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七年級(jí)英語(yǔ)下冊(cè)Unit 5《Amazing things》Reading

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Unit 5《Amazing things》Reading
Talk about unusual things
There is no plant life without lightning.
It take 10-12 days to travel from Earth to Moon by rocket.
A man in the USA is 2.72m tall.
Elephants walk on tip toe.
Fish sleep with their eyes open.
Our eyes are the same size from birth, but our nose and ears never stop growing.
Words and expressions
as  adv.  和…一樣
usual  adj.  通常的
as usual  照例
sit down  坐下
suddenly  adv.  突然地
turn around  轉(zhuǎn)身
anybody  pron.  任何人
nobody  pron.  沒(méi)有人
reply  v.  答復(fù),回答
strange  adv.  奇怪的
leave  v.  離開
quickly  adv.  迅速地
on one's/the way  在…路上
happen  v.  發(fā)生
everything  pron.  每件事,一切
wonder  v.  想知道,感到詫異
carefully  adv.  仔細(xì)地
search  v.  搜查
himself  pron.  他自己
say to oneself  自言自語(yǔ)
weak  adj.  虛弱的
miaow  v.  喵
pick  v.  拾起
pick up  拿起,舉起
surprised  adj.  吃驚的,驚訝的
later  adv.  隨后,后來(lái)
run away  逃離,跑開
somebody  pron.  某人
ago  adv.  以前
the day before yesterday  前天
The ghost in the park
Last Sunday, Millie and Amy met a ghost in the park.
Do you believe it?
Task 1: Listening
Last Sunday, Millie and Amy went to Sunshine Park. Something strange happened there. Listen to the tape and answer the following questions.
1. When did Millie and Amy go to the park?
2. Where did they sit?
3. Was there a ghost in the park?
4. What was it in the bushes?
Task 2: Careful reading
Read the story carefully and find the answers to the questions.
1. When did the story happen?
2. Who chatted as usual in the park?
3. What did they hear suddenly?
4. How did they feel?
5. Who did they ask for help?
6. Where did they take the cat?
Tast 3: Fast reading
B: Talking about the "ghost"
Here are some words in the story about the "ghost" in the park. Find the meaning of each word by circling the correct letter.
1. As usual means ______.
   A. the first time
   B. as they often do
   C. seldom
2. To reply means ______.
   A. to think
   B. to say something again
   C. to say or write sth as an answer
3. To leave means ______.
   A. to find out
   B. to look for
   C. to go away
4. If you wonder, you ______.
   A. want to know sth
   B. feel great
   C. say sth happily
5. To search means ______.
   A. to find sth
   B. to shout at sth
   C. to look carefully for sth
6. Weak means ______.
   A. clever
   B. small
   C. not strong
Task 5: Reordering the following sentences according to what Millie said.
  (     ) A. We ran away quickly.
  (     ) B. Andy found a little cat in the bushes.
  (     ) C. We sat under a big tree in the park.
  (     ) D. Suddenly, we heard a whisper.
  (     ) E. We turned around but saw nothing.
  (     ) F. Andy went to the park.
  (     ) G. I told Andy about the strange sound.
Task 6: Millie is telling Wendy about what happened in the park, choose T or F.
1. I was afraid when I heard the whisper.
2. The whisper came from a big tree.
3. We went back to the park with Andy.
4. Somebody helped Andy find the "ghost".
5. Andy found a little cat in the bushes.
6. Andy gave the little cat to Amy.
Task 7: Try to retell the story
Keywords and phrases:
chat/ a whisper/ bush/ nothing/ afraid/ run
away/ tell/ search/ weak/ surprised/ later
that day/ animal centre
                   The ghost in the park
   Last Sunday, Millie went to _________ _________ with Amy. As usual, they often sat under the big tree. Suddenly, they heard a _________ from the _________. They looked around but saw _________. Then they were _________ and _________ quickly.
   They met _________ on their way and told him _________. At last, Andy found a little _________ in the bushes. It was very _________. He brought it to Amy and Millie. They were _________ to see the cat.
   Later that day, thet took the cat to the _________.
   What an unforgettable day!
Henry: What did Millie and Amy hear?
Andy: They heard a _______. They were very _______ and left the park quickly.
Henry: What did you find?
Andy: I found a little cat in the _______.
Henry: Why did the little cat sound like a ghost?
Andy: It was very _______, so when it _______, it sounded like a ghost.
Henry: Where is the little cat now?
Andy: We took it to the _______ centre.
Language points
1. as usual (usually) 跟往常一樣
As usual, he gets to school early.
2. be afraid...  害怕…
   be afraid of sth./sb.  害怕看到某物或某人
   be afraid to do sth.  害怕做某事
He feels afraid of me.
He feels afraid to see me.
3. on one's way home  在回家的路上
   on one's way to ...  在去……的路上
在我們回家的路上  on our way home
在我們?nèi)W(xué)校的路上  on our way to school
在他去公司的路上  on his way to the company
4. What happened?  發(fā)生什么事了?
   sth happened to sb  某人發(fā)生了某事
Last night a car accident happened to him.
5. listen, hear, sound
Sandy, please Listen to me carefully.
I can't hear your words.
The music sounds wonderful.
6. be surprised ...
   be surprised at sb/sth  因某人或某事感到驚訝
   be surprised to do sth  做某事感到驚訝
I am surprised at you.
I am surprised to see you.
7. He searched the bushes.
search sp for sb/sth
He searched all her bags for her ID card.
8. "Here it is." Andy said to himself.
say to oneself意思是“心里想,自言自語(yǔ)”,這里的say也可以換用其他與說(shuō)有關(guān)的詞,如speak、talk等,類似的短語(yǔ)還有think to oneself(暗自尋思、心里想)
如:My grandmother often says to herself.
9. Andy picked up the little cat.
pick up意思是“拾起、撿起”,動(dòng)副詞組,如果賓語(yǔ)是代詞,必須放在兩詞之間,如:pick it/them up
He found a pen on the floor, he picked it up.
1. There are some ______(bush) in our school.
2. Our English teacher told us to listen to the radio ______(careful).
3. The ______(follow) week, he was not late for school.
4. "Be quick", I said to ______(my).
5. I found nothing in my school bag. I knew there was something ______(usual).
6. Tom is afraid ______(see) that film.
7. Yesterday I ______(find) a little dog in my garden.
8. Just now Sandy ______(hear) a whisper and she ______(run) away quickly.
1. They ____ to the park last Sunday.
   A. go   B. went   C. goed
2. He ____ down under a big tree.
   A. sat   B. sits   C. sitted
3. He found a wallet and ____.
   A. pick it up
   B. picked it up
   C. picked up it
4. On ____ way to school, they found a school bag.
   A. them   B. they   C. their
5. He ____ carefully, but he ____ nothing.
   A. listened, heard
   B. listens, heard
   C. listhend, heard
6. They left the park ____.
   A. quick   B. quickly   C. quicklly
Rewrite the story about the ghost in the park.





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七年級(jí)英語(yǔ)下冊(cè)Unit 5《Amazing things》Reading

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