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七年級(jí)英語(yǔ)上冊(cè)Module 3《Travels》Unit 6 Travelling around Asia(Reading)

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《Travelling around Asia--Reading》
1.Getting ready

What is this unit probably about?
Do you want to visit Hong Kong,Lo?
Yes,I do.My head was made there.
2.What do you know about...?
Look at the photo of some famous places in China.In pairs,discuss and answer the questions.
1.Do you know these places?Which cities are they in?
2.Which place do you like best?Why?

Know about Shanghai
Today,we will go sightseeing in Shanghai.
Peter is from Shanghai.He will show you around this beautiful city.
What do you know about Shanghai?
Shanghai is both traditional and modern.
Do you want to know more about Shanghai?You are going to reding an article from a travel guide.

Before you read
Look at the photos,the title and the sub-headings of the article on page 73.Then circle the corrct answers.
1.This article is about ______.
a life in Shanghai        b places in Shanghai
2.______ is a large public area with green grass.
a People's Square         b The Bund
3.______ is where old shanghai meets new Shanghai.
a The Bund                b Yu Garden
4.Yu Garden is a ______ garden.
a traditional          b modern

Visiting Shanghai
Here are some famous places in shanghai.
Shanghai is one of the largest cisties in the world.If you like sightseeing,you will love it.
People's Square
People's Square si in the centre of Shanghai.It is a large public area with green grass.fountains and birds.If you visit People's Square.you can also see famous buildings around it.such as the Shanghai Grang Theatre and the Shanghai Museum.
The Bund
The Bund is where old Shanghai meets new Shanghai.If you walk along the Bund,you will see many old buildings.The Pudong New Area,just across teh Huangpu River,has many modern buildins,At night,these tall buildings light up the sky in every direction.
Yu Garden
Yu Garden is traditional garden.
If you enjoy history and natural beauty,you will love this garden,There are many beautiful buildings,brideges and ponds.You can also buy different snakes just outside the garden.

Shanghai is one of the largest cities in the world.
one of+形容詞最高級(jí)+可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù)

Complete the spidergram using in formation from the aryicle on page 73.
Visiting Shanghai
People's Square
The Bund
Yu Garden
What else can you see at those places?
Add more information to the spidergram.
green grass,fountains,birds.
old buildings
bridges,ponds,snakes,modern buildings

Match the people with the places they would like to visit in Shanghai.Write the letters in the corrct boxes.
I like visiting museuus.Where should I go?
Where can I see both and modern buildings in Shanghai?
I want to try some Shanghai snakes.

Further study:Q and A
Where is People's Square in Shanghai?
It is in the centre of Shanghai.
What can you see along the Bund?
You will see many old buildings along the Bund.
What happens to the tall buildings in the Pudong New Area at night?
At night,these tall buildings light up the sky in every direction.
Is Yu Garden a modern garden?
No,it is a traditional garden.If you enjoy history and natural beauty,you will love this garden.
If you are visiting Yu Garden,where can you buy different snakes?
You can buy different snakes just outside the garden.

The words in italics are from the article on page 73.Match the two halves of these sentences to make them meaningful.
1.Sightseeing usually refer to...
2.The centre is ...
3.A modern building is...
4.Exercises of traditional food are...
5.The natural word means...
b.the middle of somethings.
c.vistiting interesting places.
d.one built not long ago.
e.dumplings and moon cakes.

Complete the conversation with words adn phrase from the box.
1.Kate:What can you see _______ the window,Jill?
  Jill:I can see the Moon.It _____ the sky.
2.Joe: Do you know anything about the Summer Palace?
 Cathy:Of course.It's a famous place in Beijing.There are many old _____ there.There are also some beautiful _____ on a big lake.
   Joe:What about the Great Wall?
 Cathy:It's important part of Chinese history.The mountains there are very beautiful.so we can also enjoy the _______ beauty.

Your friend Tom is asking you some questions about travelling in Shanghai.Complete your answer by using the information in the article on page 73.
Tom:Which places should I visit?
You:You should visit People's Square.You should visit the Bund too.
    You can see ____________ along the Bund.You can also see the Pudong New     Area just across the Hungpu River.It has many __________.
Tom:It sunds great.Where else can I go?
You:You can also visit Yu Garden.It's __________.
    You can also see ___________ in the garden.
    You can also buy ____________ just outside the garden.

4.完成《練習(xí)冊(cè)》第82頁(yè)Vocabulary和第89頁(yè)reading A的練習(xí)。


七年級(jí)英語(yǔ)上冊(cè)Module 3 Unit 6 Travelling around Asia(Talk time, More practice)

七年級(jí)英語(yǔ)上冊(cè)Module 3《Travels》Unit 6 Travelling around Asia(Listening, Grammar, Writing)


七年級(jí)英語(yǔ)上冊(cè)Module 3《Travels》Unit 6 Travelling around Asia(Reading)

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