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七年級英語上冊Unit 8《Fashion》Reading

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Unit 8《Fashion》Reading
New words
lady 女士               cool 酷的
gentleman 先生          cotton 棉,棉織物
gentlemen 先生(復(fù)數(shù))  scarf(scarves) 圍巾
style 風(fēng)格              both 兩個
trainer 運動鞋          jeans 牛仔褲
comfortable 舒適的      silk 絲綢
popular 受歡迎的        wool 羊毛
among 在…中            boot 靴子
purple 紫色的           both...and... …和…都
grey 灰色的             be made of 由…制成
smart 精干的
The students in Millie's class are giving a fashion show in the school hall.
Listen to the text and answer:
How many students (models) show us different styles of clothes?
The fashion show
Read the text quickly and try to fill in the table with the right information.

  Name  Clothes
 Millie  Sports clothes and a pair of trainers
 Simon  A purple shirt, a pair of grey trousers and a red and grey tie
   Amy  A cotton blouse, a blue scarf and blue jeans
 Daniel  A blue T-shirt and jeans
  Sandy  A red blouse, a black skirt and red boots
Read the first and second parts and complete it:
This is Millie. She is wearing ______ ______ and a ______ ______ ______. Trainers are ______ and ______. They are ______ among ______ people.
Read the third part and complete it:
This is Simon. He is wearing a ______ shirt and ______ ______ ______ grey trousers. His ______ and ______ tie matches his clothes. He looks ______.
Read the fourth part and complete it:
Amy ______ cool! She wears a ______ ______ ______ with a blue ______ and a ______ of blue ______ at the show! Young people like to wear ______.
Read the fourth part and complete it:
Daniel wears a ______ of blue ______. He wears a ______ T-shirt. He looks ______.
Read the fifth part and complete it:
This is Sandy. She ______ a black ______ skirt, long ______ boots and a red ______ blouse. She looks ______ and ______.
Listen again and circle the correct things for each student.
B2: Here are some descriptions of the clothes in the fashion show. Write a T if a sentence is true or an F if it is false.
1. Young people like trainers.
2. Simon's tie is red and yellow.
3. Both Amy and Daniel wear blue jeans.
4. Jeans are popular among young people.
5. Sandy looks modern and beautiful.
B3: Kitty wants to put some photos on the school website. She is adding captions to the photos. Help her finish them.
1. ______ are light and comfortable.
2. Simon's red and grey ______ matches his lothes.
3. Amy is wearing a blue ______.
4. Daniel is wearing a blue ______.
5. Youny people like ______.
6. Sandy's red ______ is made of silk.
B4: Kitty is talking about the show with Sandy and Simon, complete the conversation using the information on page 94.
-- What a great show, Sandy. I really like your long red boots.
-- Thank you. I think they match my red ______ silk blouse.
-- I also like your skirt. Is it silk too?
-- No, it's ______.
-- You look ______ and beautiful today, Sandy. And you, Simon, do you like your clothes?
-- Yes, I like them very much. Do I look ______, Kitty?
-- Yes. You look great in your ______ shirt, ______ trousers and red and grey tie.
-- Thanks. I also like to wear Jeans.
-- Most young people like Jeans. Amy and Daniel look ______ in blue jeans.
Key points:
1. I am Millie from Class 1, Grade 7.
She is Amy from England.
2. We are going to show you different styles of clothes.
show sb. sth. = show sth. to sb.
  show me your new coat
= show your new coat to me
3. Both of them are wearing blue jeans.
如:我們兩個都 both of us
Amy和Sandy都 both Amy and Sandy
Jeans are popular among young people.
4. Here comes Simon.   Simon來了。(倒裝句,here放在前。)
 = Simon is coming.
  Here come the students.
= The students are coming.
5. 一件紫色的襯衫
  a purple shirt
6. 一條灰色的褲子
  a pair of grey trousers
7. 一條紅灰相間的領(lǐng)帶
  a red and grey tie
8. 看上去很神氣 look smart
9. 看上去很醋 look cool
10. 一件黃色的棉襯衫 a yellow cotton blouse
11. 一條藍(lán)色的圍巾
  a blue scarf  (scarves)
12. 一雙紅色的靴子  a pair of red boots
    一條黑色的羊毛短裙  a black wool skirt
    一件紅色的絲綢襯衫  a red silk blouse
13. That's all for sth. 某件事情到此結(jié)束
1. Welcome to our f_____ show.
2. Here are different s_____ of clothes.
3. Trainers are l_____.
4. Jeans are popular a_____ young people.
5. My red blouse m_____ my shorts.
6. He looks s_____.
7. She looks m_____ and beautiful.
Please write an article about your friend's fashionable clothes.






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