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七年級英語下冊Module 3 Making plants Unit 2《We're going to cheer the players.》

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七年級英語下冊Module 3 Unit 2《We're going to cheer the players.》

look forward to,make friends,enjoy oneself,take a walk,summer holiday,go sightseeing
I'm looking forward to the football match tomorrow.
I hope they win the match!
Words and expressions
look forward to   盼望
fan  n.迷;支持者
make friends  交朋友
shirt   n.球衣;(男士)襯衫
cheer   v.為...喝彩
player   n.運動員;選手
hope  v.希望
win   v.贏,獲勝
enjoy oneself  過得愉快
myself   pron.我自己
May  n.五月
May Day    五一勞動節(jié)
late   adv.遲;晚  adj.遲的;晚的
walk   n.步行,走
take a walk   散步
country    n.鄉(xiāng)下;鄉(xiāng)村
second  num.第二
collect v.收集
litter   n.垃圾
fun  n.娛樂;樂趣
summer holiday    暑假
camp  n.營地;帳篷
Australian    adj.澳大利亞的
singhtseeing   n.觀光,游覽
go sightseeing    觀光
beach   n.海濱;海灘
What are they going to do next Sunday?
have a party
I'm going to collect litter in the park.
I'm going to go swimming.
I'm going on a summer camp in Sydney,Australia.
We're going sightseeing and going to have a picnic on the beach.
We're going to watch the football match.
What are you going to do at the weekend?
I'm going to have a picnic.
Pair work
-What are you going to do this afternoon/this evening/this weekend?
-I am going to ....
What are you looking forward to?
I'm looking forward to May Day holiday.
注:look forward to+n./v-ing
I'm looking forward to...
the Great Wall
I'm looking forward to visiting the Great Wall with my parents.
I'm looking forward to visiting the Forbidden City.
I'm looking forward to lying on the beach and enjoying the sun and the sea.
I'm looking forward to visiting Hong Kong and shopping there.
2.I'm going to enjoy myself during the May Day holiday.
enjoy oneself   意思是過得愉快,相當(dāng)于have a good time.在口語中,用作祈使句。
Enjoy yourself!
3.Work in pairs.Ask and answer the questions.
1.When is Martain going to watch a football match?
2.What does Martin hope?
He hopes his favourite team win the match.
3.Why is it going to be a busy holiday for Zhang Sijia?
Because she's going to do some things,such as reading a book,going out with her family and friends,taking a walk in the country or going swimming,collecting litter in the park.
4.Why is this summer holiday going to be different for Lucy?
Because she's going on a summer camp in Sydney,Australia.
5.Who is Lucy going to stay with?
Lucy is going to stay with an Australian family.
4.Complete the sentences with the correct form of the expressions from the box.
Australian  beach   camp  cheer  collect   during   forward   fun   hope   litter  player   sightseeing  something  swimming  win
Martain and his friends are going to watch their favourite football team play and (cheer)the (players).It's going to be great(fun)and they(hope)their team gets the best score and (wins)the match.
Zhang Sijia is going to do(something)withe her family and friends on May Day.They're going to take a walk or go (swimming).There's a lot of (litter)in the park,and on 2nd May,they're going to (collect)it.
(During)her summer holiday,Lucy is going to a summer (camp)and is going to stay with a(n)(Australian)family.They're going to the (beach)and are going (sightseeing).She's really looking (forward)to her holiday in Australia.
5.Look at the question and answer.
-Why is Martin looking forward to tomorrow?
-Martin is looking forward to tomorrow because he and his friends are going to watch their favourite team play football.
1.Why is Zhang Sijia going to a park near her friend's house?
Zhang Sijia going to a park near her friends's house because they are going to collect litter.
2.Why is this summer holiday going to be very different for Lucy?
This summer is going to be very different for Lucy because she's going on a summer camp is Sydney,Australia.
6.Work in pairs.Ask and answer the questions.
1.What are you looking forward to this weekend?
2.What are you going to do?
3.Why are you going to do it?
1.I like to meet my favourite star Marbury,and other f(ans).
2.The crowd (cheered)and said "Happy New Year!"
3.He usually t(akes)a walk and talks about something after dinner.
4.Her garanparents live in the c(ountry).
5.We're going to take some photos on the b(each).
1.They have never been to Beijing.They're going there to(C).
A go swimming   B go finshing   C go sightseeing   D go cycling
2.I'm (B)my summer holiday.
A look forward      B looking forward to   C looking forward    D look forward to
3.Mary is going to (A)her eamil this evening.
A check   B look   C watch   D see
4.Tom is looking forward to (C)the new film.
A see   B to see   C seeing  D sees
5.I'm going to see some classic movies (A)the winter holiday.
A during   B after   C before   D until
1.在星期五lisa 的歡送會上,我結(jié)識了一些新朋友。
I (made)some new(friends)at Lisa's farewell party on Friday.
She likes to lie(on the beach).
I'm going to (enjoy myself)this weekends.
I'm going to (go sightseeing)this summer holiday.
She's (looking forward to)new chances.
1.Review the new words and expressions in the passage.
2.Make plans for your weekend.







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