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七年級英語下冊Module 2 What can you do? Unit 3《Language in use》

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七年級英語下冊Module 2 Unit 3《Language in use》

play football
They can play football.
I can't play football.
play basketball
James can play basketball very well.
I can play basketball,but I can't play it well.My brother can't play basketball.
Sun Yang can swim.
My sister can swim,and she can swim very well.I can't swim.
ride a bike
Wang Zhen can ride a bike.
The man can't ride a bike.
play the piano
Lang Lang can play the piano well.
Li Yundi can play the piano well,too.
(1)I/You/He/She/They/We can/can't+動詞原形
(2)Can you/he/she/they...?
(3)I can't...,but I can....?
Complete the sentences with can or can't.
1.-(Can)you swim?
-Yes,but I (can't)swim well.
2.-Are you coming with us?
-Sorry,I (can't)ride a bike.
3.-What(can)the new cleaning monitor do for us?
-He (can)make our classroom tidy.
4.-(Can)you play the piano for us?
-Sorry,I (can't)play the piano,but I (can)sing for you.
Around the world
How many official languages are there?What are they?
There are six official languages.They are Chinese,English,Spanish,French,Russian and Arabic.
World Englishes
British English
Australian English
Canadian English
Singapore English
African English
Malaysian English
Indian English
American English
Making a poster for a club
Work in groups.Talk about a new school club.
Choose a name for the club.
Choose a day and time for the club.
Ask people to join the club.
Music Club
Can you sing?
Mondays 4:30 pm
Can you play the piano?
The Music Room
Come and join the Music Club!
I can play the piano.
I can run really fast.
I can even help teachers too.
She can dance really well.
We can teach you Chinese!
Choose me and we can make our classroom beautiful.
I can't speak Chinese very well.
-Can you cook?
-Yes,I can./No,I can't.
Which club can she join?
本模塊主要講情態(tài)動詞can 的用法,先看幾個例句:
Ann can speak English.
They boy can count.
Lucy can't play the piano.
-Can they play basketball?
-Yes,they can.
-Can Susan dance?
-No,she can't.
I can't swim.
Can you finish this work this week?
That big cinema can seat 2,000 people.
Temperature can reach 35 degree ℃ in the summer here.
You can have the book when I have finished it.
-Can I go now?
-Yes,you can.
-Can she be English?
-She can't be English.She must be Chinese or Korean.
can和be able to的比較
can和be able to的相似點:can和be able to都有表示“能力”的意思。
I can get best score in every match.
I'd love to be able to sing like you.
Can 和be able to的區(qū)別:can 能用來表示人或事物的能力,而be able to只能用來表示人的能力。如:
Energy can move things.(只能用can)
①She can speak English.
②Come and help us,if you can.
③Shanghai was a place where anyone could start a business.
He couldn't be a bad man.
④By climbing on the chair he was able to reach the window.
⑤She'll be able to walk soon.
(can沒有將來時,但可以用will be able to,指某人某人將來有能力或某事將來可能發(fā)生,時間比較久)
⑥I haven't been able to phone my parents yet.
(can沒有完成時態(tài),但可以用has/have been able to表示)
4.Complete the passage with the correct form of the words from the box.
beautiful   Chinese  monitor   piano  tidy
I like playing the (piano).I am Chinese so I can speak (Chinese)very well and I can speak English too.I am very (tidy)and I help my mum to clean our home.I want to be the cleaning (monitor)at school because I want to make our classroom (beautiful).






七年級英語下冊Module 9 Life history Unit 3《Language in use》

七年級英語下冊Module 6 Around town Unit 1《Could you tell me how to get to the National Stadium?》

七年級英語下冊Module 5 Shopping Unit 3《Language in use》

七年級英語下冊Module 5 Shopping Unit 2《You can buy everything on the Internet.》

七年級英語下冊Module 5 Shopping Unit 1《What can I do for you?》

七年級英語下冊Module 4 Life in the future Unit 3《Language in use》

七年級英語下冊Module 4 Life in the future Unit 2《Every family will have a small plane.》

七年級英語下冊Module 9 Life history Unit 2《He decided to be an actor.》

七年級英語下冊Module 9 Life history Unit 1《He left school and began work at the age of twelve.》


七年級英語下冊Module 2 What can you do? Unit 3《Language in use》

七年級英語下冊Module 2 What can you do? Unit 2《I can run really fast.》

七年級英語下冊Module 4 Life in the future Unit 1《Everyone will study at home.》

七年級英語下冊Module 3 Making plants Unit 3《Language in use》

七年級英語下冊Module 3 Making plants Unit 2《We're going to cheer the players.》

七年級英語下冊Module 3 Making plants Unit 1《What are you going to do at the weekend?》

七年級英語下冊Module 2 What can you do? Unit 1《I can play the piano.》

七年級英語下冊Module 1 Lost and found Unit 3《Language in use》

七年級英語下冊Module 1 Lost and found Unit 2《Are they yours?》


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