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七年級英語下冊Module 4 Life in the future Unit 3《Language in use》

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七年級英語下冊Module 4 Unit 3《Language in use》

Complete these sentences.
It (often rains in Beijing)in summer.
There is(lots of/much rain all year)here.
I (will have a computer,so I will send)emails to my friends.
Mr.Li stays in London for (five days a month).
Choose the best answer.
1.If it (C)tomorrow,we'll go roller-skating.
A isn't rain    B won't rain   C doesn't rain   D doesn't fine
2.-Will his parents go to the US tomorrow?
A they willn't   B they won't    C they aren't    D they don't
3.The day after tomorrow they (D)a volleyball match.
A will matching  B watches   C is watching   D are going to watch
4.There (B)a birthday party this Sunday.
A shall be    B wil be   C shall going to be    D will going to be
當我們表達按照主觀意圖、打算或計劃安排將要做的事情時,通常用be going to來表達;當我們表達客觀上將來勢必會發(fā)生的事情,或?qū)ξ磥淼念A(yù)測時,則通常用“will+動詞原形”來表達。以"have classes"為例:
            句式結(jié)構(gòu)                       例句
肯定句      sb.+will+動詞原形+其他         I will have classes tomorrow.
否定句      Sb.+will+not+動詞原形+其他     I will not/I won't have any classes tomorrow.
一般疑問句  Will+sb.+動詞原形+其他        -Will you have classes tomorrow?
                                          -Yes,I will./No,I won't.
另外,一般將來時通常與以下時間狀語連用:tomorrow(明天),next year(明年),from now on(從現(xiàn)在起),in a month(一個月之后),in the future(將來)等。如:
I will finish this work in a week.
Change the following sentences as required .
1.Tom will have a meeting tomorrow.(改為一般疑問句)
(Will)Tom (have)a meeting tomorrow?
2.I think it will get warmer later on.(改為否定句)
I (don't)think it(will)get warmer later on.
3.They will go swimming next Sunday.(改為反義疑問句)
They will go swimming next Sunday,(won't they)?
4.My father will go to England (by plane).(對括號內(nèi)提問)
(How will)your father (go)to England?
5.The radio says (the sun will come out later).(對括號內(nèi)提問)
(What does)the radio(say)?
Fill in the blanks.
1.I (willleave)(will leave/leave)in a minute.
2.-Where is your sister,Jane?
-She (is doing)(is doing/does)her homewrok in her roo.She (will play)(will play/is playing)football with her friends after that.
3.I (am)(am/will be)free today,so I (will go)(go/will go)to bed early tonight.
4.Next Monday is Mary's birthday.Her mother(will give)(gives/will give)her a present.
5.The woman (gets up)(gets up/is getting up_at 7:00 every day.But she plans to (get up)(get up/gets up)early tomorrow because she (will have)(has/will have)a meeting tomorrow morning.
Choose the best answers.
(B)1.There( )a birthday party this Sunday.
A shall be    B will be   C shall going to be     D will going to be
(B)2.They ( )an English evening next Sunday.
A have   B are going to have    C will having   D is going to have
(B)3.( )you( )free next Sunday?
A Will,are   B Will;be   C Do;be    D Are;be
(C)4.He ( )there at ten tomorrow morning.
A will  B is   C will be  D be
(B)5.( )your borther ( )a magazine from the library?
A Are;going to borrow
B Is;goingto borrow
C Will;borrows
D Are;going to borrows
(A)6.-Shall I come again tomorrow afternoon?
-( )(好的).
A Yes,please    B Yes,you will  C No,please   D No,you won't
(A) 7.It ( )the year of the snake next year.
A is going to be       B is going to   C will be   D will is
(A)8.( )open the window?
A Will you please     B Please will you   C You please   D Do you
(D)9.-Let's go out to play football,shall we?
-OK.I ( ).
A will coming    B be going to come   C come  D am coming
(B)10.-It ( )us a long time to learn English well.
A take   B will take    C spends   D will spend
Complete the questions about the future.
1.(Will students use)(use)pens and paper?
2.(Will students read)(read)books?
3.(Will people travel)(travel)by small plane?
4.(Will students send)(send)emails to teachers?
Around the world
Read the discuss.
What can the robots do in Japan?
Robots can clean the house and play with people.
Module task
Making a poster about life in the future in your hometown
Thing about life in the future.
Work in groups of four.Talk about your ideas.Decide on five good ideas.
-What will school be like in the future?
-The teacher won't write on a blackboard....
-How will our homes change?
-There will be more machines...
-Will we find new ways to travel?
-Yes,we will.We'll.....
-Will the weather change?
-Yes,it will.It will be....
Complete the sentences.
There will be (heavy rain)tomorrow.
It (is getting cold)in the evening.
What will our life be like (in the future)?
I like reading (in my free time).
Tom has Chinese classes (two times a week).
Write s short passage about "Life in the future".






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七年級英語下冊Module 4 Life in the future Unit 3《Language in use》

七年級英語下冊Module 4 Life in the future Unit 2《Every family will have a small plane.》

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