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七年級(jí)英語下冊(cè)Module 11 Body language Unit 1《They touch noses!》

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七年級(jí)英語下冊(cè)Module 11 Unit 1《They touch noses!》

bow  彎腰;鞠躬
kiss  親吻
shake   搖晃
shake hands  握手
smile  微笑
British   英國的,英國人的
German  德國人;德語;德國的
Japanese  日本人;日語;日本的
Russian  俄羅斯人;俄語;俄羅斯的
Russia  俄羅斯
visitor  游客
what  什么(表驚奇)
nod  點(diǎn)頭
head  頭;頭部
hug  擁抱
each  各個(gè);每個(gè)
each other  互相;彼此
India  印度
together   一起;共同
Maori  毛利人的
touch  觸摸;接觸
nose   鼻子
Do you remember....?
countries   people/nationalities
China        Chinese
Russia       Russian
England      British
Japan        Janpanses
France       French
Germany      German
Ausralia     Australian
the US       American
Canada       Canadian
How can we communicate our ideas with others?
body language
Body language is the movements or positions of our body that show other people what we are thinking or feeling.It concludes facial expressions and gestures.
Work in pairs and check.
-Are they Russian?
-Yes,they are.
-What are they doing?
-They're shaking hands.
Listen and answer.
1.How many people do they talk about in the conversation?
Russian,Chinese,American,Indian,and Maori.
2.Do the Russian,Chinese and American kiss each other whey they meet?
No,they don't.the Russian and American usually kiss each other,Only parents and children do that in China.
Read and check the sentences.
1.Russians usually kiss the visitors three times,right,left,right.  (×)
2.Chinese often shake hands and smile when they meet visitors.     (√)
3.Chinese never kiss the visitors. (√)
4.Americans shake hands,and some kiss or hug each other. (√)
5.People put their hands together and nod their heads in India.  (√)
6.Maori people touch noses when they meet. (√)
Read and complete the table with the correct form of the words from the box.
India   kiss   Russia  together   touch    visitor
When they meet (visitors)
In China,people shake hands and smile
American people shake hands and sometimes (kiss)
In (India),people put their hands (together)and nod their heads
In (Russia),people kiss each other three times
Maori people (touch)noses
Language points
1.We Chinese often shake hands and smile...
shake  v./n.搖晃;震動(dòng)
Give the bottle a couple of shakes before pouring the juice.
He shook his head in disapproval.
His voice shook with fear.
shake hands  握手
They shook hands with each other and then sat down.
He did not shake hands with any of them.
他沒有和他們?nèi)魏我蝗宋帐帧?br> 2.That's because people do different things in different countries.
That's because...   那是因?yàn)?...
That's because I do not have on goal.
That's because you were not careful enough.
That's because... 后接某事發(fā)生的原因
That's why...  后接某事產(chǎn)生的后果
I was late for the appointment.That's because I met with an old friend on the way.
我約會(huì)遲到了,因?yàn)槲以诼飞吓龅搅艘晃焕吓笥选?br> I met with and old friend on the way,and that's why I was late for the appointment.
How do you express"I want to eat","I'm full"and"I'm hungry"with your body language?






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七年級(jí)英語下冊(cè)Module 11 Body language Unit 1《They touch noses!》

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