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七年級英語下冊Unit 5《Amazing things》Integrated skills

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Unit 5《Amazing things》Integrated skills
1. Do you like animas?
2. If you like, what animal do you like best in the below pictures?
tiger  老虎
horse  馬
panda  熊貓
lion  獅子
cow  奶牛
Words and expressions
snake  n.  蛇
camel  n.  駱駝
ant  n.  螞蟻
little  pron.  不多的,少數(shù)的
dry  adj.  干燥的
without  prep.  沒有
be afraid of  害怕
not...any more  再也不,不再
hear of  聽說,知道
the other day  那天,前幾天
at the same time  同時
chalk  粉筆
sandwich  三明治
all over the world  遍及全世界
at least  至少
ask for  請求
Talking about animals
Suzy, one of the Class 1, Grade 7 students, is afraid of animals. Mr. Wu wants to help her. He is telling her some interesting things about animals. Listen and help her complete the notes.
  giraffe      snake
  camel        ant
A2: Suzy is afraid of animals. Mr Wu wants to help her. He is telling her some interesting things about animals. Listen to their conversation and help her complete her notes.
A giraffe has a long neck only seven bones in its long neck.
A snake eats little or nothing for months in cold winter.
They can live without water for a long time.
Ants can smell things well.
According to the above information. Finish the thank-you letter.
Dear Mr Wu,
Thank you for your help.
I know more about animals now. Some animals are really interesting.
The giraffe has a very long neck, but I was surprised to know that there are (1)____________ in it. It is also amazing that a snake (2)____________ in cold winter. Camels line in very dry places, and it is interesting that they (3)____________ for a long time. I also know that we need to keep our house clean - ants (4)____________.
Now I am not afraid of animals any more. I would like to learn more about them.
Speak up: That's really amazing!
The students are talking about amazing things in the world. Listen and match the things with the right person.
Simon   1. An artist can draw 3-D pictures with chalk.
Millie  2. A young man travelled around over 80 countries by bicycle.
Peter   3. A man can write with one hand and draw with the
           other at the same time.
Complete it:
Amy: Do you know about any ______ things, Simon?
Simon: Yes. I ______ of a young man. He ______ around over 80 countries by bicycle.
Amy: That's ______! What amazing things do you know, Millie?
Millie: I ______ about a man the other day. He can ______ with one hand and ______ with the other at the same time.
Simon: That's ______ amazing! What about you, Peter? Do you know any amazing things?
Peter: I ______ about an artist. He can draw 3-D pictures with ______.
Simon: That's really ______!
Language points
1. Some animals are really interesting.
如:an interesting story
be interested in 對……感興趣
He is interested in computer games.
2. Thanks for your help.
Thanks/Thank you for sth/doing sth. 為某事而感謝某人。
Thank you for helping me.
3. Now I am not afraid of animals any more.
be afraid of sth/doing sth  害怕某物/做某事
Eg: I am afraid of snakes.
    she is afraid of going out at night.
not...any more  不再
Eg: After a while, the little girl did not cry any more.
4. I heard of a young man.
hear of  聽說
如:I heard of an interesting story.
5. I read about a man the other day.
the other day  前幾天,常用于過去時中。
如:I heard of a strange thing the other day.
6. He can write with one hand and draw with the other at the same time.
one...the other...  一個…另一個…(兩個)
如:I have two friends, one is Lucy and the other is Lily.
1. They are white and black.
   They like to eat bamboo.
   They are cute and a little lazy.
   Many visitors to see them every year.
2. They are grey.
   They sleep on their feet.
   They sleep two or four hours a night.
   They eat for 15 to 18 hours a day.
   Usually, they are slow.
   They have long noses and big ears.
3. I live in rivers but often people have me at home.
   I can swim.
   I have a tail.
   I can only remember things for three seconds.
   My color is unusual.
   I sleep with my eyes open.
4. I am smart.
   I am very small.
   I am very hard-working.
   I am weak.
   If I work together with my friends, we are strong.
   I can smell things as well as dogs.
1. ______ have long neck and only seven bones in its long neck.
2. ______ lives on the ground, in trees or in water.
3. ______ live in dry places and can live without water.
4. ______ can smell things well.
5. ______ are the kings of animal world.
6. ______ sleep with their eyes open.
   Thank you _____ _____ _____.
   Some animals _____ really _____.
   _____ live in very _____ _____.
   _____ can _____ things _____.
   I _____ _____ an______ thing.
   A young man _____ _____ over 80 countries by bicycle.
   _____ _____ _____, I _____ a book.
   I _____ an _____, he can _____ 3-D pictures with _____.
1. I am _____ in science.
   A. interesting   B. interested   C. interest
2. He is _____ man.
   A. an interesting
   B. a interesting
   C. an interested
3. I _____ about an artist.
   A. learns   B. learnd   C. learnt
4. Do you know about _____ amazing things?
   A. an   B. some   C. any
5. She _____ the lions.
   A. is afraid of
   B. was afraid to
   C. be afraid of
6. I _____ not a girl _____.
   A. am, more
   B. am, any more
   C. be, any more
7. He has two brothers, _____ is a teacher and _____ is a doctor.
   A. one, one   B. one, the other   C. one, other
8. He was _____ to know the news.
   A. surprised   B. surprising   C. surprise
9. Camels can live _____ water for a long time.
   A. with   B. no   C. without
10. Ants can smell things _____.
   A. well   B. good   C. nice
Write a short passage about an animal you like best.






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