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七年級(jí)英語(yǔ)下冊(cè)Module 10 A holiday journey Unit 1《What did you do?》

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七年級(jí)英語(yǔ)下冊(cè)Module 10 Unit 1《What did you do》

to use money to pay for sth.,to pass or use time
v.花費(fèi)(時(shí)間,金錢)  spend
to look ahead with confidence and expectation
v.&n. 希望    hope
on vacation   在度假;休假   on holiday
something that shows the time of day
n.時(shí)鐘;計(jì)時(shí)器  clock
to shop
買東西;購(gòu)物    do some shopping
the day after today;on the day after today
n. 明天  tomorrow
adv.  在明天
go---went      have---had     leave----left     take---took    get---got     meet---met    spend----spent    see----saw    swim----swam
Look at the map.
大家都知道,世界地圖是由七大洲(seven continents)和四大洋(four oceans)組成,誰(shuí)知道其名稱分別是什么?
A:What are you going to do on holiday?
B:I'm going to Santa Monica.
A:I went there last summer holiday.
B:Whom did you go with?
A:I went there with my uncle and aunt.
Read and answer the questions.
1.How did Betty get to Los Angeles?
She flew there.
2.How did Betty get to her friends' home?
Her friends drove her.
3.Why was Betty excited at Disneyland?
Because she met Snow White and Mickey Mouse.
4.How long did she stay in Disneyland?
She stayed for two days.
5.Where did she go swimming?
She went swimming in the Pacific Ocean at Santa Monica.
Language pints
1.What are you going to do on holiday,Tony?
be on holiday  或have a holiday 意為在“度假”。如:
We'll be on summer holiday.
=We'll have a summer holiday.
My parents will be on holiday tomorrow.
have a/one's holiday  度假
during a holiday  在一次假期中
summer holiday  暑假
winter holiday  寒假
2.I went there two years ago.
three days ago  三天以前
a moment ago   片刻之前
3.How long did it take to get there?
It takes sb. some time to do sth.意思是“花費(fèi)時(shí)間做...”it為形式主語(yǔ),真正的主語(yǔ)時(shí)動(dòng)詞不定式。如:
It took me four hours to drive there.
It will take time a week to finish this work.
表示“花費(fèi)”的詞,除了take 外,還有spend與cost.
spend 是動(dòng)詞,意為“度過,花費(fèi)”,其主語(yǔ)通常是人。它常用的搭配有:spend some time/money on sth.“在...上花費(fèi)時(shí)間(金錢);spend some time/money (in) doing sth.“花費(fèi)時(shí)間(金錢)做某事”,其中in可以省略。如:
I spent two hours on this maths problem.
They spent two years (in)building this bridge.
cost 的主語(yǔ)通常是物或某項(xiàng)活動(dòng)。如:
This computer cost me a lot of money.
take 的主語(yǔ)通常是it 或某項(xiàng)活動(dòng)。It takes/took sb. some time to do sth.意思是“做某事花了某人多少時(shí)間”。如:
It took them three years to finish the programme.
Fill in the blanks according to the conversation.Then practice the conversation with your classmates.
Lingling and her friends are talking about their (holidays).Tony will go to Los Angeles.Betty (went) there two years ago.It (took)her about nine hours to get there.Her friendss (met)her at the airport.
First,Betty and her parents went to Disneyland and they (spent)two days there.Then they went to Hollywood.They didn't (see)any movie stars.Finally they (swam)in the Pacific Ocean at Santa Monica.It was so great.Betty (had)a good time in Los Angeles.
Listen and underline the stressed words.
1.When did Betty go to Los Angeles?
2.How long did it take her to get there?
3.Where did she go?
4.Who met her at the airport?
5.What did she see there?
Now say the sentences aloud.
Work in pairs.Talk about a special holiday.Ask and answer.
1.Where did you go?
2.When did you go?
3.How did you get there?
4.How long did you spend there?
5.What did you do or see?
6.What was it like?
Talk about my holiday journey.
Last summer,I (had)(have)a holiday journey.I (went)(go)to Weihai with my friends by bus.I(saw)(see)the beautiful sea and (did)(do)some shopping.I (spent)(spend)two days there.I (took)(take)many photos.I (had)(have)a great time.
Choose the bset answers.
(C)1.When did Betty go to Los Angeles?
A Four years ago     B Tow months ago    C Two years ago   D Nine hours ago
(A)2.Where did Betty's aunt and uncle meet her?
A At the station   B At the airport    C At the subway station  D At the street
3.(C)Where did Betty go first?
A Los Angeles    B Hollywood    C Disneyland   D Santa Monica
4.(B)Where did they swim?
A At the pool     B In the Pacific Ocean  C At the spring   D In the Mexico Gulf
5.(C)What did they see in Hollywood?
A The swimming pools
B The homes of the stars
C The homes of the movie stars
D Some homes.
Let's appreciate(欣賞)some pictures of the U.S.A.Maybe you will know more about the country.
Los Angeles
Los Angeles.usually shortened to LA,is over 1,202 sq kms on the west coast of the USA.Its population is about 9.9 million including about 200,000 Chinese residents.Business in Chinatown include traditional medicine as well as restaurants and shops.
Write a short passage about a special holiday journey.






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