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七年級英語下冊Module 2 What can you do? Unit 2《I can run really fast.》

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七年級英語下冊Module 2 Unit 2《I can run really fast.》

Words and expressions
monitor  n.班長;監(jiān)督員
start  n.開始;開端
get on well with sb.  與某人相處融洽
ready  adj.樂意的
be ready to do sth.    樂于做某事
promise  v.承諾;保證
fast  adv.快地;快速地
fit  adj.健康的;強健的
just  adv.就;且請;正好
ball  n.球;球類游戲
game   n.運動項目
team  n.隊伍;球隊
best  adj.最好的
score  n.得分;成績
tidy  adj.(愛)整齊的;(愛)整潔的
sure  adj.確信的;有把握的
everybody   pron.每個人
just like  正如;正像
beautiful   adj.美的;美麗的
Show yourself
I can...
Wrok in pairs.
Can you...?
Yes,I can./No,I can't.
I'd like to join....club because I can....
Work in pairs.Ask and answer the questions.
1.Which monitor would you like to be for your class?
Class monitor
PE monitor
Cleaning  monitor
2.What do these monitos do?
Listen and check the true sentences.
1.Lingling doesn't get on well with others.(×)
2.Lingling is kind to everyone.(√)
3.Daming is good at sport so he wants to be the PE monitor.(√)
4.Daming plays football for the school.(×)
5.Tony doesn't like cleaning.(×)
6.Tony's home is tidy.(√)
Read the Pala 1 and Pala 2 and answer he questions.
1.What are they doing in the start of the new term?
They are choosing the new class monitors.
2.What does Lingling want to be?
She wants to be the class monitor.
3.What kind of person is Lingling?
She gets on well with everyone,she works hard and  does well at school and she is kind and always helps others.
Read the Para 3 and answer he questions.
1.What does Daming want to be?
He wants to be the PE monitor.
2.What is Daming good at?
He is good at football.
3.Does Daming play football for the school?
No,he doesn't.He plays basketball for the school.
Read the Pare.4 and fill in the blanks.
Tony often (helps)his mother (do cleaning)at home.His home is (clean)and (tidy).If he will be the (cleaning)monitor,he will make his classroom (beautiful)like(home).
Language points
1.I'd like to be the class monitor.
主語+would like/love/prefer to...這一句型表達“想要做某事”,類似于want to do...
I would like to have a rest now.=
I want to have a rest.
I want to be the PE monitor.
2.I get on well with everyone,classmates and teachers/
get on well with意思是“和....相處得很好”。
I get on well with my friends.
動詞短語get along well with和get on well with意思相近,意為“和睦相處,相處融洽”。
He gets along well with his families.
想要表達“與某人相處得不好”,可以用get on badly with sb.;如果想詢問與某人相處得怎樣,要用how來提問,如:
-How do you get on wit your classmates?
-Just so so.
3.I'm kind and I'm always ready to help others.
be ready to  愿意做某事;為...做準(zhǔn)備
He packed up and was ready to go.
After many hours at the wheel,I was ready to stop.
We are ready to help them.
All the young soldiers are ready to bleed for the counry.
get ready for/to do和be ready to do的區(qū)別。
get ready to do sth.和be ready to do sth.的意思是“準(zhǔn)備做某事”。前者強調(diào)行為;后者強調(diào)狀態(tài)。兩者后面可接介詞for,for后面接名詞。如:
We are ready for the English test.
We got ready for the dictation.
3.But I'm ready good at football.
be good at表示“擅長于某一學(xué)科知識或技能”,也可表示“在....方面做的好?!眀e good at后面接名詞、代詞、動詞的-ing形式,相當(dāng)于do well in,反義短語是be bad at表示“在...方面做得不好”。如:
Mike is good at swimming.
I am good at English.
be good for表示“對...有好處(益處)”,反義短語是“be bad for(對...有害處”。如:
Running is good for your health.
Watching TV too much is bad for your eyes.
be good to 表示“對待...好”,to后一般接表示人的代詞或名詞,其中g(shù)ood可用friendly 代替。反義短語是“be bad to(對待...不好)”。如:
Miss Li is very good/friendly to us students.
The son is not good/bad to his old parents.
be good at sth.和be good at doing sth.表示“善于,擅長于(做)...”,be good at sth./doing sth.與do well in sth./doing sth.結(jié)構(gòu)相同,使用時要注意系動詞be和謂語動詞do在主語人稱和人數(shù)不同時的相應(yīng)變化。如:
My father is good at drawing horses.
My father does well in draing horses.
4.Choose me as your class monitor and I promise to help YOU!
As your friend,I will be with you forever.
5.I often help my mother do cleaning at home and I like a clean and tidy house.
do some cleaning  打掃衛(wèi)生
do some shopping  買東西
do some reading   看書
do some washing   洗衣服
1.Doing eye exercises is good (for)your eyes.
2.Eating too much is bad(for)you health.
3.Miss Li is good(to)all of us.
4.The boss is bad(to)his workers.
5.Li Lei is good (at)drawing,but I'm bad (at)it.
6.Tom's uncle can drive cars.He is good at (driving)(drive).
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the expressions from the box.
get on well with    good at    read to
1.Lingling is a kind girl and she is always (ready to)help others.
2.Everybody likes her because she(gets on well with)ohers.
3.Daming plays football and is (good at)sports.
Write a passage about one of the monitors in your class.Use the passage in reading we have learned.
Possible words and phrases:
get on well with,work hard,do well,kind,help others,enjoy sport,run,play,be good at,do the cleaning,clean and tidy,just like
My monitor
Zhang Xin is our monitor.She is tall,healthy and lively.She does well in all subjects.She like sports and is good at singing and dancing.Zhang Xin works hard at English.She always helps others.She is very strict with herslef in her work and daily life.She sets us all a fine example.
Would you like to be a monitor?Why?Please introduce yourself in your class.
You can say:
I can....
I am good at...
I'm ready to help....






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