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七年級(jí)英語下冊(cè)Module 11 Body language Unit 2《Here are some ways to welcome them.》

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七年級(jí)英語下冊(cè)Module 11 Unit 2《Here are some ways to welcome them.》

head   頭
hair  頭發(fā)
face  臉
eye  眼睛
eyebrow  眉毛
nose  鼻子
mouth  嘴
teeth  牙齒
chin   下巴
neck   脖子
shoulder   肩膀
arm   胳膊,手臂
hand  手
thumb  大拇指
finger  手指
wrist  手腕
elbow  肘部
stomach  胃,肚子
belly-button  肚臍
leg 腿
knee  膝
ankle  腳踝
foot(feet  pl.)腳
body  身體
foreign  外國的
North American   北美人
South American  南美人
personal 個(gè)人的
arm in arm   臂挽臂地
hold(held/held)   握著
move   移動(dòng)
Britain   不列顛,英國
not at all   一點(diǎn)也不
polite   禮貌的
somewhere  某處,某個(gè)地方
wave  揮手
in fact  事實(shí)上
rude   粗魯?shù)?br> bring(brought/brought)  帶來
Free talk
People around the world have their own ways of greeting each other.Do you know any ways of greeting around the world?
Some of the South American countries,Russia,France,Arab countries....
Shaking hands
The US,Britain,China....
In France,it is the custon to shake hands with people in the office every morning.
The strength of shaking
Never too heavily or too lightly.
Never shake hands absent-mindedly or with left hand.
Listen and check the sentences.
1.When you talk to a friend,you can stand close in the Middle East and North Americans.    (×)
2.Girls like walking arm in arm with their friends in China.    (√)
3.In Britain,people don't like to touch other people.  (√)
4.It isn't polite to look to people when you talk in the US and Britain.   (×)
5.In Greece,it isn't polite to wave to say goodbye.   (√)
Read the passage and answer the questions.
1.Is body language the same in different countries?
No,it isn't.
2.Is it all right to stand close to people in the Middle Est?
Yes,it is.
3.Do the British like touching people?
No,they don't.
4.Do Americans look at people when they talk?
Yes,they do.
5.Do people in Greece wave goodbye?
No,they don't.
Body language around the world
Our new foreign students are going to arrive very soon,and here are some ways to welcome them.
How close do you stand when you talk to a friend?You can stand close to people in the Middle East but don't stand too close to North Americans!Give them more personal space.
How about touching people?Chinese girls often walk arm in arm with their friends.South Americans sometimes hold your arm when they talk to you,so you can't move away!But in Britain many people don't like other people to touch them at all.
Do you look at people when you talk?In some places,it isn't to look at people when you talk,but in other countries it isn't polite to look somewhere else.In Britain and the US,people usually look at each other when they talk.
And how do you say goodbye?That's easy,wave to say goodbye.But be careful!In Greece,it's not at all polite!In fact,it's very rude!
Language points
1.Here are some ways to welcome them.
Ann is not here.
-Where is my shirt?
-It's here.
-Where are they?
-They are here.
Is everyone here today?
Are we all here?
Here are some apples.(相當(dāng)于Some apples are here.)
-Where's my watch?
-Is it in your bag?
-No,it isn't.Oh,here it is.(-It is here.)
It's in my pencil-box.
若主語為泛指性名詞,還原正常語序時(shí),應(yīng)用“ There be+主語+here"句型
Here is an English book.
=There is an English book here.
=An English book is here.
2.Give them more personal space.
personal  adj.私人;個(gè)人的
Don't question me about my personal business!
Be careful how you start the personal somputer.
This is my personal problem.
3.Chinese girls often walk arm in arm with their friends.
arm in arm  臂挽臂,挽著手腕地
We often walk long the street arm in arm.
I saw them walk arm in arm last weekend.
hand in hand  手拉手地
4.In Greece,it's not at all polite!
not at all  (用于否定)一點(diǎn)也不;不必客氣
I am not at all satisfied with this book.
It's not at all that bad.
I'm not at all surprised at the news.
5.In fact,it's very rude!
in fact  其實(shí);事實(shí)上。修飾句子,并且通常放在據(jù)搜。
In fact,I think you're right.
In fact,I think an old car is better than none.
He doesn't mind.In fact,he is even pleased.
rude  adj.粗魯?shù)?,無禮的
Don't be so rude to your parents!
It's very rude of her to leave without telling us.
It's rude to spit in public.
在公共場(chǎng)合吐痰是粗魯?shù)摹?br> Complete the passage with the words from the box.
Britain   fact   foreign   hold  move    personal    polite   rude  someone   wave
People from (foreign)countries have different body language from us.In (Britain),people don't like to touch other people,but in South America they like to (hold)on to you so you can't (move) away.
Remember to give (someone )from North America lots of (personal)space.In some countries it isn't (polite)to look at people when you talk.And it isn't polite to (wave)goodbye in Greece.In (fact),it is quite (rude)!
Some class rules
Stand up when you answer a question in class.
Don't be late for class.
Be polite to the teacher.
Don't eat food in class.
No talking while someone else is talking.
Bring all required material to class.
No eating or drinking in the classroom.
Follow all other school and district rules.






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