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七年級(jí)英語(yǔ)下冊(cè)Module 5 Shopping Unit 1《What can I do for you?》

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七年級(jí)英語(yǔ)下冊(cè)Module 5 Unit 1《What can I do for you》

Free talk
Do you like shopping?
Where do you usually go shopping?
What do you usually buy?
Can I help you?      你想買什么?
What can I do for you?   你想買什么?
What color do you want?   你要什么顏色的?
Which one do you want?   你想要哪一個(gè)?
Which do you like bette?   你更喜歡哪一個(gè)?
Here you are.  給你
It is ten yuan.  它的價(jià)格是十元。
They're $20.   它們的價(jià)格是二十美元。
You're welcome.    不客氣
I want...   我想買.....
I would like...  我想買....
How muche is it/are they?    什么價(jià)格?
It is very cheap.  它很便宜。
They are very dear(expensive).   它們很貴。
I'm sorry I can't afford it.   對(duì)不起,我付不起錢。
I'll take it.   我買下它。
Thanks a lot!/Thank you very much.
Word and expressions
market   n.市場(chǎng)
biscuit    n.餅干
lemon  n.檸檬
strawberry    n.草莓
Mother's Day   母親節(jié)
size   n.尺碼,號(hào)
take/took   v.穿(某尺寸的衣服或鞋子)
may/might   v.aux 可以,可能
try on    試穿
certainly     adv.當(dāng)然,行
wait a minute   別急,稍等一會(huì)
sale   n.降價(jià)出售
price    n.價(jià)格
look   v.看起來(lái),顯得
fresh    adj.新鮮的
Listen and answer the questions.
1.What is Lingling going to buy for her mother on Mother's Day?
A T-shirt.
2.What is Betty going to make for her mother?
A cake.
3.What does Betty want to buy?
Strawberries,biscuits and some lemons.
4.When are they going to shops?
Tomorrow afternoon.
Language points
1.What can I do for you?
What can I do for you?“我能為你作些什么?”這句是省略句,原句應(yīng)為:
What can I do for you sir?與Can I help you?或May I help you?意思一樣。
2.I'd like to buy a T-shirt for my mum.
buy sth. for sb.=buy sb. sth.意思是“為某人買某物”。如:
She wants to buy some flowers for me.
=She wants to buy me some flowers.
Mommy,can you but this for me?
I bought myself a car.
Do your parents often (buy )new clothes (for)you?
2)My mother often (B) presents( )my grandmother.
A buy;for   B buys;for   C is buying;for   D buys;to
3.May I try it on?
try on意思是“試穿”,如果賓語(yǔ)是代詞,放中間。如:
The shoes are nice.Please try them on.
這雙鞋很好看。請(qǐng)?jiān)嚧?br> I want to try on the sweater.
Can I try on this shirt?
1)Here is a new coat for you.Please(A).
A try it on     B try on it   C try they on
I will (try on)my new coat.
Can I (try)this dress (on)?
4.How much are they? 多少錢?
How much is/are...? 詢問(wèn)價(jià)格。如:
-How much are the shoes?  這雙鞋多少錢?
-They're 165 yuan.   165元。
How much is that handbag?   那只手提包多少錢?
How much is your new shirt?   你的新襯衫多少錢買的?
此處,How much+不可數(shù)名詞+....?對(duì)數(shù)量提問(wèn)“多少...”。
-How much water is there in the bottle?
-Half a bottle.  有半瓶水。
How many+復(fù)數(shù)名詞...?對(duì)數(shù)量提問(wèn)“多少...?”
1)-How much are these pants?
A It's  B That's  C You're  D They're
-Two hundred yuan.
A How much is this apple
B How is your dog
C How much is that recorder
D How do you like this recorder
3.-(A)is this pair of shoes?
-150 yuan.
A How much   B How many   C How old   D How long
4.-(C)bags of milk do you want?
A How much  B How   C How many  D How about
Read the dialogue and then act it out with your partner.
A:Can I help you,madam?
B:Yes.Are there any tickets for tonight's concert?
A:Yes.But how many tickets do you want?
B:Can I have three,please?
B:How much are they?
A:They are four hundred and eighty yuan altogether.
B:Here you are.
Make dialogues about buying things in the following shops.






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七年級(jí)英語(yǔ)下冊(cè)Module 5 Shopping Unit 1《What can I do for you?》

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