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七年級英語下冊Unit 3《Welcome to Sunshine town!》Welcome to the unit

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Unit 3《Welcome to Sunshine town!》Welcome to the unit
Learning aims
To learn some new words and phrases
To make suggestions about activities for the exchange students
New words
mine  pron.  我的
nothing  pron.  沒有什么
wait a minute  等一會兒
yuan n.  元(人民幣單位)
tin  n.  罐,聽
pizza  n.  比薩餅
exchange student  n.  交流學(xué)生
Eddie: An old friend of mine is coming to see me, Hobo.
Hobo: But there's nothing in the fridge.
Eddie: Let's go to the supermarket.
Hobo: Wait a minute... We only have five yuan, Eddie.
Eddie: Is it enough for a tin of dog food?
Hobo: Of course not!
Eddie: Maybe we can order a pizza...
Answer these questions.
1. Is there any food left?
2. How much money do they have?
3. Where does Eddie want to go to buy food?
Key points:
1. 我的一個老朋友 an old friend of mine
2. 將要來看我 be coming to see me
3. 冰箱里什么都沒有 there is nothing in the fridge
4. 等一等 wait a minute = just a minute
5. 足夠買一罐狗食
      be enough for a tin of dog food
    = be enough to buy a tin of dog food
6. 當(dāng)然不 of course not
7. 訂一份比薩 order a pizza
An ______ friend of Eddie's is coming to see ______. But there is ______ in the fridge, so they will go to the ______. They only have five ______. They don't have ______ money to buy a ______ of dog food. Maybe they can order a ______.
Exchange students from the UK
Look at the pictures and complete what each person is saying.
1. I like shopping.
2. I enjoy Chinese food.
3. I love playing football.
4. I love watching films.
Key points
 like/love/enjoy sth  喜歡某事
 like/love/enjoy doing sth  喜歡做某事
Eg: I like/love/enjoy nice clothes.
    She likes/loves/enjoys reading.
The Class 1, Grade 7 students are suggesting activities for the exchange students. Listen to the conversation and complete it.
Millie: The exchange students are coming. Shall we take them to the ______?
Daniel: Sure. We can watch some wonderful ______ together.
Amy: Shopping is ______. We can take them to the shopping mall too.
Simon: Yes, and I'd like to take the boys to our school's ______ field.
Sandy: ______ we invite them to have dinner with us? They can ______ some Chinese food.
Daniel: Good ______!
Read amd fill in the table below.

  Name             Places
 Millie             cinema
   Amy          shopping mall
  Simon  their school's football field
  Sandy            restaurant
Make a conversation in pairs.
A: A friend of mine will see me soon, but I don't know where I can take him/her. Can you give me any ideas?
B: What does he/she like?
A: She/He likes ...
B: Oh, you can take him/her to ... / Why not take him/her to ...
1. What about ...?
2. How about ...?
3. Why not ...?
4. Shall I/we ...?
5. Let's do ..., shall we?
Language points
1. The exchange students are coming.
這里are coming相當(dāng)于are going to come。英語里在談到近期確定的安排時,常用進(jìn)行時表達(dá),這種用法比用將來時表達(dá)更為自然。常用于該用法的動詞有come、go、leave等。如:
She is leaving soon. 她就要走了。
Annie is coming to supper this evening. 安妮今晚要來吃飯。
2. Shall we take them to the cinema?
Shall we invite them to have dinner with us?
Shall I/we ...? 表示說話人用來征詢對方的意見。其后要跟動詞原形,意思是“我(們)…好嗎?”。如:
Shall we go swimming?
我們?nèi)ビ斡竞脝幔?br> Shall I go with you? 我跟你去好嗎?
對Shall I(we) ...?問句的肯定回答可用OK./Sure./All right./Yes, I think so./Good idea.等。
4. Shall we take them to the cinema?
take sb to sp 把某人帶到某地
E.g. 我想帶你去我們的社區(qū)中心。
     I want to take you to our community center.
The boy wants to take the girl home.
5. They can try some Chinese food.
try sth 嘗試某事
try doing sth 嘗試做某事
try to do sth 努力做某事
try one's best to do sth 盡某人最大的努力做某事
E.g. 讓我們嘗試一些不同種類的食物。
     Let's try some different kinds of food.
6. Shall we invite them to have dinner with us?
invite sb to do sth 邀請某人做某事
如:He will invite me to take part in his party.
invite sb to sp 邀請某人到某地
如:He invites his friends to his home.
have dinner with sb 和某人一起吃晚餐
如:She often has supper with her friends.
1. Our English teacher ___________(喜歡購物).
2. ___________(冰箱里什么也沒有) in the fridge.
3.Let's ___________(等一會兒).
4. Shall we ___________ with us? (邀請他們一起吃午飯)
5. ___________(我的一個老朋友) is coming to see me.
6. Shall we ___________(帶他們?nèi)ル娪霸??
1. Let's _____ to the school now.
   A. go   B. go to   C. goes
2. He is _____ to see you.
   A. comeing   B. comes   C. coming
3. It's enough for you _____ some food.
   A. buying   B. to buy   C. buy
4. There _____ nothing in the box.
   A. be   B. is   C. are
5. I only have ten _____.
   A. yuan   B. yuans   C. dollar
6. You can take _____ to the cinema.
   A. they   B. them   C.their
7. Shopping _____ fun.
   A. is   B. are   C. be
8. I love _____ TV.
   A. to watching   B. watching   C. watch
9. He enjoys _____.
   A. eating   B. eatting   C. to eat
10. Shall we invite them _____ dinner with us?
   A. having   B. to have   C. have
1.咱們?nèi)タ措娪鞍伞?br> 2.--看電視咱們怎么樣呢?--好主意。
1. Read and remember the conversation.
2. Preview "Reading".






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