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七年級英語下冊Unit 2《Neighbours》Study skills and Task

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Unit 2《Neighbours》Study skills and Task
Study skills
連讀(Linking sounds)
We often link sounds together when we speak English. There are four different ways of linking sounds together.
1. We usually link a consonant sound with a vowel sound.
   an apple     stand up     in an hour
2. When the first word ends in -r or -re and the next word begins with a vowel sound, we join them together with a /r/ sound between them.
   there are     for us     here is
3. When there are two vowel sounds, we join them as if there were a /j/ or /w/ sound between them.
   we enjoy     go out     the otber
4. When two consonant sounds of two works meet, we sometime do not need to pronounce the first consonant sound.
   best time     sit down     a big cake
A: Listen carefully. See how you can link the following words together. Then practise saying them.
  1. cold ice
  2. big orange
  3. an egg
  4. an umbrella
  5. turn on
  6. get up
B: Listen carefully to these words. Then practise saying them.
  1. there is
  2. here are
  3. far away
  4. four of us
  5. more or less
  6. over again
C: Listen carefully to these words. Then practise saying them.
  1. high up
  2. the area
  3. three exercises
  4. go in
  5. no other
  6. two oranges
D: Listen carefully to these words. Then practise saying them.
  1. next team
  2. cold drink
  3. keep busy
  4. white cat
  5. best doctor
  6. hard time
More practice
He is an English boy.
Let me have a look at it.
Not at all.
There is a football under it.
Nice to meet you.
Would you like a cup of tea?
We are going to work on a farm next Tuesday.
It is a very cold day, but it is a good day.
Warming up
1. Is there a community centre in your neighbourhood?
2. What do your neighbours do?
3. Do you think it's helpful to have a community centre?
4. What kind of help do you want to get from the community centre?
A Possible Version
I think a community centre is very helpful.
Everything will be better with its help.
It provides useful information.
The volunteers would like to do anything to help us.
Words and expressions
notice  n.  布告,通知
information  n.  信息
below  prep.  下面
better  adj.  更好
anything  pron.  任何事
worry about  為……擔(dān)心
design  v.  設(shè)計,構(gòu)思
group  n.  組,群
Helping each other
Dear all,
We are going to have a "helping hands" meeting at the community centre on the afternoon of 5 March. Do you have any problems? Please look at the information below. It may help you!
City Garden Community Centre
Listen and answer:
1. If I am ill, where can I go?
2. Who can help you to fix your fridge?
3. If you are worrying about what to wear to a party, where can you get the help?
Are you not feeling well these days? Do not worry. There are good doctors and nurses here. They will make feel better!
                                         Healthy Centre
Is your washing machine not working? Is there anything wrong with your fridge? Our engineers are here to help with your problems!
                                         Fix-It Club
Are you worrying about what to wear to a party or how to design your home? We have some artists to help. All our group members know a lot about styles and colours. They will be happy to give you some ideas!
                                         Art & Design Group
1. Mr White is not feeling well these days.
2. There is something wrong with Jane's fridge.
3. Miss Lau worries about what to wear for a party.
4. Grandma Lee's washing machine is not working well.
5. Mrs Zhang does not know how to design her house.
Help Simon complete his article.
We are going to have a "helping hands" meeting at the (1)________ on the afternoon of (2)________. Some neighbours are there ready to help. Sometimes people do not feel well. The (3)________ at the Health Centre will (4)___________. There are also some (5)________ at the Fix-It Club. People will get help if there is (6)________ with their washing machine or fridge. The members at the Art and Design Group know a lot about (7)________. When people do not know (8)___________ or (9)___________, the artists will give them (10)___________.
Writing - write a passage according to Task A on page 28.
    The "helping hands" meeting
Time: this Sunday morning
Place: in the hall of Sunshine Community Centre
Beautiful Hair Club: cutting hair & designing hairstyle
Delicious Kitchen: teaching people how to cook delicious food
We are going to have a "helping hands" meeting in the hall of Sunshine Community Centre this Sunday morning. Some neighbours are there ready to help.
The members at the Beautiful Hair Club know a lot about hairstyle, and they can help you cut your hair or give you some ideas about the hairstyle.
If you don't know how to cook food, the people at the Delicious Kitchen can teach you, they can cook delicious food well.
Key points
1. at the community centre 在社區(qū)中心
2. on the afternoon of 5 March 在3月5日的下午
   in the afternoon
   on 5 March
3. Are you not feeling well these days?
feel well指身體感覺舒服,沒有毛病,這里well是形容詞,意思是“身體好的,健康的”,well也可以作副詞,用來修飾動詞。如:He can dance well.
4. Is there anything wrong with your fridge?
There is something wrong with ....
如:There isn't anything wrong with your washing machine.
5. Are you worrying about what to wear to a party or how to design your home?
worry about 擔(dān)心,擔(dān)憂
如:Don't worry about me.
what to wear to a party 和 how to design your home是“疑問詞+不定式”結(jié)構(gòu)
如:I don't know what to do.
1. We are going to have a meeting at the c______ centre.
2. Don't w______.
3. They will m______ you feel better.
4. Is your washing m______ not working?
5. The d______ work in a hospital.
6. The e______ can help you to check your machine.
7. S______ people do not feel well.
8. There is s______ wrong with your car.
1. We are going to _____ this afternoon.
   A. have a meeting
   B. watching TV
   C. be a meeting
2. He was born _____ morning of January 1st.
   A. in   B. on   C. at
3. He can help you _____ your problems.
   A. at   B. for   C. with
4. Are you _____ your problems?
   A. worry about
   B. worrying about
   C. worrying at
5. They will _____ happy to give you some ideas.
   A. be   B. are   C. being
6. They don't know _____ to design their homes.
   A. what   B. how   C. where
7. There isn't _____ wrong with her bike.
   A. something   B. anything   C. any
8. There _____ some meat in the fridge.
   A. is   B. are   C. be
9. There is _____ a match tomorrow.
   A. going to be
   B. going to have
   C. go to be
How do your neighbours help each other? Prepare notes about it. Then write your article.






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