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七年級(jí)英語下冊Unit 4《Finding your way》Study skills and Task

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Unit 4《Finding your way》Study skills and Task
Study skills
  John swim well.
  Where do you live?
  Listhen to the teacher.
  How happy I am!
  After this month, I will work.
  Is she busy?
  Are you a student or a teacher?
1. There are five people in my family, they are my father, my mother and I.
2. Can you sing or dance?
Falling tone and rising tone
When we speak, we drop our tone at the end of a statement.
  There is a path between the hill.
  Pandas are cute.
When we ask a yes/no, our tone rises at the end of the question.
  Are there an lions?
  Is the zoo far away from our school?
When we ask a wh-question, our tone usually falls at the end of the question.
  What can you see across the bridge?
  How do I get there?
We make our tone rise at the end of a sentence to show surprise.
  A: The zoo is about three kilometres away from our school.
  B: Three kilometres?
Listen and pay attention to tones.
Millie: Hi, Sandy. Tomorrow is Saturday. Would you like to go and see a film?
Sandy: Yes, I'd like to. Which cinema do you want to go to?
Millie: The one at Sunshine Shopping Mall.
Sandy: Sunshine Shopping Mall?
Millie: Sure. We can go shopping there too.
Sand: Good idea. When shall we meet?
Millie: Is 2 p.m. OK?
Sandy: All right. See you then.
Read these sentences
1. What are you doing? I am dancing.
2. Is he at school now? Sorry, I don't know.
3. Can you swim? Yes, I can.
4. Can you play the guitar or the drums?
5. I can sing and dance.
6. There are seven days in a week. They are Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
Warming up
Suzy's birthday is coming.
What can she do to celebrate her birthday?
How to organize a birthday party
Where will she have the party?
When will the party start?
What will they do in the party?
Who will Suzy invite to the party?
How can she invite others?
An invitation letter
Dear friends,
I am going to have a birthday party at home this weekend. I would like to invite you to the party. It will start at 2 p.m. on Sunday, 21 April. My parents will prepare plenty of food and drinks for us. We will also play some games.
I am looking forward to seeing you at the party.
Listen and answer
Suzy's invitation letter
Where will she have the party?
When will the party start?
Who will Suzy invite to the party?
What can they do in the party?
Language points
My parents will prepare plenty of food and drinks for us.
prepare...for...  為…做準(zhǔn)備
He will prepare everything for us.
plenty of  “許多,足夠”,既可以修飾可數(shù)名詞,也可以修飾不可數(shù)名詞。
We do not have plenty of time to waste!
Suzy wants to show her friends how to get home in her letter. Help her complate the directions according to the map.
How to get there?
This is the way to my home. Take the underground. Get out at Exit A. Turn left and walk straight on to the traffic lights. Then cross Autumn Street and turn right. Walk across Orange Street. You will see a bank in front of you. My home is next to the bank.
How to write an invitation letter
Para. 1
  I am going to have ...
Para. 2
  Time of the party
  Place of the party
  What to do / eat at the party
  Something else about the party
Para. 3
  I hope ...
Useful expressions
I am going to have a Christmas/birthday ... party.
I am happy to invite you to ...
It will start at noon/one o'clock/2:30 p.m. on ....
We will have a big dinner at/in ....
We will meet near/in front of/at/in ....
I am looking forward to seeing you at ....
Dear friends,
I am going to have a Christmas party at home this Sunday. I am happy to invite you to the party. It will start at 5 p.m. on Sunday, 21 April. We will have a big dinner in my house. We will also play some games.
I am looking forward to seeing you at the party.
1. It will start ____ 3pm, ____ Saturday.
   A. at,in   B. at,on   C.from,to
2. I have ____ books to read every day.
   A. much   B. lot of   C. plenty of
3. She has ____ money to buy a big house.
   A. few   B. lot of   C. plenty of
4. I am looking forward to ____ Shanghai.
   A. visit   B. visiting   C. visitting
5. You will see a park ____ the hotel.
   A. in the front of
   B. in the centre of
   C. in front of
6. I am happy ____ you again.
   A. seeing   B. to see   C. to seeing
7. The party will start ____ noon.
   A. in   B. on   C. at
8. Her birthday is ____ March 23rd.
   A. in   B. on   C. at
9. This is ____ the hospital.
   A. the way of
   B. the way to
   C. the way for
Write an invitation letter to your friends and give them directions to your home. Use Suzy's letter and directions as a model.






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