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七年級英語下冊Unit 2《Neighbours》Integrated skills

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Unit 2《Neighbours》Integrated skills
New words
manager  經(jīng)理
office  辦公室
office worker  上班族
policeman/policemen(pl.)  警察
postman/postmen(pl.)  郵遞員
company  公司
station  局,所
police station  警察局
post office  郵局
person  人
job  工作
elder  年長的
future  將來
artist  藝術(shù)家
sound  聽起來
sick  生病的
by train/bus/ship/bike
Guessing game
Here are some riddles for you. Can you tell me the name of the job?
1. They work in a school to help children to learn.
2. They have special skills, such as making ships, planes and other machines.
3. When you are ill, you go to see them.
4. They work in a restaurant. They serve you food.
5. They are always kind. When you are in hospitals, they look after you.
6. They make delicious food for people in restaurant.
7. They can take you anywhere you want to go by taxi.
A1: Millie wants to know more about different jobs. Look at the following pictures. Help her write the correct names under the pictures.
    manager     office worker     company       police station
    policeman   postman           post office   restaurant
A2: Wendy, Millie's penfriend, is talking about her family members' jobs. Listen to her and complete the table below.

     Person        Job       Place
  Wendy's dad     policeman  police station
  Wendy's mum      manager    restaurant
 Wendy's elder brother      postman    post office
 Wendy's elder sister  office worker      company
Listen to the tape once more and answer the questions about Wendy.
1. Where's her father's police station?
2. Where's her mother's restaurant?
3. Is her mother very busy?
4. How does her elder brother go to work?
5. How does her elder sister go to work?
A3: Millie is making notes about Wendy's family. Listen to Wendy again and help Millie complete her notes below.
Wendy's family
There are five people in Wendy's family.
Her dad is a ______. He works in a ______ near her school. Sometimes he works ______.
Her mum works in a ______ in the town center. She is a ______, so she is always busy.
Her elder brother works in a ______. He is a ______. He often goes to work ______. He loves his job.
Her elder sister is an ______. She works for a ______ far away from her home, so she goes to work by train.
Show yourself!
Ask your partner about his/her family member's jobs.
(1) What does your father/mother/elder brother/sister/uncle/aunt do?
(2) Where does he/she work?
(3) How does he/she go to work?
Speak up: What are you going to be in the future?
  1. waiter     2. shopper    3. doctor     4. teacher
  5. nurse      6. student    7. cook       5. an artist
Which is your favourite job?
Are you going to be ... in the future?
What are you going to be in the future? Why?
Speak up
Millie is talking with her classmates about their future jobs. Listen to the tape and answer the following questions.
1. What is Daniel going to be in the future?
2. What is Millie going to be in the future?
3. What is Sandy going to be in the future?
4. What is Amy going to be in the future?
5. What is Simon going to be in the future?
Read and do "True" or "False" exercise.
1. Daniel likes computers. (   )
2. Millie is going to be a computer engineer. (   )
3. Sandy is going to be an art teacher. (   )
4. Amy is going to be a doctor. (   )
5. Simon is going to be a basketball star. (   )
Work in pairs and talk about what you are going to be in the future.
-- What are you going to be in the future?
-- I am going to be .... How about you?
-- I want to be ....
Language point
1. What are you? = What do you do?
                 = What's your job?
What is she/he? = What's her/his job?
2. Her elder brother works in a post office.
elder brother/sister  哥哥/姐姐
younger brother/sister  弟弟/妹妹
work in+地點(diǎn)  意思是“工作在…”
如:work in an office
    work in a hospital
3. He goes to work by bike.
by bike 騎自行車
by+交通工具  如:by bus/train/car/ship
How does he go to work?
4. She lives far away from her home.
far away from+地點(diǎn)  遠(yuǎn)離…
如:He lives far away from his school.
5. What are you going to be in the future?
in the future  將來(用于將來時)
如:She is going to be a doctor in the future.
6. be good at sth/doing sth  善于做某事
如:She is good at English.
    She is good at dancing.
7. That sounds like a good idea.
sound like  聽起來像
a good idea
an idea
8. an artist  一個畫家
a football player  一個足球運(yùn)動員
9. I want to help sick people.
My father is ill/sick.
He has to look after his sick grandpa.
1. My father is a ______, he teaches math.
2. He is a ______, he works in a restaurant.
3. She is a ______, she works in a hospital.
4. He is an ______, he can draw well.
5. They are ______, they help people when they are in trouble.
6. He is a ______, he works in a post office.
7. She is an ______, she works in an office.
8. He is a ______. He works in a company.
1. What does he _____?
   A. do   B. does   C. doing
2. I want to be _____ engineer.
   A. a   B. an   C. the
3. He is _____ office worker.
   A. a   B. an   C. the
4. _____ is her job?
   A. What   B. How   C. Which
5. _____ do you go to work?
   A. How   B. What   C. Where
6. _____ do you work?
   A. How   B. What   C. Where
7. He goes to school _____.
   A. by foot   B. by bike   C. by a bike
8. My mother _____ a hospital.
   A. work in   B. works in   C. works at
9. I am good at _____.
   A. sing   B. singing   C. danceing
10. He is a(an) _____ person.
   A. sick   B. ill   C. sickly
11. He is going to _____ a waiter.
   A. be   B. is   C. am
12. I want to be a singer _____.
   A. in future   B. in the future   C. for future
13. His _____ brother is a postman.
   A. old   B. elder   C. older
14. They are _____.
   A. policeman   B.policemen   C. policemans
1. He goes to school by bike.
2. He is a teacher.
3. My sister is a nurse.
4. She works in a company.
5. I am going to be a teacher.
Write something about your family member.






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