoke here.
You mustn't climb this ladder.
You mustn't swim here.
You mustn't use your mobile phone here.
We use must and must not/mustn't to tell people what to do what not to do.Read the following sentences.
You must not/mustn't do that,Benny!
We must always be careful with electricity.
They must not/mustn't play near the heater.
Daisy saw a doctor.The doctor told her What to do and what not to do.Help her write down the doctor's instructions.
drink more water          go to bed early
eat cold food             share cups with others
go out alone              take the medicine on time
1.I must drink more water.
2.I must go to bed early.
3.I must take the medicine on time.
4.I must not eat cold food.
5.I mustn't not go out alone.
6.I mustn't not hsare cups with others.

5.Work out the rule
After modal verbs such as can,may and must,we use (the base form/the-ing form/the-ed form) of a verb.

6.Speak up
a.What is he going to do?
He is going to change the bulb.
b.Can he do it now?
No,he can't.
c.Why or why not?
Because he must switch off the electicity first.
What is he going to do now?
Make up a dialogue
Johnny's father is talking to Johnny about satyfe at home.Word in pairs.S1 is Johnny.S2 is Dad.Follow the example.
S1:May I change the bulb?
S2:No,you may not.You must switch off the electricity.They you may change the    bulb.
Show the class when you are ready!
1.________ put the meat in the fridge? cover the meat!
2.________ go to bed?lock the door!
3.________ table a bath now? test the water!
4.________ go out now? tidy up!
S1:May I put the meat in the fridge?
S2:No,you may not.You must cover the meat.Then you may put the meat in the fridge.
S1:May I go to bed?
S2:No,you may not.You must lock the door.Then you may go to bed.
S1:May I take a bath now?
S2:No,you may not.You must test the water.Then you may take a bath.
S1:May I go out now?
S2:No,you may not.You must tidy up your toys on the floor.Then you may go out.

Home rules
A Johnny's father is asking Johnny to make some tules for the family to follow.In pairs,help Johnny make four rules.
To be safe at home,we must follow the home rules!
closer/windows/when/air conditioner/on
remember to take/keys/when/go out
touch/TV/wet hands
Home rules
We must:
1.close the windows when the air conditioner is on;
2.remember to take keys when we go out;
We must not:
1.put newspapers near the heater;
2.touch the TV set with wet hands.

8.Talking about hte rules at your home!
Say something about the rules at your home in class!Remember to use modal verbs when necessary.
·We must switch the lights off when we don't use them.
·We must be careful with the electricity.
·We must not play with fire.
·We mustn't play comeputer games more than 5 hours one week.
·We mustn't waste water or elestricity.

3.完成《練習冊》第83至85頁Grammar,第88頁Speaking B和第92頁Writing的練習。





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