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七年級英語下冊Module 3 Unit 5 Water(Writing,Speaking,More practice)

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《Natural elements》Unit 5 Water(Writing,Speaking,More practice)

An experiment
What is the boy doing?
He is doing a experiment.
Describe the four steps in your own words.
A flow chart
Add some salt to a glass of water.
Stir the water.(disappear,become part of)
Heat the water.(a whiter cloud,be made up of,small drops of,Continue)
Finally,...(start to dry up)

Flow charts are used to show the sequence or order of things so that we know how
things are done step by step.
A flow chart is written in note form.You don't have to write complete sentences in
flow charts.
B Write a short paragraph about this experiment.Use the information in A to help
First,add some salt to a glass of water.Then stir the water.The salt disappears
and becomes part of the water.Next heat the water.You can see a white cloud.It is made up of small drops of water.Continue to heat the water.Finally,the water starts to dry up.The salt turns into crystals.

Learn about/str/
strawberry /str/
Pay attention to these words with /str/.Read them aloud.
/str/ straight     strawberry     street     strict
Pay attention to the  sentence with /str/.Read them aloud.
It was strange for him to walk the streets all night.
Learn about /spl/,/spr/ and /skr/
Pay attention to these words with /spl/.Read them aloud.
/spl/ splash     splendid     split
/spr/ spray     spread     spring
/skr/ scream     sereen     seript     describe     description

Talk time
Repeat the words after the tape.
/str/ strange     street     strong
/spl/ splash     splendid     split
/spr/ spray     spread     spring
/skr/ scream     screen     script

A2 Read these sentences.pay attention to the letters in bold.
1 The strawberry plant in the street looks strange,but the straberries are nice
and sweet.
2 Heavy rain splattered on the roof and splashed against the windows of the
splendid house.
3 Sprinkle the seeds around.Spread them out.In spring,you will have green sprouts.
4 The screenwriter scream when she saw the script.
How does water become rain?In groups,talk about this process.
heats the water
becomes vapour
froms clouds
cools and forms small drops of water rain falls
Please tell us the process of how water becomes rain in your own words.
A flow chart about how water becomes rain
Water in the sea (The Sun heats the water.)
Water becomes vapour.(More vapour in the air)
Vapour forms clouds.(Vapour cools and forms drops of water)
Rain falls.
Facts about water

Here are some interesting facts about water:
·About 70% of the human body is water.
·Ocean cover about 75% of the Earth,but ocean water is salty.
Therefore most of the water in the world is not drinkable.
·Groundwater may be drinkable,but it is not easy to find groundwater that is 
clean and safe to drink.
·If water drips from your tap every 10 second,you will waste about 315 litres of 
waer a year--enough to fill two baths!
·Having a bath uses about twice as much water as taking a shower.
Having a shower instead of a bath can save up to 400 litres a week.

1.About ______ of the human body is water.
A 50%        B 30%          C 70%
2.About ______ of the Earth is water.
A 80%        B 75%          C 60%
3.Most of the water in the world is ________.
A fresh water     B deinkable      C undrinkable
4.If water drips from the tap every 10 second,we will waste about ______ litres of
water a year.
A 215       B 315          C 415
5.Having a shower instead of a bath cansave up to fires of water a week.
A 400       B 300          C 200

More exercise
Some facts about water:
Water makes up 70% of the ______ body.
Most of the water in the world is not ________.
It is not easy to find ________ that is clean and safe is clean and safe to drink.
How can we save water?
Fix a dripping _______.
Take a _______ instead of a bath.

Group discussion
What do the numbers about water tell us?
More tips on saving water
1.Saving water at home
laundry room
In the bathroom
·Install low-flow shower heads.
·Take shorter showers.
(Showers kept under 5 minutes can save you about 15 gallons per shower.)
·If you take a bath,fill the bathtub less than halfway.
(You can save 10-15 gallons per bath.)
·Turn the tap off when you are brushing your teeth and washing your hands.
·Install  a highly efficient flush toilet.安裝一個高效率的抽水馬桶。
In the kitchen
·Wash vegetables in a conitainer,not under running water.
·Use the dishwasher for full loads only.只有在保證洗碗機滿負(fù)荷時才使用洗衣機。
In the laundry room
·Use the washing machine for full loads only.

Can you think of other ways to save water?






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