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七年級英語下冊Unit 2《Neighbours》Grammar

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Unit 2《Neighbours》Grammar
一般將來時(Simple Future Tense)
We shall(will) come to see you the day after tomorrow.
There will be a wonderful show next week.
The students will come and work in the lab once a week.
We shall come and work in this factory every year.
 be (am,is,are) going to + 動詞原形
  next Tuesday           tomorrow
  next week              tonight
  the coming Sunday      in a few minutes
  next year              in the future
  this afternoon         in five years
          (否)No,主語+shall/will+not ...
縮寫形式:'ll=shall/will   he will=he'll
    shan't=shall not    won't=will not
Shall we have a drink?
Shall I open the window?
Where shall we have the meeting?
Will you pass me that cup?
Will you (please) help me with maths?
Will you please lend me your pen?
    ASking for help
Mr Lin: Hello, Simon. Do you need any help?
Simon: Yes, Mr Lin. There's something wrong with my computer.
Mr Lin: OK. We ______(ask) an engineer to check it for you.
Simon: When ______ the engineer ______(be) free?
Mr Lin: Well, we ______(call) him first. ______ you ______(wait) for us to call back?
Simon: All right. I ______(wait) for your call. Thanks.
Mr Lin: You're welcome.
be going to
I am going to phone my cousin tonight.
What are you going to do this Sunday?
I think I am going to faint(昏倒).
肯定句:主語+be(am,is,are)+going to+動詞原形
e.g. I'm going to go there next month.
     He is going to visit his grandparents next year.
     They are going to find a new house to live in.
否定句:主語+be(am,is,are)+not+going to+動詞原形
e.g. He isn't going to see the movie.
     You aren't going to work on the farm this weekend.
     We aren't going to have a meeting this afternoon.
疑問句:be(am,is,are)+主語+going to+動詞原形
e.g. Are you going to have a party tomorrow?
     Is he going to write to his friends?
     Are they going to buy a new car?
特殊疑問詞+be(am,is,are)+主語+going to+動詞原形
e.g. What are you going to have tomorrow?
     What are you going to do tonight? I'm going to watch the baseball game.
1. We are going to have a sports meeting next month.
2. Daniel is going to study computer this afternoon.
3. They are going to see the film this evening.
Planning a day out
Simon: Hi, Amy. My parents and I are planning a day out with my uncle's family the day after tomorrow.
Amy: Great! What (1)______ you ___________(do)?
Simon: I (2)___________(buy) some food, and my cousin Annie (3)___________(buy) some plates and forks.
Amy: What (4)_______ your parents ___________(do)?
Simon: They (5)___________(bring) some water.
Amy: How about your uncle?
Simon: He (6)___________(make) a fire.
Amy: And your aunt? What (7) ______ she ___________ (do)?
Simon: She (8)_________(cook) some food.
I think it is going to/will rain this evening.我認(rèn)為今晚要下雨。
·1、當(dāng)表示主觀方面“打算,準(zhǔn)備”去做什么事情的時候,往往用be going to+動詞原形,而will則多用來表示純屬客觀的將來:
-- What are you going to do this evening?
-- I'm going to see a film.
You will be forth years old next year.
Tomorrow will be Sunday again.
2、be going to+動詞原形可表示事先計劃的意圖,而will則表示說話人當(dāng)時決定的意圖。
We're going to drive you home after the meeting.
Don't call a taxi. We'll drive you home.
I feel ill now, and I'll go to see the doctor.
I'm going to see the doctor this evening.
He is studying hard and is going to try for the exams. 他正努力學(xué)習(xí),準(zhǔn)備參加考試。(不能用will替換)
-- Can somebody help me? 誰能幫我一下嗎?
-- I will. 我來(不能用be going to 替換)
1、“There be”句型的一般將來時
肯定句:There will be+名詞+其他成份
        There will be only one country.
        There won't be only one country.
        Will there be only one country?
        Yes, there be./ No, there won't.
2、“There be”句型的一般將來時
肯定句:There is/are going to be+名詞+其他成份
        There is going to be a robot in a family.
        There is not going to be a robot in a family.
        Is there going to be a robot in a family?
        Yes, there is./ No, there isn't.
1. ______ we ______(go) to the Great Wall next Sunday?
2. Mike's father ______(arrive) in Nanjing in two weeks.
3. He doesn't like his job. He ______(change) his job.
4. We ______(go) to the Summer Palace soon.
5. Most of us think No. 2 Middle School football team ______(win) in this match.
6. Mary's birthday is next Monday, her mother ______(give) her a present.
7. What ______ you ______(do) after you ______(leave) school next year?
8. There ______(be) an interesting film in the cinema the day after tomorrow.
9. ______ you ______(help) us clean the window this afternoon?
1. Charlie _____ here next month.
   A. isn't working     B. doesn't working
   C. isn't going to working   D. won't work
2. He _____ very busy this week, he _____ free next week.
   A. will be; is         B. is; is
   C. will be; will be    D. is; will be
3. -- _____ you _____ free tomorrow?
   -- No. I _____ free the day after tomorrow.
   A. Are; going to; will
   B. Are; going to be; will
   C. Are; going to; will be
   D. Are; going to be; will be
4. Mother _____ me a nice present on my next birthday.
   A. will gives    B. will give
   C. gives         D. give
5. He _____ in three days.
   A. coming back      B. came back
   C. will come back   D. is going to coming back
6. Who _____ we _____ swimming with tomorrow afternoon?
   A. will; goes    B. do; go
   C. will; going   D. shall; go
7. We _____ the work this way next time.
   A. do            B. will do
   C. going to do   D. will doing
8. I think every home will _____ a car.
   A. be   B. have   C. has   D. there be
9. Will there be more trees? Yes, _____.
   A. they will        B. there will
   C. there will be    D. there have
10. Will there _____ more cars in people's homes?
   A. have   B. has   C. be   D. /
1. We are going to go home at four. (對劃線部分提問)
   _____ are we going to _____ home?
2. I am going to have a birthday party at home.
   _____ are you going to _____ a birthday party?
3. Sam is going to buy a book.
   _____ is Sam going to _____?
4. They are going to drink cola.
   _____ are going to drink cola?
5. I think there will be more pollution. (改為否定句)
   I _____ think there _____ be more pollution?
6. He will have a good time.
   He _____ _____ a good time.(否定句)
   _____ he _____ a good time?(一般疑問句)
7. Mary will get home at nine this evening.(劃線部分提問)
   _____ _____ Mary get home?






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