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七年級英語上冊Unit 7《Shopping》Integrated skills

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Unit 7《Shopping》Integrated skills
1. Is there _____ paper on your desk?
2. He doesn't have _____ brothers.
3. We need _____ fruit at the party.
4. Does she have _____ friends there?
5. Would you like _____ bread?
6. There aren't _____ pears in the basket.
7. Could I have _____ snacks now?
1. There are some orange juice in the glass.
2. There are no bread on the table.
3. Is there two glasses of milk in our classroom?
4. There are some pork and beef on the table.
5. There is a meat in the box.
6. There are an orange and two bags of rice there.
Make a Survey
1. Do you have any pocket money?
2. How do you spend your pocket money?
A: Listen and match
1. Daniel      2. Sandy     3. Simon          4. Millie
a. music CDs   b. books     c.football cards  d.hair clips
1. Do the children in poor areas have any pocket money?
2. If they have some, how do they spend it?
Guess and listen
What do poor children need? books/shoes/T-shirts/CDs/sports? Finish the reason.
They can _____ a lot from the books.
They always _____ to school, and it is a _____ way.
They do not have many new _____.
Most of the children _____ listen to CDs.
A3: Read and complete the letter
Dear classmates:
Would you like to help the children in some Poor areas? They need _____ most. They can _____ from them. They always _____ a long way to school, so they also need _____. They do not have many _____ too. We can use our pocket money to buy them these things.
Thank you for your help.
Free talk
How can we help the poor children in poor areas?
1. Save our pocket money.
2. Raise some money for the poor children.
3. Collect new pencils, pens, notebooks, writing paper, rulers and rubbers for the poor children.
Speak up
Simon wants to buy a pair of shoes. He and his mother are talking to the shopkeeper.
Listen to the tape and try to answer:
1. What would Simon like to buy?
2. What's Simon's size?
3. How much do the shoes cost?
4. Do they buy the shoes?
Shopkeeper: Good moming. Can I help you?
Sandy: I'd like to buy a sweater.
Shopkeeper: What's your size?
Sandy: Size 6.
Shopkeeper: What colour do you like?
Sandy: I like dark yellow.
Shopkeeper: What about this one?
Sandy: OK. Can I try it on?
Shopkeeper: Yes, of course.
Sandy: It fits very well. How much is it?
Shopkeeper: 300 yuan.
Sandy: Oh, that's too expensive. Can we see another one?
Shopkeeper: What about this one? It's 100 yuan.
Sandy: It's nice. I'll take it.
1. Can I help you? / What can I do for you?
2. Just a minute.
3. Take a look. / Have a look.
4. The ... is/are .... It costs/They cost ....
5. What's your size?
6. May I try them on?
7. They fit very well.
Practise B2
You want to buy some things. Work in pairs and talk about the items in the table below. Use the conversation in Part B1 as a model.
Language points:
1. learn ... from 向…學(xué)習(xí)
Eg: We should learn from Tom.
2. We can use our pocket to buy them.
use ... to do sth 用…去做某事
如:We can use this bag to carry our books.
3. would like sth = want sth 想要某物
   would like to do sth 想要做某事
    I would like an apple.
    I would like to buy a book.
4. a pair of 一雙、對、副,其后常跟鞋、襪、褲等成雙成對的物品。如:
一雙鞋:a pair of shoes
一條褲子:a pair of trousers
5. try on 試穿;其后可加名詞和代詞;注意:名詞可放二者之間也可放后面,代詞必須放在二者之間。如:
試穿一雙鞋:try on a pair of shoes
            try a pair of shoes on
I like this pair of shoes. Can I try them on?
6. What's your size? 你穿多大碼?
Eg: --What's her size?
    --Size 38.
1. _____ do you use your pocket money?
   A. what   B. How   C. Why
2. They can learn a lot _____ books.
   A. from   B. at   C. for
3. They _____ have many new shoes.
   A. no   B. don't   C. doesn't
4. I would like _____ shoes.
   A. a   B. a pair   C. a pair of
5. I don't like this pair of pants, can I see another _____?
   A. pair   B. one   C. it
6. We can use our money _____ a book.
   A. buy   B. to buy   C. take
7. I like this pair, can I _____?
   A. try on them
   B. try them on
   C. try it on
8. --_____ are they?
   --40 yuan.
   A. How much   B. What   C. How many
9. Thank you _____ your help.
   A. to   B. for   C. at
10. --Thank you.
   A. That's all
   B. You're welcome
   C. Thank you
Remember the words and phrases in this lesson and try to paractise more.






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