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七年級英語上冊Unit 8《Fashion》Welcome to the unit

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Unit 8《Fashion》Welcome to the unit
What is she doing?
She is showing her clothes.
——a fashion show
Getting into the Fashion World
shirt   blouse   T-shirt
trousers   a pair of trousers
jeans      a pair of jeans
shorts     a pair of shorts
trainers   a pair of trainers
boots      a pair of boots
shoes      a pair of shoes
tie(s)   coat   suit
skirt   dress   socks   a pair of socks
hat   gloves   scarf
a pair of gloves
jumper   sweater   jacket
shirt  男式襯衫  blouse  女式襯衫
trousers  褲子   trainers  運動鞋
boots  靴子      dress  長裙
skirt  短裙      tie  領(lǐng)帶
shoes  鞋子      suit  套裝
T-shirt  T恤     jacket  夾克
jumper  套頭衫   jeans  牛仔褲
shorts  短褲     scarf  圍巾
coat  外套       sweater  毛衣
socks  短襪   hat  帽子   gloves  手套
1、一條褲子  a pair of trousers
2、一雙靴子  a pair of boots
3、一件粉色的女上衣  a pink blouse
4、兩條領(lǐng)帶  two ties
5、一件紅色短裙  a red skirt
6、一場時裝表演  a fashion show
Finish Part A on Page 93.
What are they wearing?
He is wearing a green shirt, a black tie, a pair of blue trousers and a pair of black shoes.
She is wearing a pink blouse, a pink skirt and a pair of pink boots.
Simon is wearing a purple shirt, a red and yellow tie, a pair of white trousers and a pair of black shoes.
Amy is wearing a blue scarf, a yellow blouse, a pair of blue jeans and a pair of blue shoes.
Daniel is wearing a blue and yellow T-shirt, a pair of white and black trousers and a pair of colourful trainers.
Sandy is wearing a red blouse, a black skirt and a pair of red boots.
Millie is asking her mother to lend her some clothes for the fashion show.
Listen and choose the right answers.
1. What is Millie going to wear?
   A. a red skirt     B. a yellow skirt
   C. a red blouse    D. a pink blouse
2. What size is her mother's blouse?
   A. size 6       B. size 4
   C. size 5       D. size 7
Millie: Can you lend us your red blouse for our fashion show, Mum?
Mum: Of course, dear.
Millie: What size is your blouse, Mum?
Mum: Size 4.
Millie: Oh, it's too large for me, but Sandy can wear it. She is tall.
Mum: OK, then.
Millie: Thank you, Mum.
Key points:
1. 借某物給某人
lend sb. sth. = lend sth. to sb.
2. 向某人借某物
borrow sth. from sb. = borrow sb. sth.
3. 把某物歸還給某人
return sth. to sb.
4. 這對我來說太大了。
It's too large for me.
Millie: Can you ______ us your red blouse for our fashion show, Mum?
Mum: ______ ______, dear.
Millie: ______ ______ is your blouse, Mum?
Mum: Size 4.
Millie: Oh, it's ______ ______ ______ ______, but Sandy can ______ it. She is tall.
Mum: OK, then.
Millie: Thank you, Mum.
Make a dialogue with your partner.
A: Can you lend us your ... for our fashion show, ...?
B: Of course, ....
A: What size is your ..., ...?
B: Size ....
A: Oh, it's too large/small for me, but ... can wear it. ... is tall/short.
B: OK, then.
A: Thank you, ....
Comic strip
Do dogs need clothes?
Listen and answer:
1. Do dogs need to wear clothes?
2. Why does Eddie want 10 more minutes?
Fill in the blanks according to the dialogue.
Eddie does not ______ to wear today because dogs ______ wear ______. He wants to ______ 10 ______ minutes in bed then. He is so ______.
1. Eddie is a very l_____ dog. He is sleeping all the time.
2. There are sixty m_____ in an hour.
3. I am t_____ about what to wear.
4.Dogs don't w_____ clothes.
5. Eddie can s_____ ten more minutes in bed.
6. Can you l_____ me your pen?
7. What s_____ is your blouse?
8. It's too l_____ for Millie.
Choose a photo of your family. And describe what you are wearing.






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