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七年級(jí)英語(yǔ)下冊(cè)Unit 4《Finding your way》Reading

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Unit 4《Finding your way》Reading
Words and expressions
everybody  pron.  每人,人人
straight  adv.  徑直地
on  prep.  向前移動(dòng):開(kāi)
bamboo  n.  竹
all day long  整天地
along  prep.  沿著
road  n.  道路
king  n.  國(guó)王
remember  v.  記得
that  conj.  (引導(dǎo)從句)
dangerous  adj.  危險(xiǎn)的
sound  n.  聲音
forest  n.  森林
funny  adj.  好笑的,滑稽的
laugh  v.  大笑
giraffe  n.  長(zhǎng)頸鹿
quite  adv.  相當(dāng),非常
neck  n.  脖子
leaf  n.  樹(shù)葉
north-east  n. adj. & adv.  東北方
bridge  n.  橋
cross  v.  穿過(guò),橫過(guò)
A trip to the zoo
What can we see in the zoo?
elephant(s)   giraffe(s)   bird(s)
panda(s)      lion(s)      monkey(s)
Pandas are black and white, they are very cute. They live in the Panda House. They like to eat bamboo. They are a little lazy, they like to lie down all day long.
Lions are the kings of the animal world. They are very dangerous. So never go near them.
Birds are lovely. They can fly. Birds can make beautiful sounds when  they sing. When winter comes, they always fly to the south.
Monkeys are clever and funny. They like to jump around. They can also play tricks(玩把戲) and make people lauge. Monkeys are people's friends. They are like(像) people.
This is an elephant. It is very fat. It walk slowly. It has a long nose. It's ears are like open fans. It is different from other animals. It walks on tiptoe.
Giraffes are quite tall. They have very long necks. They can eat leaves from trees.
1. Where are they?
2. What can you see in the zoo? What are they?
Fast reading
Read the passage quickly and try to answer the following questions.
1. Who comes to see the panda?
2. What animals are the kings of the animal world?
3. How do monkeys make people laugh?
4. What helps giraffes eat the leaves from trees?
5. What are elephants' ears like?
Choose T or F
1. The students start their visit from the North Gate.
2. Pandas do not like to lie down all day long.
3. Visitors can't go near the lions.
4. The birds in the zoo are very quiet.
5. Monkeys are clever and funny.
6. To the north-east of the giraffes there is a hill.
Listen again and find the right animals.
·The pandas are (1)______ of the South Gate.
·The lions are (2)______ of the pandas.
·The birds are (3)______ of the lions.
·The birds are (4)______ of the monkeys.
·The giraffes are (5)______of the monkeys.
·The elephants are (6)______ of the giraffes.
Language points
1. Here, we're in front of the South Gate.
in front of 在…的前面,注意in the front of 也在…前面的意思,但是兩者有區(qū)分。in the front of指內(nèi)部的前面。如:
He is in front of me.
He is in the front of the classroom.(教室內(nèi))
There is a tree in front of the classroom.(教室外)
2. Go straight on, and you'll find the Panda House.
go straight on  一直向前走
Go straight on until you come to ...
Go along the street ...
Follow this road ...
Turn left/right ...
Turn left into ...
Take the first/second road/acrossing on the left/right.
It takes about ten minutes by bus.
It's a ten-minute walk.
3. They like to eat bamboo and lie down all day long.
lie down  躺著
They work hard all year long.
4. Remember that they're dangerous. Never go near them.
此處that they're dangerous是做remember的賓語(yǔ)從句。
e.g.: I remember that he is from the USA.
【拓展】remember doing sth. 記得做過(guò)某事
        remember to do sth. 記得去做某事
e.g.: I remember finishing homework but I forget.
      I remember to help my mother do housework.
5. Monkeys are clever and funny. They jump around and make people laugh.
句子中make people laugh是“動(dòng)詞+賓語(yǔ)+賓語(yǔ)補(bǔ)足語(yǔ)”結(jié)構(gòu),這時(shí)如果前面的動(dòng)詞是make,let,have,hear,see等時(shí)候,第二個(gè)動(dòng)詞則省略不定式to,動(dòng)詞也可以換成形容詞等等。
please let me go with you. 請(qǐng)讓我和你一起去。
The game makes him happy.
Millie is telling her friend Wendy online about Sunshine Zoo.
Wendy: Hi, Millie. How was your trip to the zoo?
Millie: Not bad. There are lots of (1)______ in the zoo.
Wendy: Are there any pandas?
Millie: Yes. Pandas are (2)______. Every year, lots of (3)______ come to see them.
Wendy: Are there any lions?
Millie: Yes, but they're (4)______. We can't go near them.
Wendy: There are also birds, aren't there?
Millie: Yes. I like to hear birds (5)______. There are monkeys too.
Wendy: I like monkeys. They're clever and (6)______.
Millie: Yes, they are. And there are also tall (7)______. Their long necks help them eat the (8)______ from trees.
Fill in the blanks
Hi, everybody. We are in front of the South Gate. Go ______ on, and you'll find the Panda House. They like to ______ and lie down ______. Walk ______ the road. ______ of the Panda House, it is the Lions' Area. They are ______, never ______. ______ of it, you'll find the World of Birds. They ____________ when they sing.
To the north of the World of Birds is the ______. They ______ and ______ people ______. To the ______ of the Monkeys' Forest, you'll see the ______. They have ______. ______ of the giraffes there's a bridge. ______ the bridge, and you'll see the ______. Their large ears are like ______. Here you can see all kinds of animals. Have a nice trip!
1. Pandas like to eat b______.
2. L______ are the kings of the animal world.
3. B______ make beautiful sounds.
4. Monkeys are c______ and funny.
5. G______ are quite tall.
6. Elephants' ears are like open f______.
7. You can see all kinds of a______ in the zoo.
8. Birds are in the c______.
1. There is a cat _____ the table.
   A. in front of
   B. in the front of
   C. in
2. He often makes us _____.
   A. laugh   B. to laugh   C. laughing
3. Giraffes' long necks help them eat the _____ from the trees.
   A. leaves   B. leaf   C. leafes
4. She _____ her mother.
   A. is like   B. is liking   C. be like
5. -- Have a good trip.
   -- _____.
   A. Thank you   B. Thanks you   C. Me, too
6. There are _____ animals in the zoo.
   A. any   B. lot of   C. lots of
7. --Are there any lions? --_____.
   A. Yes, there is
   B. Yes, there are
   C. No, there isn't
1. Remember the words and phrases.
2. Write a short passage about the animals you like best.





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